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My obsessive Tyrant

My obsessive Tyrant

Fatima Murtala


When the most powerful Tyrant in the world of the supernatural meets he’s mate what will happen when she happens to be a human and an innocent one for that Read and find out more…. Will he be able to control his self and his beast ….? My obsessive Tyrant : By Murtala Fatima ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::

Chapter 1 The beginning

I hate having weird dreams about a very huge silhouette in shap of a massive dog/wolf chasing me in the forest, is not the ideal way of waking up almost everyday for the past 6years now.

Me waking up scared and sweating is not a new thing anymore to me, but today’s dream kinda rattled me a lot . instead of chasing me , the silhouette talks to me, and the worst part of it is , I really liked the voice , it really aroused me.

The voice is very deep, husky and baritone rich, it dents shivers down my spine. The voice sounds very heartbroken and in pain , I know it’s weird but I can feel his pain seeping through me .

Have you ever had this feeling like your soul is missing. Like half your soul is missing and you have to find it. That’s how I feel when I heard his voice, but it’s like I am complete, like my soul is complete. It’s like finally finding that one thing that you have been searching for.

Ugggh. What’s wrong with me, what am I even saying.

I have to hurry and get to Mr Pierre Caffeine. That’s where I work know , I have a double shift today so I have to hurry if I want something in my belly for this whole week .

The pay is not good , but it’s better than not having any job.

I kinda enjoy working their because Mr Pierre is a nice old man, he treats me well and sometimes he even gives me the left overs to go home with it. He’s the type of guy that believes in selling everything new the next day, he doesn’t sell the day before’s pastries ,he always sells them fresh out of the oven.

I got up and went to the bathroom, finish my business and take a quick shower. Saving it btw, when you pay your own bills you have to save water, if not the rent will be high and I can’t afford it.

I quickly got dressed in a plain white crop top and some sweatpants and my favorite sneakers, nothing fancy just me being my poor self.

I quickly get my phone and AirPods and am good to go.

I make sure I lock my shady apartment and walk straight to work, is a 15minute walk, so is no big deal.

I get their at a record time 14minute , Yayy me. I know my life sucks,but am bored.

I follow the back door and went to the kitchen to great Mr Pierre, I saw him making apple pie his favorite.

‘My love you are early’, as always, he says smiling at me, I returned his smile with my warm smile back, this old man here is everything to me, he’s the only one that sees my real smile, a smile that reached my heart not a forced one.

‘I can’t help it Mr Pierre, this is like a home to me, I will always want to come here early’

I patted his back and pick my apron and went to the front counter to start the day.

Another long and tiring shift……..


This is my first time publishing my book 📕 please Baer with me my loves ❤️🥀🥀

Excuse my typing error. Not edited yet because I can’t wait to share my fantasies with you guys …

kisses 😘💋💋💋

Have a wonderful day my darlings 🥀🥀😘

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