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Wanting more AbbyšŸ’• My tits sway back and forth, and I thank God I have small ones, or theyā€™d be damn near slapping me in the face. The guy behind meā€”I canā€™t remember his name at the momentā€”grunts his way through pounding into my pussy. His hands dig into my hips and sweat drips onto my back. My walls clench around his hard cock, but it still isnā€™t enough. I need more. My stomach starts cramping and sweatā€”not from the sex itself, but from the insistent need for releaseā€”forms on my brow. Fisting the sheets in my hands, I ram my hips back to meet his relentless thrusts. Looking over my shoulder, I growl, ā€œEither fuck me harder or get the hell out so I can find someone to do it for me.ā€ The hands on my hips tighten, and I know itā€™ll leave a mark later. I donā€™t care. I just need this guy to get the job done before the pain takes over. ā€œFuck, babe,ā€ he groans. ā€œI fuck you any harder, Iā€™ll plow you into the mattress.ā€ ā€œJust do it,ā€ I hiss. ā€œJesus,ā€ he grunts, but does as heā€™s told and slams his hip bones into my ass as he pumps into me forcefully. I straighten my arms when his thrusts push my body forward. A blissful sigh leaves my lips, followed by a low moan when he finally hits the spot I need him to. My fingers start to tingle from lack of circulation, so I unwrap them from the sheet. My body starts to quiver with the first ripple of my orgasm. I close my eyes, and tiny sparks of light shoot behind my lids as the cramps in my stomach turn to flutters of delight. I lower my arms and lay my head against the cool sheets as immense pleasure takes over my body. The guy behind me still pounds away, jerking my hips back to him. I pay him no mind, content to just lay here and let him have at it. I got what I needed from him, itā€™s only fair that he reaches his peak as well. Several minutes pass before he grunts and stiffens behind me. He releases my hips, and I immediately drop to the bed. He falls down beside me with his arm thrown over his eyes, breathing heavily. Now that my brain is functioning properly again, his name comes back to me in a flash Matt. Matt was my lifesaver for the night. As appreciative as I am of him, I really need him to go now; I donā€™t like it when they linger. I may need sex from men on a daily basis to keep my sanity, but I donā€™t let them stay afterwards. I donā€™t do relationships. I know Iā€™m a bitchā€”using men for sex and discarding themā€”but I have a damn good reason. I roll to my side and get out of bed. I bend with my ass facing Matt to pick up his clothes to toss at him. I lost my modesty a long time ago, and if it wasnā€™t for my job, or the fact I would get arrested for indecent exposure, Iā€™d never wear clothes. It would make things so much easier when the need took hold. During the day Iā€™m fine, but by the time evening rolls around, the urge grips me tight and leaves me in a near panicked state. I came so close to having an anxiety attack tonight. I thought I would have to call my friend, Nathan, to come rescue me. Luckily, Matt showed up and caught my eye at the perfect time. And here we are now, an hour later, with him still lying on my bed, and me standing with my hands on my hips, glaring at him. He didnā€™t take the hint when his clothes landed on his stomach, so it looks like Iā€™m going to have to be blunter. I reach out with a foot and nudge his leg. ā€œHey, itā€™s time to go.ā€ His arm moves, showing off sleepy, plain brown eyes. ā€œCanā€™t you give a guy a minute to recover?ā€ he mutters. ā€œNo. I need you to leave right now,ā€ I tell him. I spy my panties on the floor and pick them up to slip up my hips. Iā€™m exhausted, and want nothing more than to sleep. A niggle of guilt tries to worm its way in with how Iā€™m treating this guy, but I push it back. Iā€™ve learned the hard way over the years that in order to keep my inner emotions intact, Iā€™d have to build a steel wall around myself. I hate being a bitch, but itā€™s the only way to protect myself. Only a handful of people know the real me. Matt grumbles as he drags himself from the bed. I ignore him and pull on a cami, sans bra. Using the hair tie from my wrist, I pull my thick blonde hair up into a ponytail as I wait for him to finish. I tap my fingers on the doorframe Iā€™m leaning against, while he sits on my bed and pulls on his shoes. Itā€™s normally the guys that are hell-bent on leaving as soon as they are done, but not this guy. Heā€™s taking his sweet time, and itā€™s grating on my nerves. He finally stands and makes his way over to me. Iā€™m just about to turn around and lead him to the door when he boxes me in by planting his hands on the doorframe on either side of me. ā€œ

Chapter 1 now going through my nightstand drawer

Wanting more

Chapter 1


My tits sway back and forth, and I thank God I have small ones, or theyā€™d be damn near slapping me in the face.

The guy behind meā€”I canā€™t remember his name at the momentā€”grunts his way through pounding into my pussy.

His hands dig into my hips and sweat drips onto my back. My walls clench around his hard cock, but it still isnā€™t enough. I need more.

My stomach starts cramping and sweatā€”not from the sex itself, but from the insistent need for releaseā€”forms on my brow.

Fisting the sheets in my hands, I ram my hips back to meet his relentless thrusts. Looking over my shoulder, I growl, ā€œEither fuck me harder or get the hell out so I can find someone to do it for me.ā€

The hands on my hips tighten, and I know itā€™ll leave a mark later. I donā€™t care. I just need this guy to get the job done before the pain takes over.

ā€œFuck, babe,ā€ he groans. ā€œI fuck you any harder, Iā€™ll plow you into the mattress.ā€

ā€œJust do it,ā€ I hiss.

ā€œJesus,ā€ he grunts, but does as heā€™s told and slams his hip bones into my ass as he pumps into me forcefully.

I straighten my arms when his thrusts push my body forward. A blissful sigh leaves my lips, followed by a low moan when he finally hits the spot I need him to.

My fingers start to tingle from lack of circulation, so I unwrap them from the sheet. My body starts to quiver with the first ripple of my orgasm.

I close my eyes, and tiny sparks of light shoot behind my lids as the cramps in my stomach turn to flutters of delight. I lower my arms and lay my head against the cool sheets as immense pleasure takes over my body.

The guy behind me still pounds away, jerking my hips back to him. I pay him no mind, content to just lay here and let him have at it. I got what I needed from him, itā€™s only fair that he reaches his peak as well.

Several minutes pass before he grunts and stiffens behind me. He releases my hips, and I immediately drop to the bed.

He falls down beside me with his arm thrown over his eyes, breathing heavily. Now that my brain is functioning properly again, his name comes back to me in a flash


Matt was my lifesaver for the night.

As appreciative as I am of him, I really need him to go now; I donā€™t like it when they linger.

I may need sex from men on a daily basis to keep my sanity, but I donā€™t let them stay afterwards. I donā€™t do relationships.

I know Iā€™m a bitchā€”using men for sex and discarding themā€”but I have a damn good reason.

I roll to my side and get out of bed. I bend with my ass facing Matt to pick up his clothes to toss at him.

I lost my modesty a long time ago, and if it wasnā€™t for my job, or the fact I would get arrested for indecent exposure, Iā€™d never wear clothes.

It would make things so much easier when the need took hold. During the day Iā€™m fine, but by the time evening rolls around, the urge grips me tight and leaves me in a near panicked state.

I came so close to having an anxiety attack tonight. I thought I would have to call my friend, Nathan, to come rescue me.

Luckily, Matt showed up and caught my eye at the perfect time.

And here we are now, an hour later, with him still lying on my bed, and me standing with my hands on my hips, glaring at him.

He didnā€™t take the hint when his clothes landed on his stomach, so it looks like Iā€™m going to have to be blunter.

I reach out with a foot and nudge his leg.

ā€œHey, itā€™s time to go.ā€

His arm moves, showing off sleepy, plain brown eyes.

ā€œCanā€™t you give a guy a minute to recover?ā€ he mutters.

ā€œNo. I need you to leave right now,ā€ I tell him. I spy my panties on the floor and pick them up to slip up my hips.

Iā€™m exhausted, and want nothing more than to sleep. A niggle of guilt tries to worm its way in with how Iā€™m treating this guy, but I push it back.

Iā€™ve learned the hard way over the years that in order to keep my inner emotions intact, Iā€™d have to build a steel wall around myself.

I hate being a bitch, but itā€™s the only way to protect myself. Only a handful of people know the real me.

Matt grumbles as he drags himself from the bed. I ignore him and pull on a cami, sans bra.

Using the hair tie from my wrist, I pull my thick blonde hair up into a ponytail as I wait for him to finish.

I tap my fingers on the doorframe Iā€™m leaning against, while he sits on my bed and pulls on his shoes. Itā€™s normally the guys that are hell-bent on leaving as soon as they are done, but not this guy. Heā€™s taking his sweet time, and itā€™s grating on my nerves.

He finally stands and makes his way over to me. Iā€™m just about to turn around and lead him to the door when he boxes me in by planting his hands on the doorframe on either side of me.

I inwardly cringe when he leans down, and the smell of whiskey on his breath assaults me.

My head hits the door when I lean back to get away from him.

ā€œHow about we do this again sometime, sugar?ā€ he drawls, leaning down to rub his lips against mine.

They end up on my cheek when I turn my head.

I put my hands on his chest and give him a shove. ā€œI donā€™t think so.ā€

ā€œYou sure?ā€ he asks, not getting the hint.

ā€œYep.ā€ I slip under his arm and walk down the hallway. ā€œThe door is this way,ā€ I throw over my shoulder, and see heā€™s following.

Thank goodness.

Opening the door, I stand and wait for him to catch up. Right before he walks through the threshold, he reaches out, snags me around the waist and slams me against his chest.

His lips land on mine before I get a chance to turn my head this time. Even though I seal my lips tight, bile rises in my throat.

One thing I always avoid with the men I sleep with is kissing. Itā€™s too personal, and intimate.

Right as Iā€™m about to bite his damn lip and knee his balls up to his throat, he pulls back and murmurs, ā€œYour loss,ā€ and then heā€™s gone.

I slam the door behind him and blow out a breath, relieved to finally be alone.

Fuck my life. Sometimes, I really detest my addiction, while other times, I fucking love it.

A knock at the door the next day pulls me from sleep. Grabbing my phone off the nightstand, I note that itā€™s almost noon. I also notice I have a missed call and text from Ava, one of my best friends.

Ava: Get your ass up.

Itā€™s Saturday. I always sleep in on Saturday. Ava knows this.

She also knows I get cranky if Iā€™m woken prematurely.

I pull my pillow over my head when I hear the knock again. I know she wonā€™t go away, but my ass isnā€™t getting out of this bed to answer the door, either. If itā€™s important enough, she has her own key and will use it.

Minutes later, my bed dips and the pillow is yanked from my hands. I glare at Ava with an Iā€™m-going-to-kill-you look.

Of course she ignores it, just like every other time I give her my best evil glare, and proceeds to snatch the cover off my near naked body.

I showered after Matt left last night, and only put on a pair of panties before falling into bed. Ava doesnā€™t bat an eyelash at my bare tits, and I donā€™t bother to cover them. Sheā€™s seen them before, and Iā€™m sure sheā€™ll see them again.

Ava and I met several years ago in a bar, when some guy was trying to pick her up and wouldnā€™t take the hint that she wasnā€™t interested.

She was blunt with the guy, but he was relentless. I could sense the anger rolling off her, and wanting to keep her from blowing up on him, I interrupted their conversation by planting an open mouth kiss on her, right there in front of him. Iā€™m not gay.

Iā€™m not even bisexual, although, Iā€™ve had a few experiences with the same sex, but even that kiss had my body turning hot.

It was just a ploy to help her out, but I think it went on a bit longer than Iā€™d intended.

By the time we pulled back from each other, we were both breathing heavy. The guy was gone, which was my goal. I introduced myself, as did Ava, and we hit it off from there.

Weā€™ve been best friends ever since. Weā€™ve both been a part of a few threesomes together, the two of us with a guy, but nothing else has ever happened between us. I donā€™t want it to, and neither does she. But weā€™re completely fine with seeing each otherā€™s naked bodies. Thatā€™s just how we are.

ā€œGet your ass out of bed and get dressed. Weā€™re meeting Nathan and Tegan in thirty minutes.ā€ She walks to my dresser and rummages through my underwear drawer, throwing me a bra and shirt.

ā€œDid you at least bring coffee, since you so rudely woke me up before my alarm went off?ā€ I grumble, slipping the bra up my arms and snapping the back clasp.

ā€œAnd why are we meeting Nathan and Tegan?ā€

ā€œNo particular reason,ā€ she says. Walking into my closet next, she tosses me a pair of jeans. ā€œItā€™s been a while since weā€™ve all had lunch together.ā€

ā€œCoffee. You never answered my question about coffee. Iā€™m going back to bed if you didnā€™t bring any."

Iā€™m serious. If she didnā€™t bring coffee, then she can carry her ass out of my apartment and leave me to go back to sleep.

ā€œOn the counter, in the kitchen. Now stop piddly-dicking around and get dressed.ā€

In my bra and panties, I flip her off as I walk to the bathroom to relieve my bladder, wash my face, and brush my teeth. I laugh at her shouted, ā€œYou wish, bitch.

When I step back into my bedroom, Ava is reclining against my headboard with my phone in her hands, plundering through my shit.

Sometimes, itā€™s great having a best friend, but other times, like right now, I miss my privacy, and when you have a friend like Ava, you donā€™t have any.

I walk over and snatch the device from her hands. ā€œDo you mind? What if I had dirty selfie pictures on there?ā€

She shrugs, then gives me a cheeky grin.

ā€œYou do have dirty selfie pictures on there. I just saw one, and let me just say, hot damn, girl!ā€

Rolling my eyes, I pull on my shirt and pants before slipping on a pair of black Keds.

ā€œYou know weā€™re meeting Nathan and Tegan at Blackieā€™s tonight, right? We couldnā€™t just wait until then?"

ā€œNope,ā€ she says cheerily, now going through my nightstand drawer. Itā€™s not like I have a drawer filled with sex toys, but I do have one filled with boxes upon boxes of condoms.

Due to my addiction, I always need to be prepared. I never have sex without one.

ā€œSmall?ā€ Ava wrinkles her nose as she holds up a box that does indeed have the size as small.



To be continued

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