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Perfectly painted

Perfectly painted

Ezi 🙃


The Everetts have kept the image of being a perfect family perfect family but is that really the case?

Chapter 1 1

Another exhausting day gone. Days were basically a routine or at least hers. Sleep, school, sleep, study, sleep. That's basically the life of Caris Nova Everett. The session had finally come to an end. Holidays was finally here. Caris anticipated and dreaded holidays. She was excited to see her family but she was scared of the state of things. Let's say things weren't what they seemed. You see......

"What are your plans this holiday?" Sylvia asked disrupting Caris from her thoughts.

"I dunno...... meet up with old friends" She replied half-heartedly.

"I have a lot of plans tho....." Sylvia continued completely unaware of her roommates disinterest in the topic.

"I'll visit Darren, catch up with old friends, ice skating......" Caris tuned her out of her head as she thought of home. She had bigger things on her mind. She eventually packed up her stuff and headed out. Where? Home. Hopefully things will go well but it was only wishful thinking.

The cream painted building gradually came into view. Caris had finally arrived home. Taking a deep breath, she rang the doorbell and in seconds, she was pulled into a tight hug. Her mum was infamous for her hugs. It felt good to finally be in her arms after such a long time. Her siblings gradually trooped and welcomed her.

"Where's dad?" Caris asked looking around for him

"He's out. He'll be home soon" Mum replied though her eyes told a different story. She didn't even look sure of her answer. There was a moment of silence but it was quickly disrupted by her brother who tried to lighten the atmosphere.

"What did you get for me while coming here?"

"Yeah......you always get us stuff whenever you return?" Her little sis quickly chimed in.

A little chuckle escaped her lips as she watched her siblings pull her box closer so she could show them what she got for them. Mum smiled clearly distracted from the little gloom in the atmosphere.

"What if I didn't get you stuff this time?" Caris asked mischievously.

"Then you'll have to make it up to us!! Me first tho" Becky, my little sis added promptly. She is famous for her witty remarks. She had got them stuff this year so she's actually safe from the bills her siblings would throw at her. Everyone finally settled down admiring their presents. There was this warmth in Caris' heart as she watched her family. This was what she anticipated. But there was the creeping feeling that things were about to go down. She tried her best to......

"Let's get dinner ready" Her mum said disrupting Caris from her thoughts.

"Ok" Caris replied softly.

A lot of things were discussed while making dinner. Her brother, Ivan goofed around like always while Becky chastised him for acting like a child. Her dad came back few minutes before dinner was ready. He hated waiting for food to get ready. They settled down to eat. The table was silent with random talks here to there. Dinner ended quickly and more importantly, on a good note. The dishes were done a Caris headed up to her room. She chatted up a few friends to assure them that she was ok then she had a long talk with her sis because she had a lot to catch up on. Her sister slept off during the talk but she stayed up a little wondering what's new at home. These thoughts ran through her mind and they slowly lured her to sleep.

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