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Obsession heart Desire

Obsession heart Desire



Rotimi, 18 year old girl develops a psychological problem that leads her into doing suicidal things, she became a sadist. Rotimi is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dayo but not the only child. Femi, her senior brother is 27 years and runs the little business the father left behind. Mr. Dayo dies in a car accident while coming back from the hotel he owned with Rotimi, his brothers took away the hotel he ran. This was the beginning of Rotimi's problem. OBSESSION explains a true dilemma that nothing fills the gap that any person leaves behind, no passion, no desire only the Love of God and his peace

Chapter 1 The beginning


Puffs her cigarette into the air while staring outside her window.


Her mother called.

She sluggishly steps down from the window Frame. Her lips were dark and her eyes dull, you could clearly identify her dark Melanie from her lips. Heads towards the sitting room and stands loose looking at her mother.

"Rotimi, Rotimi are you still smoking?"

"Mommy what is it?"

She said her face wore no smile

"Rotimi stop all this, you're the only girl I have, you will marry oh, Rotimi"

"I rather give my uterus as a gift to the dogs than someone's son"

Femi squeezed his face in disgust

"Femi talk to your sister oh, talk to Rotimi for me"

"ooh oh, mummy why did you call me here?"

She reacted to her mother's speech in anger

Clears throat.

"You better clean your mouth from that nonsense you said"

"Femi, ma ji ki n bu Ori yin oo (Femi, don't allow me to break your head oh)"

She said angrily and she leaves her mother's presence.

"Rotimi, Chief Oluwaseun is coming over to this house, please, be of your best behaviors"

Her mother pleaded

"And he's coming with his friends too"

Her mother added.

"Why? Një o to yipada so idile ti o gbooro bi? ( Is it now turning to an extended family?)"

She said hissing while going upstairs

"Femi, hold your sister please"

"Mommy, Rotimi needs Jesus, jeez! Did you hear what she said? That's very irritating"

Her mother heaves a sigh and leaves Fem in the sitting room. She's indeed tired of Rotimi.


Rotimi is eighteen years old, and is already addicted to drugs, she smokes alot, cries a lot, drinks a lot.

Rotimi lost her dad at age seven which indeed left her with a psychological trauma even someone who experienced rape hasn't been through yet. This trauma has made her life useless for eleven years. She loved her dad so much, they were actually like twins, they had that bond

Rotimi is a very beautiful girl with such a lissom melanin for her skin color. Her dark shinned across the heart of every one that saw her. Her eyes were blessed, slit that fits perfectly to the continuation of her nose and her gracious lips. Her hair was thick black, very full and smooth. Her smile lit up the dark, because of her perfect dentition and the brightness it gave. Her fingers were slim and slender, she loved the guitar and piano.

But now, only heavens understand Rotimi. A bright kid who did so well in school, hated and refused to go to school, she had no friends, she lived the rest of her eleven years in tears, sorrow, grief and pain.

She looks at herself at the mirror and coughs.

" Let the nights be, for the dark gives comfort because you can't see, the day brings fear, men are always there to stare. Close your eyes Timi and count to ten; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten"

She said entering her bathtub with the water reaching it's fullest and sunk inside.


She whispered into the water as she closed her eyes, her hands were not far from her bottle of whiskey. Her rhythm and blues.


"Open the door Femi"

His mother said in a hurry stepping down from the stair case.

"Is Chief here already?"

"Yes, that's his car's horn"

Femi raised his brow-up in surprise

"Were you guys that close?"

Femi said as he opens the door for Chief Oluwaseun

"Good morning sir!"

"Oh, Femi, you're grown up already"

Femi raised his brows again in awe. The rest of Chief Oluwaseun's friend came inside, rasing their agbada's too.

"Such a lovely place"

Senator Tunde remarked.


The other accepted.

"He knows me already? My God!"

Femi Soliloquies


Chief Oluwaseun exclaims seeing Mrs. Dayo


He said as he hugs her.

"Good day oo"

Mrs. Ayo greeted squatting to show respect and honor too.

Femi leaves the sitting room.

Femi is a character. Femi is the first and only son. He's quite fair like his mother. Femi enjoys making gestures and loved creating memes. He runs his father's photo studio. He's a man of his words but most time can be very unserious. He loves playing golf and table tennis. Enjoys watching movies and playing online brain cracking games. He has a fiancée who he so much loves.

Femi is graced in height, he keeps beards that indeed fits his matured face. A slim and very healthy figure who eats and enjoys junks. His eyes are not small like that of heavy laded Rotimi, has gracious eye lashes. His voice is worth kill the pitch for and his accent as well. Femi is very handsome indeed. He cares little about Rotimi, his bad. But had sworn to do what's best for her.

"Ah ah Femi!"

His mother called him back.

He paused and stares at her, opening his hands wide to ask what.

"Have you greeted Chief Oluwaseun?"

He brings his eyes down but looks at his mother like though he's seeing her through a lens

"Ah! Femi did, Ah ah! Ayomide! Femi greeted me at the door oh!"

Mrs. Dayo laughs.

"You know these children, once they've grown up they want the elders to bow for them instead"

The rest of Chief Oluwaseun's friends laughed in slight agreement.

Femi opens his mouth in wonder while raising his left eye brow up


"Fi oju mi silë, joor(leave my face joor)"

"awon agba wa eh (our Elders eh)"

He responded as he leaves.


Rotimi comes down wearing her usuals. Black jean trouser, black turtle neck singlet, black jean jacket, a black hair warmer and her favorite black boots.

Sights Chief Oluwaseun and his friends but said not a greeting till she was down.

"Mummy, I'm out"

Her mother looks at her and signaled her with her eyes to greet Chief Oluwaseun at least. She refused and walks to the door.


Her mother cried out.

She paused and looked at Chief Oluwaseun who was indeed looking at her in disgust.

She saw his look and moved outside banging the door.

"You'll apologize on my behalf, mother!"

She said to her self as she leaves.

Mrs. Dayo turns to the Chief.

"Ah! I'm sorry, forgive Rotimi, I raised her well"

"Ayo it's okay....I came to see you...how are you?"

Mrs. Dayo sighs in grief.

" It's okay....Ayo. Are you going to sit down all day looking at Rotimi??? When you have visitors here???? Please give us something to eat"

" Exactly"

Senator Tunde agrees.

" We can from country far indeed, spare us the tragedy"

One of them said as they rest burst into laughter.

" Truth! I'll go get you ."


Starts her bike and drove away. Her father's hotel was quite a place for comfort to her.

Steps inside with her fierce looking face, she was hated by most people and pitied by others.

Enters her favourite part in the hotel.

"You know what I'm going to order don't waste my time either"

" You know you should spend less time drinking, get a boyfriend and hang out with"

The receptionist said.

she looks at her in total anger and takes her coffee and leaves her presence.


she sat down looking at the pool and the beautiful designs the colored lights gave it, she seems so relaxed and won't trade her peace for anything else.

Just then a little girl ran in to the place feeling so happy and this distracted her from the pool, followed by a young man who seem to be her father.

"Caught you!"

Her father declared, but the girl smiles and pants.

"That's because I want you to"

They both laughed panting equally.

" You'll like some ice-cream?"

" Of course father"

The exictement on her face could only remind Rotimi of her.

She smiled shyishly and didn't want anyone to notice, but there was a guy at the corner who had been looking at her from when she came in.

"There you go"

"Can I have Chocolate flavor too?"

she insisted.

" Sure; Chocolate flavor please"

" Okay! "

The receptionist responded calmly. The young man kept playing with his daughter and it got Rotimi pissed. She aggressively took in the glass of whiskey in a rush and it choked her.

Coughs aggressively.

"Are you okay miss?"

The young man asked.

"It's none of your business"

"Don't talk like that to my father, how dare you?"

Exactly the same protection she gave to her father years back. She looks at the girl who stood right in front of her father upset.

"Either is it yours"

She told the girl and went out side

"Looks like you're having a hard time, or is it also none of my business?"

The man who had been drinking at the corner.

Rotimi looks at him and heads towards the pool, finishes the drink in her glass and jumps into the pool, the man got scared that there were no possible bubbles from within the water.

Everyone there knew is wasn't so new.

"Where did she go to?"

The young man asked.

"Into the pool"

"Tell her when she's out, she should take her ice-cream too, I got one for her"

" She doesn't take ice-creams"

The receptionist said in disgust.

The young man turned to ask why but he stared at the one who sat at the corner and gave it to him instead.

"Do you?"

"I'll take it"

He said with a smile that wasn't so real. The man took his daughter and left.

It was getting late and darker, the man had taken concern.

Isn't she coming out from there?

Is she still alive?

He question still keeping his eyes on the pool. Then she came out and breathe, her hands on the edge of the pool and she dragged herself up. The man leaves a sigh of relief and went to her.

"I'm not giving any explanations for my actions, so don't bother asking me"

He looks at her with mouth ajar. She walked passed him, gets her key and heads out, indeed it was truly late.


The receptionist told her. She muted her and left.

On her way home she meets a wandering guy who mistook her for a ride, he had been halting from afar.

She sincerely wanted to drive pass, but he stood in front of her bike

"What? Are you insane?"

She screams at the man.

"Oh I'm sorry, u didn't know you were female"

"Now you do, what has that changed for you? "

" Do you mind if you give me a ride? I'm new here, I just got empl....."

"Save it, hope in but don't touch me"

She made herself clear, she drove to where the man had directed her, she drops him, turns her back immediately and drives away.

She stops at a scene if a mother who drags her daughter and hugged her though screaming at her for staying out till such a time, almost being noticed she drives away and wished her mum will even question her for coming home at least even if she won't get the hug.

She sighs and drives away quickly. She reaches home and parks her bike, Femi had gone to bed already so as her mom, the door was locked from inside, she bends the door hand and knocked severally... but they were fast asleep.

"Dad, you see why I hate it that you're gone"

She said angrily and heads to her room window. She climbed through the walls and finally got into her room, the weather wasn't fair either it had shown signs of rain, she was still wet.

She gets into the bathroom and showers, took her pills and a cigarette, sits on the frame of her window again and puffs into the night, her music box played the best of Ed Sheeran.

She missed the days her dad talked her to bed, and maybe most nights spend in with her because she's scared of the storm and a treat branch may cause her terrors. She looked outside her window and watches the tree branch shake, looking like the claws of a witch, she smiles halfway and drinks, the storm went and she screams like when she was three, but dad wasn't there to make her feel safe, she drank again and laughs drunk.


"The light is bright because of the existence of darkness and fear only gets stronger when you're afraid"

She said with a faint smile, the thunder stroke again and she screams.

Sniffs and Smiles.

"Maybe I never got used to the thunder"

She laughs weakly and finishes the third bottle.

" Promise me my life will get better, someday"

Sniffs and cuddled on her bed.

" Goodnight dad"

Waits for some seconds.

"Aren't you going to tell me Goodnight too father?"

"She's drunk again"

Her mother said opening the door a little and looks at the misery of Rotimi, she could oy but console herself in tears.

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