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Battle Of The Alphas

Battle Of The Alphas

Twisted Ink


"Maybe we should just give up. Maybe we can never succeed," Ruby said with a heavy heart. "Maybe we should just break up." Red stared intensely at her icy blue eyes. His golden eyes burned into hers. Ruby wanted to keep staring but she feared his burning eyes would melt her icy blue eyes away. She wanted him but she could not have him. There were just too many things at stake. Red closed the distance between them and grabbed her by the waist, pulling so close to him. Close enough for him to smell every scent on her skin. He gazed into her eyes. "I've said it before and I'll say it again. You are mine. Mine alone and there's nothing you can do to change that." *** Ice wolves are sworn enemies with the Sand wolves. Both Alphas have grudges against each other. A grudge too huge to be redeemed by asking for forgiveness. Their cities have stayed separated for years until an Ice wolf murders a Sand wolf in Sand wolf territory. This, therefore, revives the war that has been waiting to hit for ages. It provoked emotions and feelings of the past. In trying to stop bloodshed, Ruby, an Ice wolf enters the Sand wolf territory in hopes of finding clues to stopping the war. She runs into Red, a handsome Sand wolf and he decides to help her as he also wants the same. In finding clues, their love begins to bloom and they realize that there is more to the war than what meets the eyes. Some things are not what they seem to be. Traitors lurk in the shadows. Betrayal floats in the air. A long-lost love story of the Alphas comes back to the present. Will Red and Ruby be able to reunite the broken love of their Alphas and save their cities? Or will the enemy succeed in ruining another love story by breaking Red and Ruby apart, therefore continuing the bloodshed?

Chapter 1 In The Cover Of The Night

Her skin was soft and smooth under his touch. Her laughter sounded like everlasting music to his ears. He stared down at her as her laugh faded into a smile.

Her fair skin glowed under the moonlight. Her golden eyes glistened with every smile. Her dark hair was spurred on the grass that she laid upon. Her lips were thick and red like fresh tomatoes.

He ran his fingers over the contour of the exposed part of her breast. She was wearing a simple armless dress that had a V-shaped low cut at the chest area. The lower part of the dress was pulled up her thighs and some of it rested on the grass.

He was kneeling between her legs, dressed in just a pair of shorts. His chest was exposed and she admired the massive shape of it. She admired the contour of his chest and it went up and down. He thought that he had the sweetest smile he had ever seen.

"Joel, have I ever told you that you are beautiful?" She asked him in her honey-sweet voice. She looked up at his golden eyes and waited for the blush to form on his face.

He took his left hand up and scratched his messy dark hair. "Maybe you have, I can't remember," He teased.

She laughed at his reply. "I think I have," She answered.

The air around them was cool and romantic. It was perfect for the moment that they were sharing.

"Lydia, you mess with my brain a lot. I sometimes wonder if you do it on purpose," Joel whispered. His smirk remained on his face.

Lydia closed her eyes, she still harbored her smile on her face. "Maybe I do it intentionally. Maybe I don't. You can never know," She replied.

Joel narrowed his eyes at her and corked his brow. By now, she had released her eyes and gone back to staring at him.

"You are a very naughty girl, Lydia," He finally said and leaned over her.

He was only inches away from her lips now.

"I'm naughty for you. Only for you, baby," She whispered.

Joel smiled and closed the little distance that was left between them. Her lips were just as soft as he had expected them to be. He sucked on her lower lips as she allowed him to do as he pleased. She tasted as sweet as the honey that her voice sounded like.

He moved his hands to her waist. Her skin was warm. Too warm. She was beginning to heat up. Her body was reacting to him. He enjoyed the fact that she was reacting to him.

Lydia deepened the kiss this time. She moved her lips against his. One moment, he had been leading and now the control was in her hands. She ran her fingers through his hair a thousand times.

She demanded passage into his mouth and he allowed her access. His tongue tasted like the sweetest thing she had ever tasted. No one else could give her this much satisfaction.

Joel moved his hands away from her waist and rested them above her thighs. She was even warmer there. He wanted to explore more but he changed his mind halfway and moved it to her breast. He could feel how hard they had become. Her clothes were very light. They were not enough to keep his hands away.

He squeezed her nipple gently and she let out a little scream. He broke into laughter. He liked teasing her like this. He knew that if he squeezed her nipple then she would scream.

He swiftly got off her body and rolled away. He knew what was next. Lydia was going to try to attack him. He got on his feet and watched her.

Lydia had already done the same and she was about to attack him. There was a playful frown on her face. Joel's smirk never faded away.

"You naughty wolf! What did you just do?" She screamed.

Joel laughed at her tone and the fact that she chose to call him a wolf. "What did it look like I did? I squeezed your nippled, my love," He answered as calmly as ever.

Lydia twitched her left eye at him. "I'm going to make you pay!" She screamed.

"I'd like to see you catch me. That is if you can," Joel teased further. He narrowed his eyes at her and was ready for her.

Lydia laughed. "When I catch you, I'm going to take advantage of you!" Her golden eyes became even brighter. Brighter with mischief.

Joel's smile got wider. He was enjoying it. He liked it when she took advantage of him. The dangerous feelings she got out of him.

"You better be able to finish what you have started. I want to see you take advantage of me," Joel answered.

Lydia didn't even wait for him to finish his sentence. She came at him. Joel swiftly stepped out of the way and broke into a run. Lydia chased after him. She wasn't going to stop until she had him.

Joel laughed as he ran. Lydia too was laughing. Joel made a turn. The road he was taking was getting darker. He didn't care. There was nothing to be afraid of. Lydia also kept following him.

Joel kept running until he came upon a rocky path. It was beginning to get colder there. He didn't realize that he had gotten farther away from the Sand wolf territory.

He was about to take another turn when Lydia called out to him.

"Joel?" She called.

Joel immediately froze. There was something in her voice that didn't sound right. There was fear in it. He suddenly felt the fear within himself too. Something bad was about to happen.

Joel retraced his step and froze when he came face to face with Lydia.

She wasn't staring alone. A strange Ice wolf was standing behind her. It was a female. The claws of her right hand were revealed and were positioned before Lydia's throat. The Ice wolf's hair was white and fell behind her back. She wore a pair of dark pants and a dark t-shirt. The moon's ray hit Lydia and the Ice wolf. This revealed her features. There was something odd about her. Instead of the usual icy blue eyes, there was only a void of darkness in them.

Joel didn't know what to do. He considered commanding the sand but he realized that before he would finish bending the sand to his will and making it attack the Ice wolf, she would have already slit Lydia's throat. He had to be careful with his next move.

"What do you want? I promise that I won't hurt you," Joel began.

The Ice wolf said nothing. Instead, she pressed her claws to Lydia's neck. It entered a bit and a small amount of blood started to trickle down her neck.

Lydia gasped from the pain.

"I'm sorry! Please don't hurt her. I'll do whatever you want. Just please keep Lydia out of this," Joel begged as he realized that the situation was getting out of hand.

"I want you all dead," The Ice wolf finally said in a distorted voice. Her voice didn't sound right. There was something that wasn't right. None of it made any sense.

"Please. We can talk this through. We can make it work. We can think about this. Please don't hurt my Lydia," Joel said as his voice was already breaking.

Lydia was trembling all over. Tears escaped her eyes. She was sobbing quietly.

"I want you all dead," The Ice wolf repeated and she deepened her claw into Lydia. Lydia let out a muffled scream.

Joel widened his eyes. He was losing his beloved right before his eyes and there was nothing he could do about it.

He went down on his knees and started to beg as tears escaped his eyes.

"Please I'm begging you. Let's talk this through. Did somebody hurt you? Did my people hurt you? You can kill me instead. Just let her go. Kill me whatever way you want. Please. Just let her go. She is all I have. She is the only woman I have ever loved. I can't leave without her. I cannot keep going without her. Please, let Lydia go," Joel wept before the Ice wolf.

For a moment, the Ice wolf seemed to get moved by his words. Her blue eyes sparked out of the dark abyss that they had been. Her hand started to fall away from Lydia.

Then suddenly, her eyes became dark again. Her claws got sharper. Joel widened his eyes at the sudden change of behavior.

"I want you all dead," The Ice wolf repeated.

Joel was about to say another word when the ice wolf dug her claws into Lydia's throat and ripped it apart.

Lydia gasped and fell to the floor. Joel let out a short roar and ran to Lydia. He held on to her in his arms. Lydia kept letting in short breaths. She was struggling to breathe. She wanted to say something. She wanted to speak as she grabbed Joel's hand.

Finally, she gave up. The golden in her eyes melted away and her eyes turned gray. She stopped moving or struggling. Joel only felt rage as he looked up at the Ice wolf who was still standing there and watching him.

Her eyes were blue again. She was now staring back at him in confusion.

Joel's body vibrated with rage as he glared at her.

"You're going to die for this!" He roared.

Immediately after saying this, he attacked her.

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