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THE GIRL HE NEVER NO TICED (Just For One night) Prologue Have you ever been unnoticed by your crush???? Well... That's what happens to Scarlett Hunter Scarlett Hunter is a naive girl who got admission into the famous college in city She's a girl from a good home background, her father is late and she lives with her mum who holds a grocery store Before going to college her mother has advised her to always remember where she came from and should make her proud But what happens when she gets to college and her roommate is the party time What happens when she had a crush on someone who barely noticed her And then the party The one party that changed her life What really happened in the party that suddenly made Maxwell Holloway noticed her And her did the party change her life????? Will she be able to make her mom proud This is a suspend, touching, betrayal and interesting story . .

Chapter 1 She quickly took her phone and placed a call to her mother





One night)

Prologue/ 1

Have you ever been unnoticed by your crush????

Well... That's what happens to Scarlett Hunter

Scarlett Hunter is a naive girl who got admission into the famous college in city

She's a girl from a good home background, her father is late and she lives with her mum who holds a grocery store

Before going to college her mother has advised her to always remember where she came from and should make her proud

But what happens when she gets to college and her roommate is the party time

What happens when she had a crush on someone who barely noticed her

And then the party

The one party that changed her life

What really happened in the party that suddenly made Maxwell Holloway noticed her

And her did the party change her life?????

Will she be able to make her mom proud

This is a suspend, touching, betrayal and interesting story




Chapter One

Scarlett hugged her mom tightly not wanting to let go as if it's the last time she will be seeing her

"I'm going to miss you mum" she cried

Her mum pulled away from the hug and stare at her face

"Don't cry baby, you know I will miss you more, just remember all I have told you, stay away from people that won't benefit your life, you know how I struggle to get you to college and don't you ever make me regret doing so" she said touching her cheeks

"I won't mum, I promise to make you proud, I promise to be the woman you want me to be" she muttered trying to stop the tears

It was hard leaving her mum, she has grown up having her mum all by her side and surely it wouldn't be easy for her

"You got to go scar, I will really love to go with you but you know I still had to open the store" her mum said

She nodded because she understands perfectly

"It's okay mum and please promise not to stress yourself too much" she said and her mum nodded giving her a smile

"Promise to call me when you get there" her mum added

"And I promise to visit home when I'm free, bye mum" she kiss her cheeks and walked out of the small apartment she share with her mother

Life has really been hard on them since when her dad died,

She kept wondering how her mother was able to send her to college but one thing was sure she was never going to let her mum down

She stop a cab and after staring at the house she grew, she heaved entering the cab

The cab drove down to the city, she hasn't ever been to the city but she has heard of how big it was

She rested her head as thing flow into her memory

Who will help her mum now in their grocery store??

She thought as the cab drove down the road

After some hours of ride the cab finally stopped, she enlighten with her few stuff and paid the man off

She walked to her room number, she doesn't have enough money for a house, so she was going to be living in an hostel, she got to her hostel and heaved when there was no sight of her roommate

She quickly unpacked her little stuff and went to take a shower

She was almost done when she heard noises outside

Maybe her roommate is back

She quickly rushed up with her bath and came her

She saw two girls who was smoking and drinking,

They were even making out, maybe a lesbian! She thought

She cleared her throat and the girls turned to stare at her,

A fair skinned girl walked up to her and smile

"I guessed you are my roommate, I'm Valerie" she said offering her a handshake

"Scarlett" she replied with a smile

"Nice meeting you" she added

"You want some" Valerie asked offering her a cigarette

"No I'm fine" she shook her head

"A newbie" the other girl who was making out with Valerie said

"Don't mind her, she's Ella my girlfriend" Valerie said and she saw Scarlett eyes widened

"Don't be surprised, I'm a lesbian, I guessed you should enjoy your stay in college, am off" Valerie said and walk away with Ella

Scarlett sighted walking to her bed, one thing she has learn before coming to college is to avoid everyone

She quickly took her phone and placed a call to her mother




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