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Redamancy: A love that is unconditional; I fell in love with that person at the same moment as he was falling in love with me. When Adelia was seven years old, a boy offered to marry her and give her a surname back home. At the time, everyone assumed it was just a child's hollow promise. But no one could have predicted that that pledge would be remembered in the end. The conclusion becomes a pledge for the rest of one's life. Someone patiently waited for Adelia at the bus terminal for a whole day till she returned eight years later. He could stay the day she returned, but there was a scene where people perished. Adelia returned to A city with a full body of injuries on her own, and the elderly white dress girl gradually disappeared from his mind. Similarly, Elias is no longer Adelia 's sunny boy. Time and this terrible life had worn them both down, leaving them with a body full of thorns, causing them to bleed out drop by drop. "Director Smith , do you think this rule in your contract is excessive?" Adelia joked. "There is no such thing as too much. Let's see how things turn out if I make up for what you perceive to be a loss. Is it General Director Scott who benefits, or am I the one who benefits?’’ Elias traveled overseas that year, and they were separated by half a world. After another five years of not seeing one another, they finally reunited.After another five years of not seeing each other, when they meet, they are negotiating an important contract. After hearing this, Elias was shocked. At that moment, he knew that he was poisoned, the poison of Adelia ; moreover, it was not light. Who said no love is eternal? Who says that no man is willing to fall in love with a woman?

Chapter 1 Promise

''Adelia, don't you have a last name?''

The boy tilted his head on the grass and asked the girl beside him. Elias is only seven years old this year; his face still carries the childish innocence of a child.

Adelia listened to him, raised his head to look at him, and then lowered his head to continue making the wreath on his hand. The voice couldn't help but be a little sad.

''Apparently not, the aunts and uncles in the village all call me Mei, and when my grandmother goes out, she says my name is Adelia."

Adelia raised his head, eyes wide and sparkling, looking at his friend. Her face is small, her nose is high, her eyes are big and round, and her lips are beautiful. It is not difficult to realize that this will be a great beauty in the future. Elias is only a little old, but he is also attracted to the girl's beauty; he looks dumbfounded at him.

Adelia waited for a long time without hearing an answer, then high-fived his friend's hand.

''Hey, can't you hear me?''

Elias was only now startled; he propped his chin, pretending to think. Like a young, older man, it's funny no matter how you look.

''Well, let's just say that. In the future, I will marry you as my wife; then you can follow my last name, Tran.''

The little girl's face became happy; the joy in the bottom of her eyes could not be hidden.

“Okay, then I will become your bride and follow your last name. So I have them.”

The little girl said happily. He finished bowing his head and chirping in his mouth, continuing to make the unfinished garland.

However, those words were only those of children when they were young. Children's memory is inherently not as good as adults. When I woke up, I forgot what I said. But who knows, there are still people who remind themselves every day about that unfinished promise, always putting it in their hearts and memories, but dare not allow themselves to forget.

Eight years later.

Adelia and Elias are in their final year of middle school. Children at this stage are all trying to learn. Some people even wrote the words "trying" in a large number on a cloth and wrapped it around their heads to encourage themselves. Everyone is aiming for an excellent high school.

Adelia and Elias are no exception.

Their achievements have always been outstanding; they are heading to Sakura College, a critical school in A city.

They were no longer two children with a reticle jumping around the yard. Eight years later, a lot has changed. That East village six years ago began its reform planning, from a small town to becoming a ward of a big city. The people in the city all moved to the city one by one to live. So are the families of Adelia and Elias .

He was the only child in Elias 's family; the family also only had three people, no grandfather or grandmother. So parents go to work to raise a child; of course, they are rich. That year, I don't know what luck Scott's father won to buy a first-class lottery ticket. Winning a bunch of money, their life went from rich to poor.

His father, who used to be striving, now becomes even more trying. After moving to the city, their family opened a small company with only a few workers. But then it grew more and more. In just a few years, the small company has grown tremendously. His family also became rich because of that.

Adelia is, of course, not as lucky as his bamboo horse.

After eight years, she was still the same, only changing places.

When her house was in the village, people repurchased it and received some compensation. That amount is enough for her grandmother to buy a small apartment. The Adelia family has always had only aunts and grandmothers. In her life, she has never had the presence of her parents. She also asked her grandmother, but she did not say. After that, no more questions.

Because Adelia did not have parents, life in the village was not rich before, so he understood significantly. She was not like other children who cried and whined a bit. She did not speak; she did not ask. She didn't give; she didn't ask.

The Elias family did not worry about money, rice, or clothes going to the city. But grandmother and Adelia still have to earn money. Grandma is very skilled and has opened a small restaurant on the sidewalk, selling well. And Adelia often runs to help her.

She continued to work so hard for so many years when she was old; she could not enjoy it like other people. But when I look back at my Nhiep ce wearing a white dress, her hair falling to her waist, she looks lovely, very gentle, but she has no regrets.

In a small apartment.

The air conditioner here is inherently not good, but Adelia called forever, and still, people refused to come and fix it. She was doing her homework while muttering curses at the cunning boss in her mouth.

Of course, Elias sitting on one side, heard what she said. He couldn't help but cry and laugh.

''Adelia, how can you keep cursing people in your mouth.''

Adelia seems to be waiting for this moment. Her anger finally had a place to vent.

''It's hot like this, look at this, the air conditioner is so bad. The other day, I went to the owner's shop and told them to come and fix it; they hummed and waited for more than a week and still didn't come. Doing business like that it's disrespectful.''

After hearing this, Elias raised his eyebrows; my friend is still so childish after many years. That cheek makes people want to pinch it.

''Hmm? If you have the store's phone number? I'll call and ask.''

''Wow, as expected, my Elias is still the best. 0858377777.

Adelia read each row of ten numbers to Elias, afraid that he would not hear it but also read it slowly, worried that he would forget to tear a small piece of paper neatly and write each number and then clip it to his notebook.

Adelia is also too fast for the opportunity to go.

Elias shook his head and sighed.

They are in the sprint period, with only two months left before the entrance exam to Sakura College. Of course, it is mandatory to pass. The time that was already busy was getting busier.

Adelia studied during the day and went to the shop to help her at night.

Same thing every day.

Occasionally, Elias also runs to help. But eating is number one, and extra is number two.

It's already nine o'clock in the evening, and there aren't many customers at the bar.

Grandma was still about to call the two children to help her pack when she saw them resting their heads on each other and dozing soundly. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on her old, gentle face.

She shook her head slightly and cleared the table by herself.

When everything was done, he turned to call the two children home.

''Adelia. Elias, let's go home."

She softly called the two children. Elias was familiar with her from childhood to adulthood; the two families who previously lived in the same village also had a relationship, which is also close. Therefore, she has long considered Elias as her grandson.

Adelia and Elias heard the call, so they rubbed their eyes and stood up. His eyes were still hazy, as if he hadn't woken up yet. After a few steps behind her, Adelia hit Elias . He was still yawning before looking at the girl next to him with puzzled eyes.

''He said he would study for the exam, but he tried to make me fall asleep. It's all on you. If I can't get into Sakura College, I'll catch you."


Elias was a bit mute.

Like a young, older man, he let out a long sigh.

''Okay, it's all my fault. But what does Adelia worry about? You are diligent, you study so well, so you will be able to enter Sakura College, don't worry.''

When Adelia heard that, his mood calmed down a bit.

After that, it seemed like nothing had happened, but she quietly recited the song and ran to her grandmother, accidentally leaving her friend behind at any time.

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