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What happens when you forced by your mum and bestie to go to a Club just for the sake of getting laid cos it happens to be that you haven't had sex for A year and you are definitely not a virgin Gianna Michaels a young beautiful sexy 26 Years old black woman, a workaholic and ambitious hardworking lady, Gets forced by her baddie Mom and bestie to get laid with a random guy What happens when the random guy turns out to be a Playboy Rich CEO unknown to Gianna Federico Fredrick the CEO of RICKES Global intercom. A 29 years old hot suphiscated handsome white Millionaire . A Playboy, hardworking and mummy's boy What happens when they both had a one night stand together at the club and can't stop thinking about themselves or the night they had together

Chapter 1 Life introduction

Gianna stared at the old Man in front of her rant about how they should come up with a better idea concerning the contract They just acquired

"For heaven sake I thought I employed the best and not people with duck brains, we have just till Next tomorrow to present and seal the deal with M.B company and you guys have nothing presentable"

"If any of you still value your job then you would come up with some good within the next Thirty hours we have left or forget about youy career here" he yelled throwing our presentation folio to the air angrily

"Now all you duck brains duck of would ya" he said while we grumble our way out

"Gianna Michaels stay behind" Gianna heard her name and wish the ground would open and swallow her up

She turned with fake smiles on "Yes Mr Lucas"

"What is this, what is happening for heaven sake, you are the best project staff we have here"

" Wake your sleeping spirit and duck brain up and give me something Good for heaven sake" he whined stressing his old vein threatening to burst out of his head and neck

"Mr Lucas trust me when I say there is a perfect explaination for all of this" she said demonstrating with her hand

" Ok? I'm listening" he said his left hand on his jaw ready to listen to her excuse knowing fully well when she does that she has no reasonable explanation to make

"Erm Mr Lucas you see the thing is that" she said but was cut shut by him

"Save it Miss Michaels. I know you have no reasonable explanation to make, so take the day off as well as tommorow and come up with a reasonable idea and deal by next tommorow now Duck of would ya" he said dismissing her

"Thank you very much" she said gladly

" Yeah save it Miss Michaels" he said rudely

Grumpy old man not always happy unless money is entering his account

Gianna POV 🤭

I arrived home to find my house in a freaking mess, what the hell happened here

In my living room there were drinks, plastic cups, clothes and take outs littered everywhere and my furnitures not In order

God I'm so going to kill Harry, That crazy wild Casanova, he dare bring his wild friends to my house again, Damn! this is the reason I never wanted him to stay with me but mom insisted

I walked to his room and saw him laying on the floor and nearly naked girls and his dumb two best friends on the bed

I angrily left his room to the kitchen where I connect the long hose to the kitchen tap turn it on and went to his room and bath them all into waking up

"What the hell"

"Who the freak is that"

"Sick freaking shit"

"The Fuck Man"

They all cursed angrily untill they saw it was me "O my God we are so sorry" they said taking their things out of the room, Harry tried to run along with them but I was quick to drag him back giving him my hardest and most dangerous glare making him shiver and smile nervously

"You crazy or what Harry? what the Fuck is all this, haven't I warned you to stop partying in my house. Now listen to me young man clean this whole place I mean the whole house"

"And This should be the very last time this would ever happen or I will ever see any of your friends in my damn house again. I'm I clear" I yelled pulling his ear even tho he was taller than I am

"ouw ouch argh Yes ouch Yes it's clear I promise it won't happen again" he said in pain

"Good now set to work and I'mma call mom on ya ass Harry boy, yea ya better bet I would" I said in my black accent to show I mean it

Rico's POV🥵 (Federico)

I was done for the day and ready to go home and rest since I was so tired. Hopefully when I get home Mom has gone back to her husband

Don't get me wrong I love my mom alot but when she is around I don't get to do things I do at home such banging one of my hot maid or week girlfriend

Yes that's right I don't date a girl more than a week and I employ only hot girls as my maid

And my Mom is always stuffing me with food cuddling or hugging me any chance she gets and most annoyingly asking when I would get married

Thinking about it makes me laugh my ass out, I the legendary Rico get married? Nah not happening

I would have to love and I hate that shit called Love Honestly pray I don't experience it. The hell I have never experienced it

I took my suitcase and Jacket to leave my office When she barged in recklessly

"Lucia For Goodness sake why are you here and by this time" I asked her with disgust in my face

She is so annoying and clingy, dumbed her 2months ago but she still won't let me be, Claiming I love her but don't know

"What do mean my love I'm here so we could go home together of course" she said shocking me

"To what Now?" I asked to be sure I heard her right

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