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Bounded with you forever

Bounded with you forever

Lad E


I'm a girl with no dreams because that's how I was taught to live. I never had any say in anything concerning my life, What happens when I get married to a rumored vampire king. Well, I'm Raine princess of "Grasiya." And this is my story. Hi, this is Lady E, I hope you will join me, on this supernatural romantic journey.

Chapter 1 My sad life


I had always dreamt of this day, I was always certain that, I was never going to be able to choose whom to marry because am a woman and a princess, I don't have any rights to an opinion on a Man .

My family sees me as a tool to gain power, sout seeing my face, ivy my maid asked " my lady don't you like the dress? "

Ivy and rose have been taking care of m my father, the king of "Grasiya" manage to make an alliance to the king of " heart . " .

Father says " for a princess and a king, the affairs of the kingdom comes first . " Mother says " their desires comes later . "

What if the king doesn't like his wife, he wouldn't badge to marry another, most of the kings have wives and mistress, but for the princess it's different .

Leaving all the thoughts inside my head, I looked at the mirror, my maids have spent almost five and half hours dressing me up, making me look more beautiful than I am .

I'm putting on a purple dress, and my red hair, combed back beautifully, with my purple hairpins in shapes of love .

My problem is with my jewelry which were as heavy as a hammer, I dislike wearing them, but it's not my only problem because am already feeling nervousness, and fear for my life .

" My lady, you look beautiful . "

Since I was ten, they are the only ones, I could tell, I'll miss once I leave . " no I like the dress, it's beautiful . " I failed at smiling .

Ivy saw the fear in my eyes .

" Everything will be fine, don't listen to the rumors, they are nothing but just that, I think your husband will be a great man . " She sounded positive, but I could sense doubt, In her voice as well .

It's not that I believe those rumors, but they did affect me, I wasn't scared because people say his a vampire, but they may be talking about his personality, like…

A Murderer, manipulative, hot under the collar, a cheat, and that's what scares me. There was a knock on the door, which shortly after a lady came in.

" My lady, it's time . "

After what the throne lady said,

I ascended the stairs, carefully not fall I hold my dress, but it was hard because of the dress I was putting on, then I stumbled almost falling, before someone's arms came around my waist, and save me .

I straightened myself to look at who dared to touch me like that? I didn't care because he saved me, but I was curious . Looking up, I met a pair of red eyes, I had never seen any eyes like that . " Are you alright, my lady? " That stranger asked with a frown .

I had never seen him before, with his brown hair, that fall to his shoulders, dressed like a royalty, maybe he's one of the royalties that came to my wedding, I thought .

" Yes I am…. I am fine my Lord . " I replied.

" My lady . " He bowed elegantly before leaving .

" Shall we? " I asked ivy and rose, who were too occupied to hear what I said, they kept following him with their gaze . " Wake up . "I said at their faces .

" Yes my lady, let's go . " They said .

The ceremony begins with a greeting exchange between bride and groom, and their families . The guard motioned for me to enter, ivy and rose smile at me as I walked inside , now am on my own .

My mind and myself will are now alone is there anything worseter then being alone . How I wish my mom would have at least to encourage me oh! Not just me, but me, my mind, my spirit,and even my soul . Raine was trying to keep herself busy with herself and by herself .

This marriage is now making me think like i am going insane .

Did someone cast an evil spell on me? Why does my own case have to be like this? i felt pity for myself . Even if ivy were to tell her that everything will be fine for a hundred thousand dollar times i still wouldn't feel relieve, comfortable with whatever was happy .

Sometimes I feels like i was unfortunate for being royalty .

I looked up to the Haven " why didn't I get born in a normal working class family did I commit any crime? "

Being hooked up in my mind thinking of how her life is, and how it's going to be i didn't notice that i has already stopped walking standing at a particular spot .

The cold air of the passage brushes on my face and help me understand what was happening .

" Hmm. " I breathed down and continued walking i walked as slow as a snail .

Hoping that will make my fate will be a little delayed, or even change.

I look up to see if I was close enough to the gate of the big hall.

But thank goodness I was still far I continued walking like a snail, whenever I pass a guard or a visitor they look at me look I was already lost, and could never be found.

The least I could do was bend my face, anyways that's what I was thought to do as a princess.

I walked with my head held high, not letting anyone mock me, even though my head was low you would certainly know that I was royalty and deserved respect even without even asking.

Finally, I got to the entrance of the hall where my fate will change.

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