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Darkened heart for revenge

Darkened heart for revenge



🦋 DARKENED HEART FOR REVENGE 🦋Xander pov 🦋 "Pls,,,pls,, don't kill me,i will never touch ur sister again"the guy begged but his pleading just seem to increase my anger. "I thought u were told before u start training that monalisa is not to be touched by mere people and not to talk of trying to kiss her while she's asleep"i said. He was about to start pleading again so I just send two bullets to his two legs and he gave out a loud scream. I look over at monalisa who seem like she want to devour the guy or even kill him at once so i threw the gun over to her. A smirk plastered on her face and without allowing the guy to say even a word,she put the trigger and shot his forehead. "Clean it up"i said and watch as monalisa walk out of sight back into the mansion. Two guys hurried to dead body and carry it away while i walk off back into the mansion and walk straight to my suite. I get into my room and light a cigarette while impatiently waiting for a call.

Chapter 1 Her cheeks are dried with no tears but her eyes are swollen from inner tears



(He's a devil,she's a she devil )


🦋Xander pov 🦋

"Pls,,,pls,, don't kill me,i will never touch ur sister again"the guy begged but his pleading just seem to increase my anger.

"I thought u were told before u start training that monalisa is not to be touched by mere people and not to talk of trying to kiss her while she's asleep"i said.

He was about to start pleading again so I just send two bullets to his two legs and he gave out a loud scream.

I look over at monalisa who seem like she want to devour the guy or even kill him at once so i threw the gun over to her.

A smirk plastered on her face and without allowing the guy to say even a word,she put the trigger and shot his forehead.

"Clean it up"i said and watch as monalisa walk out of sight back into the mansion.

Two guys hurried to dead body and carry it away while i walk off back into the mansion and walk straight to my suite.

I get into my room and light a cigarette while impatiently waiting for a call.

You don't need to know my much about me, xander and the rest u surely don't want to know.

My phone start to ring on the desk that I placed it and i took it with a smirk starring at the screen.

I pick up the phone call and two voices rang out at once

📲Boss!! They are ready and we are waiting for master jason to join"they said with a little hint of fear in their voices

📲Do it yourself,jason isn't coming,send it to England"i added

📲Ok boss!!"they both chorused and i hang up.

"Dude!!you didn't tell me u are back"i heard an annoying voice and need no one to tell me who it is cause it's no one other than my friend jason.

I turn to face him with an expressionless face and he scoffed .

Jason is my bestfriend and a crazy one at that,he's really not into mafia but having one has a friend leave him with no choice but to be that dangerous guy.

Instead of greeting him and replying his question In which i won't do especially that greeting.

I just puff the smoke from the cigarette on his face and he sniff it then chuckle slightly.

"So,,how's ur trip??"she asked and i just try with a nod "that's all u do,like a deaf guy"he said and i shot him a killer look.

"Chill dude,am just kidding"he said almost laughing while i just continue smoking without paying more attention.

"I heard the boss of the red pirate invited us to a party tonight"he said while i reply with a simple yes.

"But u know how tricky he can be,and doesn't it seem strange why ur enemy will invite u to a party"he said.

"To mock me? And say oh he's a gay cause he doesn't bring his gf"i replied him ironically and he laughs.

"You are funny when u re being savege"he said and winks but i look away from him.

"He want us to bring both of our girlfriends"i said and he raised an eyebrow.

"I can go with many girlfriends but you??"he stopped to study my expression.

"No more stupid question,just get the two girls for tonight,we are going to pay them and remember to tell which one u are getting for me not to even touch me"i snapped.

"Whatever,sure,,,so how did u like ur girl,curvy,slim?big??"he start describing girls and i threw a punch to his face which he narrowly dodged and laughs.

"Just get out"i said "i was waiting for that anyway,so tonight,,,,,don't forget this,those girls react bad and trust me and try them to see how good that are in bed"he said and immediately ran out.

I scoffed,who cares if they are good in bed?? O just hate them and they irritate me especially the clingy types.

But except for my sister i don't i can possibly tolerate any girl.

And am actually still wondering how I will be able to cope with the one am going out with tonight and prevent myself from killing her.


🌹unknown pov 🌹

"Can u do anything right in ur life except to cause trouble??"a man yelled angrily at his daughter and without even giving her a chance to explain start to hit and beat her.

She only made a little mistake of slipping and pouring a cup full of water on her father's clothes by mistake.

Her home school teacher just left after talking to her about somethings she find really strange and couldn't stop thinking about it.

And with her head filled with different thighs,she's not concentrated on anything she's doing and end up pouring the water on her dad.

The girl is Roseline and her dad is the one hitting her from all sides of her body nkt caring if she dies or faint.

"Please dad,am sorry!!"she screamed in pain not daring to run away from the hitting until he's satisfied.

The last time she ran away while her dad was beating her,she regret it cause she ended up in COMA for a while week after he get a hold of her.

"You this witch,u are just a disaster that came into my life and ruined it,u took my happiness ever since u were born and u will never be happy either!"he keep yelling as he beat her.

Roseline seem to be getting weaker by each of the hitting and after enduring it for minutes and couldn't hold it any longer,she fell down and fainted.

Her father not even caring about how pale she seem on the floor cursed and walk out of the house.

Few minutes past and she remain lifeless on the body until someone came in and met her on the floor.

It was her brother robert,he thought she was just sleeping and keep starring at her exposed thighs and chest.

He crease her thighs expecting her to jerk up and screamed but she remain still and he need no one to tell him their father did it.

He smirked with some evil thoughts going on in his mind and carry her to his room.

He stare at her for a while and start undressing her and soon she's lying n*ked on his bed.

He's starring lustfully at her smooth skin,if one is to judge by her fresh and smooth skin,u will never knew how much she have suffer.

He felt his d**k getting erected as he stare at her full b**bs and then in between her legs and smirk evily.

He grab the jug filled with water on his table and pour some water into the cup then put the jug away .

He stare at her then emptied the water on her which make her jerk up immediately almost screaming.

At first she couldn't feel her own head cause it feel as if it's spinning around but finally she manage to calm down.

She was shocked to see herself in robert room and she didn't even realize she's naked untill she noticed robert starring lustfully at her.

She look down confused and when she saw herself naked,her heart nearly jump into her mouth.

"What??"she gasped and look up to see robert pulling off his shirt and walking closer to her.

"No,,no pls brother"she said and wrap the duvet around her body but robert climb the bed and jerk it off her body.

She start crying knowing how helpless she is already,no one in this mansion will save her.

He roughly pinned her to the bed and start touching her immorally.

She burst into another tears and look at him "no,,pls u can't do this brother,am ur sister"she said trying to stop him.

"Shut up"he said glaring and angrily pinch her ni**les making her scream.

He seem not to after about her screaming and crying voice as he start su*king her b**bs hungrily and greedily.

After he is done s*cking her b**bs to his satisfaction,he start pulling off his trouser then his pant.

"No,,pls brother,u can't do this to me,,,am ur sister robert"she cried still thinking about how to escape but she know she can never.

"He spread her legs widely"no,,no,,pls,,pls..."she lost her voice when she felt her tight area tearing apart and he thrust inside her with full force not caring that she's a virgin.

She wanted to scream,cry but all her energy were gone,she couldn't believe this!

She don't want to,she want to wake up to reality and see all these are nothing else but dream.

She don't want to believe she just lost her virginity to her blood brother,her own biological brother took her virginity??

The strength to even cried out from the pain of his fast fu*king left her and she felt like a living dead already.

The pain he's causing to her Virgina and the blood grushing out her is not up to the one in her heart.

After almost two hours of fu*king her,he cum inside her while Roseline just stare like a log of wood without moving.

It seem like she didn't just lost her strength to cry but also to move or say a word,all waht that was going through her mind is why she deserves this??

Her cheeks are dried with no tears but her eyes are swollen from inner tears and she seem more like a lifeless wood on the bed.


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