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Authoress leemarh


Kim minhwa is the only daughter of King Kim byeon In. immediately after her birth, there is a revelation by the socress that the young princess will bring an everlasting happiness and joy to the people once she married. True to the revelation, the young princess is a very jovial person who relate with everyone likes a family, cheerful and carefree sometimes clumsy. she treats everybody with respect that it is hard to believe if you were told she is a princess, she is the type that express her mind freely. She is loved by everybody especially the king, he finds his daughter as a medicine he must take daily,the king is always seen with the princess. When the princess reached the age of 19, the minister start pestering the king to married her off but the king who do not want to let go of his daughter refused to heed to their words. But fate already play it owned part as it seemed like, king Jo Dae tan already fell in love with the princess. King Jo Dan tae is the king of Goguryeo, the strongest country, people tremble at the mentioned of King Jo Dan tae name, rumoured said he is the most ruthless king ever in history, he killed for fun and wage war as a hobby. all the other countries are just like a tribute state under Goguryeo kingdom. No one know how king Jo Dan tae look like not even his minister, strange right! he is know to used his mask making it impossible for the people to know the face behind the mask, but behind that mask is a monster which you won't want to wake. The king was reluctant to hand over his daughter to king Jo Dan tae, these results into war between the two country, the war caused a lot of damage to king kim byeon In and the people. After a very long time of aggressive and brutal hostility, the king left with no choice has to let the princess off. What happened when the truth was revealed that the king never loved the princess but want to married her to take revenge on king Kim byeon In and on the hand the princess was never inlove with king because of the rumoured flying around but the princess carefree attitude left her at a disadvantage as she find it t difficult to live in the environment which is different from the one she has live since her childhood.

Chapter 1 I can't let you go

Father,Father!!"the young princess called continuously as she chase after her father.

"Hurry up and catch me" the king replied running around the large training ground.

She increase her speed, running fast to catch up with her father, her happy giggle fill the entire training ground.

All the maid and eunuch present couldn't hold back their Laughed as they all burst into Laughter, they all urge the young princess to continue.

"Your highness you almost closed to him"

"Your highness is almost there"

"keep going Your highness"

Those were the word coming from the maids.

The king look back, seeing how his daughter is trying to catch him make him Laughed heartily.

The princess who was still engrossed in her play didn't notice a big stone ahead and stumble over it in a loud thud.

"Ouch" she groaned silently.

"Your highness!"The maid shouts and rushed to meet her.

The king stop when he heard a loud thud behind her, he turned back and see his daughter on the ground with her face deep inside the sand, he immediately rushed to meet her, all the maid step back when they saw him approached them and bows their head.

He raise her up and dust her face and dress, his eyes roam around her body searching for any wound.

"Are you okay? where did it hurt? is it here?"the king asked in one breathe.

The princess look at her father without uttering a word, Seeing that his daughter isn't talking the king stood up

"Call the royal physician immediately"he ordered.

One of the maid immediately left to call the physician.

He kneel down in front her, he hold his daughter hand patting it gently.

The princess bursted into laughter, the king looked at her with confusion, the maid also has a confusion look on their faces.

"What's wrong" the king asked.

"Father you are so funny, I am fine there's nothing wrong with me"

The king mouth path open in shocked while the maids release a sigh of relief.

"Because I fell, you are asking them to called the physician, so if I was now involved in a panicked attacks who will you called?"the princess asked, a smirked tugged at the corner of her lip.

"Stop saying such words, why would you be involved in a panicked attacks"the king replied nonchalantly.

The princess smile and hold his father face cheek in her hand.

"With the way you are treating me, people would think I am an infant and won't know I am nineteen year old"

"No matter how old you are, you will always be a baby to me"

The princess smile and caressed his father cheek.

"I love you so much father" she said

"And i love you more than you imagine"the king replied.

They both burst into Laughter, the maid smile at them.

The king stood up, hold her hand and they both walk out of the training ground smiling, the king took a glance at her daughter and smile happily.

He just can't go a day without her daughter and that has always bother him, he know one day he will have to let her go but his love for his daughter is so deep that he always pray that such day shouldn't come.

They walked to the pavilion and sat down, the king picked a book from the table and stare at it.

"Let me tell you a story"the king said

The princess immediately adjust well on her seat and fold her hand under her breast.

The king smile and cleared his throat.

"Once upon a time, there live a king in a big cattle with his daughter the princess. the king love his daughter so much that there no way he can pass a day without seeing his daughter. the king love for the princess is so deep that it started to affect the princess"

He paused and study her daughter reaction, when he saw that she is still listening attentively he continues.

"When the princess reached the age of marriage, different suitor from all over the world come to ask for the princess hand in marriage, the princess was so happy to get married but at same time doesn't want to leave her father, the king on the other hand wasn't ready to let go of his daughter"

"The king left out an option for the suitor and told them that the one to married her daughter will have to live with his daughter in his palace...."

"That is absurd, how can his daughter husband live with him in his palace" the princess butt in interrupting her father.

"Why did you said so?" the king asked.

"The couple won't have their freedom and won't be free with each other"

"But the king was just trying to protect his daughter" the king said.

"Protect my foot, he was just being greedy because of his love for his daughter"

Guilty flashed through the king eye but it was gone in a second

"But remember the princess is also sad to leave his father" the king said.

" of course yes, it normal for a daughter to feel that way if she is leaving her parents but she will be able to forget them once they are no more together again"

"You think the king is being greedy" the king asked sadly

"Of course, let say he is trying to protect his daughter as you have said but didn't he think about her daughter husband. did you think her husband will be happy with that?" the princess asked

The king look at her, not able to give an answered.

"You also see now, the husband won't be able to freely express himself in fear of being in the princess custody and the truth is that if the husband agree to stay in the palace willingly that mean he doesn't love the princess but her statues and wealth and believe me if they both live in the palace it will later cause trouble for the princess in future. the king will be able to protect his daughter if they are under him but will he be with her forever?"

"No rights! when he later died and the husband show his true colour, who will protect the princess then, it better for the princess to live with her husband and know his demeanor and what he is capable of doing, that way the princess will be able to know if he is the kind of man she can lean on or not"

The king inhale deeply and rubbed his forehead.

"So what did suitor says?" the princess asked.

"All of them agreed but only one man refused"

"What now happen next?"the princess asked curiously.

"The princess turned down the other suitor and agreed to go with the one that refused to live in the palace with her"

"That so smart of her!" the princess shouts and bang her hand on the table.

"But the king refused to let her go with the man"

"What exactly is the problem of that king" the princess replied frustrated.

"Why are you getting worked up because of that?" the king asked.

"Because it is annoying, how can he be adamant on the right thing, that is unfair to the princess"

"You think so?" the king replied.

"Of course, what did the princess and her suitor did and how did it end"

"I don't know"

"what did you mean?"

"I don't know the end of the story, my mother didn't tell me the end as well"

"Grandmother is the one that told you the story?"

"Yes, I didn't know the ending"

The princess signed sadly.

"That bad, how I wish to know the ending, if only grandmother is still alive, I will have go and meet her to heard the end of the story"

"In your own opinion, what did you think the king and the princess should do?" the king asked.

"The king should agreed of course, if he truly love his daughter"

"And what if the king refused"

"Then he doesn't love his daughter as he claims, the princess should just run away with her husband and disappeared from his life forever"

"What!" the king exclaimed, his eye widening in fear.

"Yes, since he didn't want his daughter happiness but only care about his own feeling alone"

"it only right he also has a taste of his own greedy, he didn't care about the princess feeling so the princess should also ignore him and do what bring her happiness" she added.

"What is your own opinion on this?"she asked.

*How can I told you that this story I just told you is not a fictional but I am the one who makes it up and I don't plan on letting you go according to the story. I don't care if you said I am greedy, I am ready to do anything as long as you are with me* the king thought.

"Father are you okay" the princess asked worriedly seeing the blank look on her father face.

"Father"she called, still no reply.

"Father!"she shouts and that seemed to get the king attention back.


"What are thinking so deep like that? I have been calling you since, are you sure you are okay?

"Yes I am fine" he replied with a fake smile.

"What are you thinking about?"

"it not something serious, forget about it"

"How can I forget about it, you seemed to be in a deep thought earlier"

"don't worry, I didn't su......"

"Your Majesty it is time for royal conference" the head eunuch said interrupting the king.

"oh how far time pass" the king replied

He stood up and brushed his hand into his daughter hair.

"I will see you later" he said

The princess nodded and smile.

"Bring my royal carriages" the king ordered.

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