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One Week of Love (Short Story)

One Week of Love (Short Story)



Grace decided to take a one week trip to a not well-known island to release some stress. Little did she know that one week is enough to change everything. Is it really possible to catch feelings in only 7 days?

Chapter 1 Prologue

"Mom I'm planning to go on a vacation during semester break to relax my mind", said Grace, a 22-year-old studying creative writing at Dupont University.

"Sure but where are you going?" her mom asked.

"I'm planning on going to this place I found on Google Maps. Wait let me check the name again."

Grace fishes her phone out of her pocket and checks her notes.

"It's called Chatdosa Island. I researched a whole lot about it yesterday. It looks fun."

Her mom thinks for a moment and says, "Coincidentally I have a friend who has a homestay there for visitors. She just asked me to promote it yesterday. Her luck I guess.

I'll give you her number to contact. If you need anything just ask me okay?"

Grace nodded thankfully and started messaging the number her mother just sent to her.


"Hello my name is Grace Collins, I got your number from my mom and I'm calling to ask if your homestay is still available next week?"

"Hi there, how many days are you planning got stay?"

"7 days starting from this Sunday night."

They continued discussing the details of the stay.

"Miss, I forgot to inform you that the island doesn't have many foreign visitors but I can assure you the islanders are very welcoming and friendly. They also have an accent but it's not that difficult to figure out what they are saying. I hope you enjoy your stay miss!" and with that, the call ended.

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