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Chapter 1 family

Mom Dad am home Liza called out for her parents as soon as she reach home.

Seems our lady so happy today anything nice to hear from you .

Mom Dad guest what I pass the scholarship exam i can study abroad now.

That's great give us a hug .Mom and Dad so proud of you.

Thank you Dad for all your sacrifices for me am so grateful to have you by my side to support me you and mom are the best ever.

Come help me prepare dinner then call your brother to come home early today.

Okay Mom i already told him before hand. So what i can do.

Wash the vegetables while am working with other dish .

Liza ponder for a moment thinking what life she will have abroad then she said to herself she had gone thru and she is willing to be more dependent on her own. Here family believe in her ability to become her own.

Her best friend Yannie called her Liza am so proud of you congratulation you did it.

ohh by the way you owe me a meal .

On my credit when you are free i haven't seen you for quit long.

How about next week we meet at our usual meeting place for dinner said Yannie .

Its a deal Liza answered her with smile.

I have to hung now. Say hello to Auntie and Uncle I miss them.I will come and visit them so soon before I will leave for the movie shot.

Okay see you on next week make sure you show up or else I will make you pay Liza said to Yannie

my dearest bestfriend since when i go back with my word Yannie answered her back and laugh.

With that said they both bade goodbye to each other.

Ohhh that's smells good Liza's brother Zien said.

You better go and freshen up yourself dinner is almost ready their mother told Zien.

There is no home like a family Zien said and went to get himself change.

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