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The marvelous voices

The marvelous voices

Philomina Philip


It’s all about the two couples that could sing together and make marvelous voices, his wife kate was really having a goal to achieve for her family after all the went through she still succeeded.

Chapter 1 Honey moon, on the island

A newly wedded couples who loved each other so much had to relocate to a new apartment were nobody knew them, they needed a different feeling on their honey moon so they had to choose a lovely place for their vacation. “I would love a place were we can adventure and feel the sweetness and calmness of nature”, Mrs Kate initiated this conversation. “oh that would be great”, her husband mr Kelly replied.

The both of them were so talented on how to sing they could make amazing Sounds and their voices were what everyone wanted to hear, mrs Kate loves to read alot and compose lovely songs and she could also draw, her favorite drawing was butter flies. She said she loved its calmness and its beautiful colors, she was really in love with nature. She had lots of drawings around her private room it was pasted all over the walls too. So they were making arrangements for their vacation, they wanted it to be on an island, they could not wait to see how the vacation was going to look like. The following morning, it was time for their flight, so a private car came to pick them up from the house to drive down to the airport. They were beautifully dressed and ready for their honey moon on the island, their luggage were packed into the car and the driver drove off immediately to the airport. In few hours, they got to the airport and alighted from the car, they paid the driver immediately and he helped them with their luggage inside the airport and he wished them a safe trip. Mr Kelly and Mrs Kate thanked him very much as he left, they waited until it was time for their flight to take off, they checked in and the flight took off after some instructions given by the flight attendants. They prayed together and sang their favorite song calmly as she placed her head on his shoulders and slept off. They had no turbulence on the air so they had a nice and cool flight. In few hours, the flight landed and they all had to come down and get a car immediately to the hotel because they needed to rest and prepare for the island the following morning. In some hours, it was morning and Mr Kelly had to wake his wife up and prepare their stuffs immediately. “it’s really going to be a long day”, Mrs Kate said to her husband. “yes, it is going to be a long day”, Mr Kelly replied. “ You said you wanted a place were you could adventure and feel the sweetness of nature”. “yes I did said so”, she replied. Their things were ready and they got their things into the car and drove to a tropical island that was near by, getting to the island, they were beautiful trees, they were beaches, how colorful the flowers were for the butterfly to rest on, the sands were so cool to step on. Finally, we got there, “Umm I think am thirsty would love to sip some coconut water, I am dehydrated”, Kate said. “Okay let’s get to the room and change up so we go get the coconut water to refresh our system”. “Oh my God, here is so beautiful it’s really going to be a lovely day”, Kate initiated this conversation. “I love the dress, it’s so colorful. I would definitely love to sing for people to night”, Kate said. “what do you think? It would be nice if you join me to make nice vocals I really want to show the world my talent, I know I can heal their pain and depression, I just want them to feel calmness”, she added. “Kate you really need to understand that not everyone is going to be pleased with this, a lot of jealous people are around and may want to hurt us. Can we just not have this conversation please?”Mr Kelly told his wife that it wasn’t nice enough to just show people your talent because lots of people who can not do what you can do maybe jealous. “Don’t you think it’s so early to do so? Mr Kelly concluded. “sweet heart I really understand what you are saying but I don’t think it’s bad”, Kate suggested. “Alright, let’s see how it’s gonna look like”, Mr Kelly replied. “Um are u ready let’s go have some fun then”, Kelly said as they both left to the beach. There were beautiful families on the island trying to make themselves happy, some were dancing, some were playing by the beach side and some others were seen discussing very closely. “let me go get some drinks for us”, Mr Kelly said as he went to get drink for the both of them. Within some minutes, a young man starring from afar whose name was Jack, had to walk up to Kate, he was really astonished by her beauty. “Excuse me young lady I must confess you look so beautiful , oh how are you doing?” Jack inquired. “Thank you my dear”, Kate responded. “do u care for a drink”, he asked her, “oh no am fine thank you”, she responded. “Why are turning down my offer young lady”, jack asked. “Am sorry if you feel so my dear I just got married, and my husband went to get a drink couple of minutes before you approached me thanks”. Jack was so amazed and he felt bad a little because he lost his wife a year ago and he had always been lonely. “I must say you look like my wife, she was as beautiful as you are”. “Oh is she here with you?” Kate asked. “No I wish she was, I lost her a year ago, it hasn’t been easy then with me so I really feel hurt. Kate really felt pity for him by the look on her face, she wondered or rather imagined if she was the one in his shoes. “am so sorry by the way, what’s your name”, she asked. “oh pardon my manners, my name is Jack and you?” “Oh cool my name is Kate”. “Okay it’s nice meeting you maybe we will see around later”, he said. Probably Kate responded. “okay I would take my leave now thanks for your time”, mr jack appreciated her and he left immediately. Kate was amazed and was wondering what could have happened to his wife that she passed on so early because he looked younger. In few miles away she could see her husband with bottles approaching closely, she has been so thirsty and needed to be dehydrated so she couldn’t wait to have a drink. Finally he got to were she was , “wow sorry I took a little time, some other people needed to get drinks too”, he said. “oh it’s fine”, she said as she grabbed her own bottle of drink and opened it and poured into a glass cup for both of them. She raised her cup and was like cheers to long life and prosperity, Kelly smiled, she gave her a stare for some time. “well, I love the view the freshness it gives. We have really wished to be here a long time were it’s really cool and calm to have time for ourselves”. “ am happy our dream came through”. “ Yeah am happy darling you have always made everything possible to make me happy and I really appreciate your love and care Kate appreciated her husband”. “Well anything for you my queen you really deserve lots more of happiness I really bless the day I met you because it was really a great honor having you in my life”. “Oh you know I love it when you say those sweet words to me”, they both chuckled. “Hey babe look here”, Kelly called her attention and gave her a warm kiss which lasted over a minute. “ I love how succulent your lips are”, he teased his wife and she was so happy. “ So tell me, what are you gonna do to me to night, you know I love it when you take control over my body”, she said. “Yeah you know exactly what I can do to you am gonna make that little pretty baby between your legs as hungry as it would want to feed”, they both laughed. “Hey babe, I can hear a music from afar, and some dance let’s go join them”, she pleaded. “alright baby let’s go then”. They walked together and got to were People were dancing and jubilating it was really a dancing and singing parade, Kate was so happy and was dancing, she dragged her husband and started to dance and sing according to the beat and sound within some minutes people noticed their marvelous voices and paused because they were kind of louder than the song playing and all focus was on them. Kate noticed and was amazed and she had to go harder singing more and more, she saw the look on her husband face and was like “come on babe i understand how you feel this is all we have ever wanted the world to see what we could do, they are entertained by our voices”, she whispered and made it more a vibe. People sang with them and danced, they were some bottles of alcohol being shared among themselves they had enough drink together. After some while everyone was kinda tipsy and had enough fun to the fullest. Kate was so tipsy, Kelly had to hold her to take her to their room, “babe come on he said let’s go party is over”. The island was looking so cold and calm it’s been a long day so they had other days to spend on the island so they wanted to take their time. He was able to carry her up and he walked with her in his shoulders and got to the room immediately. He dropped her on the bed she was slightly heavy and he tried undressing her for them to take a bath. He got to the shower and turned on the shower to warm water for the both of them. He finally made her had a bath himself and he took the towel to dry her body , she was so tipsy still at this point he had no choice than to do all this to lay her down to sleep. After all this, he puts her clothes on he laid her to bed. Then he had to hurry up to have a shower and meet her in bed so it was really time to sleep at this point Kelly and Kate couldn’t do anything sexual they were both Exhausted and had no choice to sleep the day was already in midnight so it was a good night here. In few hours it was morning the two couples were still at sleep, finally Kate woke up first , she turned to her husband’s face and kissed him, he slowly opened his eyes. “ hello sunshine you are up good morning”, he greeted. “good morning darling”, she responded. “so how was your night”, he asked. “ um I had a lovely night thank you for watching over me”. “you are welcome “, he responded. Slowly her hands hits something that was kinda strong and suspicious. “wow is that your dick “, she laughed. “you know it baby it’s shows that am active this morning for some exercise”. “Oh really “,she laughed. “so let’s get to business then come give me some sugar baby”, she said to her husband. Slowly he pulled close to her and they began to kiss, she gently went close to his dick and grabbed it, “ouch that hurts a little”, Kelly laughed. “sorry baby I just wanted to feel how amazing it’s gonna be inside of me”. Gently he went to her boobs and sucked it gently, while he saw her sexy reaction, she rubbed her hands gently on his head while he kissed her body gently , he got closer to her pussy and kissed her down there while he gradually pulled her panties. “what a sexy body you got baby”, Kelly said. Finally her panties were off her legs and he goes down to give her a head while her legs are opened and she mourns so loud, flipping his tongue round her clit , oh yeah as she mourns he goes so deep and it’s looks like she in a new world were she could feel lots of pleasure. He gradually dips his finger into her pussy and begins to finger her, oh yeah baby she creams loud while he pulls closer to her and kissed her at a time. After some time of her being fingered she returns the same pleasure of giving him a good blow job for some time, as she really did it till they were both hungry to have each other, come on baby Kelly said as he pulls her up to sit in his dick and rides him so well, yeah baby come on that’s it, as he mourns so well, Kate pulls down and had to bend back forth with her head down and her ass shot out for him to give her some doggy style ,he goes in and began to go faster as she mourns , he grabs her boobs at a time spanks her ass , trying to fuck her hard for her to cum so well. Within some minutes she cum so fast as she screamed so loud , when he went faster finally he also had to cum and both of the were satisfied and exhausted. They both laid back on the bed and had a deep breath, oh yeah what a good sex , definitely it was their first sex as the newly wedded couples. They had a good sex and were both happy and relaxed and the next thing was to rest, freshen up and have some breakfast for the day. After some time they had to take their bath together,What a lovely fresh breath to catch Kate said after she was dressed up so well for breakfast. “So what are we having for breakfast?” Kelly asked “ well I want to have some cupcakes and a cup of tea to refresh my system and don’t know about you”. “Um I will just have some slice of bread and a cup of tea for the morning”. “oh that would be nice, I feel like going to take a stroll around the island I would come back to meet you shortly for breakfast”, she said. “Okay it’s fine my dear”, Kelly replied as she stood up and gave him a kiss and left out. Wow what a lovely day, the brightness it gives and the freshness I can feel it through my breath, playfully she turned it into a song while she was approaching the beach side of the island. Hey someone called out loud, she slowly turned to know who called her attention, surprisingly it was the young man named Mr Jack, that she met yesterday. “oh hi good morning”, Kate was wondering why she had to meet him again always in the absence of her husband. “How are you doing beautiful young lady?” He asked. “ oh am fine thank you, how about you?” she returned the question. “am okay thank you, I was wondering why your husband would always let a beautiful damsel stay all alone this early morning”. “ well I chose to come take a stroll also to look around the island I was with my husband few minutes ago”. “ Oh I see well it’s fine do you mind if we have breakfast together?”Jack asked. “no am fine thank you”, Kate response to his proposal always broke his heart inside of him he really wanted her attention despite knowing that she was married already. “Kate why do you keep turning me down? Is there something wrong about me?” He tried knowing why she was always feeling reluctant to accept any offer from him. “Not at all I really do not know you well and I can’t have anything to do with you while am with my husband it doesn’t sound well and you know that accepting a strangers offer doesn’t sound nice”. “ I totally understand you my dear, well less i forget you really have an amazing voice I must confess I heard you sing so well at the night carnival we had it was really amazing”. “Thank you so much, I really appreciate I must take my leave now to go have breakfast with my husband, am sure he is waiting for me” Kate said. “Well here is my card you can call me anytime you want to, I offer contracts worth millions of naira , I can host a competition for people with marvelous voices like you am sure if you are likely to win you will sign a contract to work in a music industry and you know that’s a huge sum of money”. At this point Kate was speechless she wondered why jack would give her an offer just like that. “It’s a pleasure meeting you once again”, Kate stretched her hands to give him a hand shake, he refused to accept it. “what’s the problem mr jack?” “Well I just wanted you to feel how hurtful it could be to a refusal to much offer I made to you, have a lovely day Kate”, he said and worked away. She felt bad and walked away while walking back to the hotel room she was going through the card jack gave to her. “wow he must really be a rich man”, she murmured she put the card into her pocket while she was getting close to the room she gently knocked at the door. “am coming Hold done a minute”, Kelly said while he hurried to put on his clothes and get the door, he opened the door and it was his wife. “hi”, she smiled and walked into the room as he shuts the door. “ what took you so long out there?” He asked. “oh am sorry o guess I took long I just had to stroll around am sure my breakfast is ready and getting cold”, while she peeps and saw her food down on the table. She saw the look on her husband’s face he wasn’t looking happy. “oh come on babe am sorry”, she said and kissed him. She rushed to her food to eat while eating her husband stares at her and said to her that he won’t be happy if he finds out that she is lying to him. He had go meet some couple of friends that called him earlier on to tell him they were on the same island with him so he had to leave immediately and shut the door. Kate was left alone privately in the house after her breakfast she really needed to make some research on mr jack company card given to her, she typed in the name of the company on her laptop and goggled about it, behold the company was a big one that offer different contract offers she was so amazed that if she wins she would have to sign contract worth millions that would really make her dream come through. she did not want to inform her husband about it in a hurry until she knows more about it. Kelly was out with some friends and business partners having some conversation about a business that would benefit from. mr Jones one of Kelly friends asked him how his wife was doing because they choose the island for their honeymoon. Kelly responded that she was fine and okay they were all pleased. “ Can we go get a drink?” Kelly asked. “oh yeah sure let’s go have a drink”, as they all laughed together to go have a drink. After some time, Kate picked up her phone and dialed mr jack’s number successfully it rang and he picked up. “ hello who is this?” He asked. “oh hello it’s me Kate I just wanted to know if you might want to have a drink you know am really sorry for rejecting all your offer to have time with me, I was a little bit trying to be careful and all of that”. “Hahaha”, he laughed through the phone. “I really understand that you really want to take your time so am not offended honestly, u can come over to room fourteen downstairs so we talk more”, jack tried all he could to convince her to come over to his room. She changed her dress immediately and used the elevator to get down stairs. She was really panting when she was almost at his room she took a deep breath and knocked at the door. Jack knowing that he wasn’t expecting anyone else apart from Kate had to open the door, boom it was the beautiful queen before him. “come in young lady”, he said, as she walked in and had a sit. “Make your self comfortable woman your welcome to my room so finally you are with me”. “Umm oh yes”, as Kate stammered questioning herself in her mind if she was doing the right thing she needed no complications or implications whatever it could be because she was on her honeymoon. “What do I offer you again young lady”,as jack asked. “Um I think a glass of water will be okay”, she said. “Oh okay”, he brought out a bottle of water from the fridge and poured it into a glass cup and stretched his hand out for her to get the water. “Oh thank you”, she appreciated him. “so I guess you had my time because of my offer to you, I know women loves money”,he chuckled. “Not really I just love my talent and what I can do to make money happily I really love offers like this that would make me want to work hard for myself the more”. “Oh really?” He asked. “yes of course”, she responded. “So tell me what are you both doing here on the island I mean you and your husband am kind of curious to know”, he asked. “well we are on a honeymoon and we decided to choose here for us to be together”. “Oh I see so how is it going?” “It’s going well my dear”. “Okay so I would email you on when the date for the competition is going to begin so u can come perform, and if you are one of our top best then you will sign a contract to work in the music industry”. “Oh my God am so happy about this , my husband can also sing I don’t know if I can tell him about it”,she asked. “Unfortunately we deal with only a person and I gave only you the opportunity to come perform your husband can come and watch you perform on stage we don’t deal with double persons , so maybe next time he will be opportune to do so”, jack concluded. She was kind of quiet for some time but there was nothing she could do about it than accepting the offer as long as it was going to change their lives so she really thanked him , so it came into her mind to ask him what had happened to his wife earlier. “Um so sorry to ask, please what happened to your wife you spoke about her that I looked much like her the first day we met”. “oh yeah I lost her she was really ill my money could not even save her life I really loved her so much but I couldn’t help it but to just let her go she remains in my heart”. It looked like he was so emotional, Kate had apologize for making him talk about it earlier on. And he said it was fine that she shouldn’t bother about it that it was all in the past now. “Okay I would take my leave now, it’s really a pleasure meeting you”, Kate said, as she prepares to leave getting to the door jack pulls her back by stretching his hands and dragging her backwards. “Aren’t you gonna show me some appreciation”, he asked immediately. Kate was so amazed and lost mare knowing she just appreciated him for everything by thanking him. “Excuse me is there something I don’t know ?” she asked what kind of appreciation do you expect next. “Well I wanted you to take of your clothes and kiss me here on my bed”, jack replied. “Excuse me?” Kate responded but I told you and you confirmed I am married how do you expect me to do that she asked. “my husband wouldn’t be happy about all this I made a mistake coming here are first”, she groaned. “Nope you didn’t you took a good step, and you equally have to pay the price too if you need it to come through I mean you are so beautiful and you could do anything that would change your life and your family if I were you I would accept this offer”. Kate was so pained hearing this that she began to cry and wonder why all this is happening to her so early on the other note she needed the money because she really needed to accomplish her goal but she couldn’t just help it. She forcefully got to the door opened it and left. She was really pained she joined the elevator and got to the top of were her room was and got to her room and shuts the door immediately. She begun to think deeply and wondered what she had to do not to cause any issues or anything that would complicate her, her husband was still out having fun with his friends and hasn’t returned back to check on her. She had to pour some alcohol into the cup to clear her head, what really choked her was the fact that she just got married and she was on her honeymoon with her husband, after some little time a message dropped on her phone and her phone vibrated checking her phone and it gets to be mr jack saying, I know you won’t reject this offer it’s really going to go a long way for you think much more about it I would really be waiting for your reply he ended it with a thumb sticker. Kate really saw it looked like a trap and she had to handle it the smart way orbit gets to implicate her marriage and she didn’t want to inform her husband about it , it was a little bit to late to tell him and she new he would feel bad for her not mentioning this to him at first before it got to the point of having to sacrifice her body to have a contract . Few hours later, a knock at the door she walked to the door and opened it, surprise Kelly said, “have you been expecting me?” her husband asked. “oh yeah I was wondering what might have kept you so long that you couldn’t even call to tell me where you were?” “oh and you smell drunk seems like you took so many alcohol this time”. “yeah I was with some couple of friends having some fun so I just wanted to make myself happy I really want to have a good rest now so sorry I couldn’t call I was really not in a good mood to”, he responded as he bounced on the bed to sleep. “I mean why did you get drug what’s going on?” “Am fine darling” he said, “come lay with me come closer”, he pleaded. she had to lay close to him as he lasted his head on her boobs and touching them at a time. they both slept off and it was almost dark outside. Mr jack was so happy that he could really get in touch with Kate, he had always liked her so much that he never cared if she was married or not smiling so much in his room as he picks up his phone to call the manger in charge of the company to tell him that he had just signed some one and he would want her to participate in any competition to give her a contract into the music industry. The manager agreed with him and told him he has gotten the information and would work towards it immediately. Wow what a nice plan at last I am able to get this beautiful young lady into my hands and show her lovely parts of me he laughed expressing how happy he was. He also needed a wife by him because of how lonely he has been since he lost his wife. He was carried away by her beauty and never cared what would come next by having some ones wife in mind, he always believed that women would do anything for money as long as it pleases them. Mr jack has a son he kept far away who is trying to complete his studies at Oxford university he really had lots of plans that he needed to accomplish and he didn’t like the fact his son always complained that he misses his mum and he is always feeling bad when he has no one to call mum so that was also why jack had to do anything to get a woman beside him he could do anything to please his son no matter what it would cost him because he was extremely rich and comfortable. Just as he could do anything for his late wife before he lost her, it really hurts each time he remembered.

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