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The Lethal Dance With The Alpha

The Lethal Dance With The Alpha



Left with no choice, I gave in to the enemy's demand. I agreed to dance with the alpha's daughter from Midwinter's pack on the night of my mating ceremony. I swayed with her. Spin her gracefully around the dance floor. The horrified eyes of my entire pack burn on me, demanding an explanation. I didn't just break the sacred rule we held on to for generations. I also ripped my mate's heart apart. Not giving her the honor of that last dance could mean one thing – it's over between us. .

Chapter 1 01

"Alpha, the Midwinter warriors had installed the garnet rings last night."

My eyes dart wide at Beta Jess while my entire body stiffens. And it takes some time before my body relaxes, only to feel the fine tremors rocking every fiber in my system.

"The Spessartine Garnet Rings are facing on the north and south borders. The Pyrope Garnets on the east and south."

Damn it!

I know that no amount of ammunition or talisman can go against the power of these cursed garnet stones. Folklores have it that these garnet rings hold the moon goddess's anger that has accumulated over a millennium. Already flammable in its normal state, it is expected to dissolve an entire city of 355 square miles in its cursed nature.

I close my eyes, imagining the goddess spreading her right arms in the air. She then aims her hands towards the gigantic Spessartine, and Pyrope Garnet rings. Tendrils of golden light then emanate from the tips of her fingers, setting the gemstones into a blazing fire. But how do these destructive rings go into the hands of my greatest enemy?

"What are we going to do, Alpha?" My beta's scared look is never better than mine.

Before I can think of an answer, my head patroller mind links me. "Alpha, a messenger from Midwinter's pack requests to see you."

During the pack meetings, we agree to spare pack messengers. They carry out essential tasks, and that is mainly to negotiate or to announce.

"Let him in, Warrior Roman."

"He wants to hear your declaration, Alpha."

I pull out my phone, but it vibrates before entering the password. Warrior Roman's code then dances on the screen.

"Speak, Alpha," he says, and I bite my lower lip in defeat. They are already here indeed, about to announce their warning.

"I, Alpha Alex of the Pink Moon's Pack, swear before the moon goddess's name that I and my subordinates shall let the Midwinter Pack's messenger come and leave our territory unharmed."

I haven't even blinked twice yet, but the messenger in his wolf form has already sprung before us. He bows in respect before handing over a white envelope. The gesture catches my attention. How can someone from a rival pack do that?

I pull out the envelope from his hand while my eyes remain plastered on him. I am known for my massive wolf size, but this one before me threatens my superiority. My intuition told me I should be careful despite the interpack rule for messengers. All because there will always be traitors.

I tear the envelope and pull out the white sheet of paper. I don't understand, but my heartbeats instantly do rapid somersaults at the familiar handwriting. I stare at the neat and beautiful strokes, thinking about where I had seen them in the past. However, I can't figure it out.

Dear Alpha Alex,

I have been patient about your cruel attacks on my pack. But since you have my cup filled up to the brim, even taking my father down in his helpless state, I am sorry to tell you this. I can't let your cruelty harm any of my people anymore.

As you see, the garnet rings have enclosed your territory already. One signal from us, and it can burn your entire pack into ashes. You know that very well, don't you? However, I'm offering you the last chance at redemption – take it or leave it.

Before you hang my father in front of your entire pack tonight and proceed to your mating ceremony, grant me this request. Let me have the last dance with you.

Respectfully yours,

Sue, the Future Alpha of Midwinter Pack

Waves of shivers run up and down my spine. Cold drops of sweat start trickling down the sides of my face. The Midwinter Pack is finally making a move. They are here to avenge their alpha! My pack will never shy away from brutal fights, but we have nothing against the power of the garnet rings.

This request may save my entire pack from doom, but not my chosen mate. A few hours from now will be our mating ceremony, an event to present her formally to the pack. And there will be the last dance – entitled only to her, as the coming Luna of the pack. But I don't know what will happen after that. The enemy knows where to paralyze not only my people but my heart.

Perhaps reading my conflicted emotion, Beta Jess moves to my side. I hand him the letter, but my mind flies back to Sue. I feel my nerves tingle all over as my muscle flinch in anger. Now acting as the alpha of her pack, she leaves my people and me helpless against these garnet rings.

That's maybe why they have been silent on our surprise attacks on their packs. We may not be successful as there were no casualties, but we have captured the highest rank holder of their pack – their alpha, who stood undefeated before.

"Alpha, our Luna, and the entire pack will understand. I know you want to stand by your word and abide by the pack's rules, but this situation is already about our people's life and death."

I look into the distance and see the moon rising from the horizon. Her radiance fills the entire stretch of land and forest that my eyes can see. Her brightness should have been something to celebrate because this signals the big night, the end of my singleness. A few hours later, I will be mating with Vrianna through a ceremony that a hundred members of my pack will witness.

"Tell Sue that her wish is granted."

I walk away without looking at my beta's reaction. I didn't even watch how the messenger fled from my presence. My mind is now on Vrianna and how I will explain it to her. She believes that she will be my first choice whatever happens, even if it costs the safety of my entire pack.

Most of all, she believes that I can always find the solution to any problem that comes our way. That is how she and my people know me. Even the sound of my name on anybody's lips is their source of strength. Sadly, not anymore tonight. The most-feared alpha of the Pink Moon Pack will soon submit to the enemy's demand.

Racing to the pack's house in my tailored suit, I demand to see my chosen mate. The pack elders who attend to her attempt to refuse, but seeing the scowl on my face has them moving to the side.

"What's wrong, Alpha?"

"Not seeing her now also means the ceremony's cancellation! Our enemy already surrounds us, and they are ready to strike any moment from now."

"I have heard about the installation of the cursed Spessartine and Pyrope Garnet Rings," one of the elders echoes my fear, her lips quivering.

I nod sadly. Those gemstones are supposedly the source of healing and good vibes, but they are now more dangerous than atomic bombs in their cursed state.

"Alex, what shall we do?" I look up to the sweet sound of Vrianna's voice piercing into my ear.

"I will have the last dance with Midwinter Alpha's daughter."

My heart drops down in pity as I watch the color leave her face. She runs away, but I still hear her muffled cry. She knows that depriving her of that last dance can mean she's no longer my mate.

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