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The Pearls of Love

The Pearls of Love

Seth Wordsworth


The Griffin brother, Shane, and Kane fall in love with the same girl, but only Shane captures her heart. When he chooses suicide as a cure for his inoperable cancer, Kane sweeps in and confesses his feelings. After three years, Shane reincarnates in the body of a man who goes into a coma due to a ghastly car accident. His return brings the realization that he will have to contend with his brother for the love of his life without revealing his true identity, lest, according to prophecy, he does.

Chapter 1 Prologue

Three years ago…

They dwelled together in Southern California. They resided in a beach house just a couple of miles walk from the ocean. Shane gawked at the seashore. The gusty wind whistled in his ears. The ocean swirled, the waves clasped together, and touched his feet before it retreated. Across his head, a host of sparrows flew in unison, which caused him to stare upwards as he noticed for the first time the beautiful sunset. Somewhere nearby, he heard the crackling sound of burning woods. It was six p:m and twelve hours until his final moment.

Shane's hair was dyed blue. He was tall, handsome, well built, and always looked fabulous. He had lived his entire life with his family on the beach house. The beach house was secluded from the noisy city. Smaller beach houses, six of them scattered around the beach, lodged guests who came to visit the ocean for vacation. The beach was private property but opened for visitors every day till 6 pm except for those who were in temporary accommodation.

He stared at one of the beach houses and drifted into a temporary reverie. He had come out on that perfect morning last summer to jog. He was going to sweep past her when his legs did an emergency brake and a complete U-turn a few distances from her. She wore a fedora hat and a pinkish short town top gown. Her chocolate skin glowed! Her shape was a perfect eight, and her face was extremely beautiful. For a moment, his brain interpreted her image as strawberry and chocolate ice cream on that hot summer.

"Hi, my name is Shane," he said.

"Hello Shane, Stephanie here," she chuckled.

He facepalmed himself and pointed to her, "Nice, so do you reside in one of the beach houses?"

"Yeah. Any Problem?" Stephanie said, adjusting her hat.

"None! It's just been a couple of years since I've seen any beautiful person around here," he said.

She smiled a huge smile, "Really appreciate the compliment. You're a handsome man yourself. Did you say years? That must mean you're in some way related to the Griffins."

"Yeah, I'm the second and last child. So how long are you here for, and are you with your parents or partner?"

He smiled inwardly, an intelligent way to ask if she was single.

"Whom I'm with is none of your business Mr. Shane Griffin," Stephanie said, enjoying throwing him off balance. "You should run along now. I was enjoying the view, and I think you've stolen enough of my time."

She was definitely still looking like an ice cream, but it seemed like he was a child being told, no ice cream today.

"I wish we could spend some other time together, perhaps one when the view isn't as important as the person."

"I'll consider it. Now go!"

Shane emerged from his daydream, and the view of the ocean took its place in his eyes again. Now he understood what she was enjoying. Now he appreciated life unperturbed by thoughts of tomorrow or people.

He walked away from the ocean back to the beach house. He crossed the front porch but stopped to stare momentarily at two rocking chairs, which seemed like ghosts occupied them. As he entered through the door, he saw everyone at the dining table.

"Shane, welcome home. Aren't you going to eat with us tonight?" Mrs. Jane Griffin asked. He simply waved his hand in the air and headed straight up the stairs.

In his bedroom, he was asleep for more than a few hours. All through the while, he slept; he coughed and wheezed. The pleasant ringing of the windchimes awakened him. Five thirty a:m he squinted at the lights emitting from his phone. He went to the dining table, careful not to make a sound. He made a cup of cold, highly flavored coffee and drank.

He was about to cross the front porch of the house again when the ghost from the rocking chair spoke, but in reality, it was really Kane, his older brother. Kane had the more manly look compared to his brother. He had beards and a mustache, while Shane was just sprouting a few. He had dyed his hair red.

"Where are you going so early? What do you plan on doing?" Kane said, deeply intoned.

"Mind your own business," Shane said, leaving the ghost behind. "If you insist on knowing, follow me; it won't change anything. Stupid."

The minute Shane had gone, Kane decided to follow, but he only had to go inside and grab his jacket, which was a grave mistake. He spent ten minutes looking for a silly coat. By the time he arrived at the shore of the ocean, only a pair of sneakers had awaited him. Shane, his little brother, had decided to drown in the deep. The word stupid echoed in his ears. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! The last word his brother said to him, and it rang true.

Kane dropped to his knee and screamed at the ocean, "Fuck you! Argh! Argh!"

He was agonizing over his brother's death. He mustered up the strength to pick up the sneakers. The waves came close to him but did not touch him. He sprinted home to break the news to his parents.

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