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Being the cause of his parents' death, a plague was labelled on him the night he was born —he would be weak as long as he lived, he would be stepped upon like a slave, he would be lower than the lowest omega, and he would live his life in pains of being weak. But, there is a remedy to this, he has to find his mate and mate with her on a full moon. How would he find his mate when he was not even bold enough to behold the gaze of any female in the pack, and who would be willing to be a mate to the weakest wolf of the clan? Alpha Ripp lived in shackles, pains and anguish until he met Winter, the girl whose father killed his father. What happens when he has the feeling that Winter might be the only one who has the power to heal him of this curse, could she be his mate? And if she's his mate, would she be willing to ride with her father's enemy, or would she save him, and make him a whole Alpha again?

Chapter 1 PREFACE

It was achingly quiet as the moon stood out in the starless night. There were no souls out in the dark, or wolves prancing through trees as the residents of the Blood-Moon Pack retreated to their homes, for fear of the unknown.

This wasn’t a norm for them. But, this night, the moon goddess would be making her appearance. She did this on the first of every new year. Her presence signalled surplus, warmth, protection and jubilation once upon a full-moon. Now, it was associated with fear and anxiety, thanks to Alpha Arch’s promise.

Alpha Arch had promised the moon goddess to give her his first male child in exchange of defeating the Blue Pack, and taking all their families under his wing. It had been a greedy deal, but it had to be done. For if he had being merciful, his whole pack would go extinct.

Now, it has been 500 wolf years, and there was no heir. This was a source of sadness for Alpha Arch and his Luna, Sheryl. But, no matter how many times they got intimate, a boy was not forthcoming. The priestess had warned them not to try anymore, the Omega’s daughter, Tatiana who was a slave from the Blue pack would give them a child that would turn the history around.

For this very reason, Luna Sheryl brought Tatiana into the Alpha’s quarters, making her stand by the deserted hallway, as she went into Alpha Arch’s chambers after two consecutive knocks.

Alpha Arch wore a white robe which was made of leopard skin, sitting down on his shelf, a black ink poised on one of his left hands, while the other was resting absently on the bound letters. Luna Sheryl thought deep in her heart that she was so unlucky to give her mate to one of the slaves to mate. She felt like a failure.

This was not the time to feel sorry for herself. There was so much to do. Right now, what she needed to do was carry out the task she set out for this evening. She wouldn’t let anything happen to her mate and all of the pack because of her selfishness. If she didn’t do this, he would never agree to it.

With that, she stepped further into the room, her floor length satin night-gown brushing the carpeted floor with every movement. Alpha Arch still hasn’t noticed her presence.

“My love, could you please spare me a bit of your time?” She asked softly.

The bent spine of Alpha Arch straightened, and he steered his neck sideways to see her. His face was still as handsome as it had been 500 wolf years earlier. But, there was one difference, he had been marked by two lines running from his jaw to his collarbone, a result of the promise he’d made. It had stayed with him.

“You do not need to ask this after all these years? My time and yours are interwoven intermittently, such that, it can never be separated no matter how hard one tries." He said with each word laced in truth and love.

Luna Sheryl smiled as she did when he hyped with words that were bigger than her. She didn’t understand half of his poetry, but she knew that it was laced with devotion and love.

“I know that your love can never fail, and I’m immensely grateful for that, but…” She licked her lips.

Alpha Arch rose his eyebrows slightly, willing her to continue what she had started, but words seemed to fail her. She had not wished to start the conversation so abruptly, even though they’ve come through the root more times than she could count. Yet, it was so difficult to do. She had hoped for more time.

“But?” He encouraged.

She swallowed the thick wool of saliva as her wolf pleaded to her to not do what she set out for. ‘Be quiet, Izana,’ she scolded the she-wolf sternly.

“But, look at those blue curtains. What do you see?” She queried.

She watched him move stiffly to the curtain. She was aware that he knew what she meant, but played along as he’d always done. This time, wouldn’t be like the other times, she would make sure of it.

Alpha Arch rose the cotton gingerly, then peered into the quiet, up the sky to the moon which stood out in white. It was slowly turning red, he caught glimpses of the hues on the undertone of the moon. It was only a matter of time for the Moon Goddess to make her decent. He pulled the cotton back down.

“I see a moon,” he said flatly.

She shook her head. “There is no time to act in subtlety. I know you do it for my benefit, but do you remember what the moon goddess had said when she came here the last time?” She asked as calmly as she could.

Suddenly, he was holding her to him, like she were fragile glass. His war trained hands were so gentle as he shook her sternly. His dark eyes were filled with a quiet confidence that only an Alpha could pull off.

“I have told you Sheryl, there is nothing to be afraid of. I will protect you and our young daughter. I love you, and I will pay the brunt of my unfulfilled covenant this night. You will be safe. Do you not trust me?” He asked, tortured.

Sheryl rose her hands up his face, even with his hold on her hand. It aroused her when he was rough, and she tried her best to focus on the matter, reminding herself that now was not the time.

“There is no one I trust more than you. You’re my mate and the source of my happiness. But, right now, you do not know what you’re saying. There is no-one that can stand against the moon goddess. If not for yourself, think about your people. She can wipe us off in a minute.” She said with a hint of smile on her lips. “Is that what you want?” She asked.

He let her go like she’d dove a stake through his heart. He walked back to his shelf, picking up the ink, and swirling it round and round. Sheryl wished she knew what he was thinking. She wished she could help him, like he’d done so many times.

“You know that they mean much to me. I can’t afford to be selfish even if I wanted to. I’ve fought for this pack without a care for my life. You know this!” He snapped suddenly.

“Then mate with Tatiana,” Sheryl said abruptly.

Alpha Arch slammed the ink on the shelf, and its contents leaked like rain droplets, staining the carpets, and soiling his feet and robe. He turned to his eyes dark, and his shoulders hunched. His hands were fisted by his sides, as his fangs came out unbidden. He was in-between shifting. If he did, then all the efforts and planning would be lost. Sheryl would not allow that to happen.

She moved swiftly to him, caressing his face, speaking to him through their mind link as she mentally willed him to come back to her. He gritted and howled, then he cried. For a good ten minutes, all he did was cry. His fangs retreated, giving way to a strong white canine.

“This is all my fault. Why does it need to come to this? Why? I only wanted us to be safe. Now, I can’t be faithful to my mate. I feel so awful. I do not deserve you!” He wailed.

Sheryl shook her head, then sighed deeply. “I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. You’ve been the best thing that has happened to me. There would never be a better Alpha than you to lead the wolves to victory all round. Don’t hurt yourself. I do not mind, for I know, we shall live for a thousand lives together, no matter what happens." She said frantically.

Alpha Arch pulled away from her, going back to the window. The red hues had covered a quarter of the moon. If they needed to do anything, it must be now.

“Send her in." He said with quiet authority.

It was done. Sheryl said no more words, for fear that she might spike something in him. Instead, she moved quickly out of the room, in a bid to send Tatiana in.

The young woman stood there clutching at her shirt, and casting weary glances across the hall. When she caught a glance of the Luna, she bowed low in respect.

“Do you remember everything you need to do?” Sheryl asked once more.

“Yes, my lady,” She accented.

Luna Sheryl nodded impressed. “Go in now! We do not have much time. The herb you’ve taken would steer your womb to conceive this night. You must breed a healthy male child that would be in line to the throne. Now, go!” She ordered, pushing Tatiana softly towards the door.

Now, she had done her part. It was left for the gods to do theirs. ‘If only I can run through the undergrowth in my wolf-form.’ She thought to herself, as a cold chill hit her. But, she couldn’t do that. It was too risky to venture outside. Now, she just needed to wait outside this door for good news.

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