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Romance With His Step Sisters

Romance With His Step Sisters

Kristoffer Quincy


Charles sleeps with some random girl from another school whom he later discovers to be the younger sister to his teacher whom he has a crush on. His dad remarries and the identity of the his dad's new wife hits him by surprise. The suspense begins in 'Romance with his sisters'.

Chapter 1 The encounter

Mayora gets out of bed slowly while holding the small white towel around her with her left hand. She sits up and unwraps the medium sized towel around her, revealing the gentle curves of her full and firm breasts with the 'dark berries' which stood out. She bends over slightly and picks her Bra from the terrazzo floor. She gently hooks the sky-blue bra in front of her body and rotates it 180 degrees to her back, after which she puts her hands through both handles and placed them on her shoulders.

Charles moves slowly from his side of the bed towards Mayora and caresses her shoulders gently. This sends several waves of current into her body. "I had the time of my life Mayora. I can't believe I've been missing out on heaven all this while", Charles said as he moved his hands down her chest towards her cleavage.

"That's all Charles.", Mayora said with a small smile at one side of her lips and continued "That's how it works, and it gets better, or so they say", she said as she stood up and walked towards her pant which was a few inches from the Bed. Charles stared at her buttocks in awe, "I've just been disvirgined".

One day later!

"Peterrrr!! I had the time of my life", Charles said with a large smile on his face as he walks into Peter's room. He rushes towards Peter and hugs him tightly.

"What's going on?", Peter said while looking confused: "I've always said your body is soft but...". "But what? Peter cuts in as Charles begins to laugh uncontrollably. "But it's different from a girl's softness". Girls are soft and curvy and firm and...".

"Eh ehm...", Peter clears his throat. "You did it with a girl you just met. How Pathetic. Tell me, how did it happen?", Peter said still confused. "It just happened... I don't know how to explain it, but it just happened". "Shut up Charles. I hate it when you say it just happened. Cut the chase. How did it happen?", Peter asked while grabbing Charles's shirts as if to strangle him: "Fine I got invited to a match making club yesterday and.......

Look. Isn't this Mr. James?", Phillip said while staring at his Smartphone screen. I and Jacob took a quick peek and Phillip quickly returned the smartphone into his pocket. It was school hours and smartphones are not allowed.

"The one that got transferred to another school for flirting with a student?", Jacob asked. "Yeah, that's right. Looks like he's getting married", Phillip said.

"At least he'd stop flirting around", Jacob responded while I listened to them both. I was about to speak when miss Tulip suddenly walked into the passageway and approached us with intent.

Phillip was still running his mouth and didn't notice miss Tulip coming from behind him. She snuck behind him and smacked his butt. "Ouch...", he screamed and turned around suddenly. "Are you gossiping about other people's businesses again? You should have grown past this by now", she said with a firm look on her face.

"Are you suddenly interested in my butt?", Phillip said while smiling. "That's no way to talk to your teacher", miss Tulip responded.

"I'm so sorry. Are you suddenly interested in my butt, ma'am?", Phillip said and chuckled silently. "Too bad I'm not interested in children", she said as she walked away with her hands folded behind her. "Mr. Charles don't let these peeps corrupt you", she said as she suddenly turned around and winked at me. My heart melted.

I looked into her blue eyeball just before she turned around. All I could see was perfection I couldn't take my eyes off her and observed her dark brown hair in the distance "Wake up Charles... wake up" Jacob said while waving his hands in front of my face.

"Looks like she's interested in you as much as you're interested in her", Jacob said.

"I'm interested in her?", I asked in denial. "Come on, isn't it obvious?", Phillip responded. "Don't push me guys. I heard she has a boyfriend", I said. "Yeah, and you have a monster under your clothes", Phillip said, and we all laughed loudly.

"Anyway, there's a match making club coming up in ten minutes. Charles the virgin, are you in?", Phillip said with his hand over my shoulder. "I want to... I...", I was still trying to decide when Jacob cut in. "I'd take that as a "Yes. You're in". "Come on guys, is this necessary", I asked. "It's gonna be fun, just relax and flow with the vibes".

Ten minutes Later!

"Cheers!", we all said with our glass cups raised and colliding one against another. We were at the private corner of a restaurant across my school. The venue was chosen by a strange girl who I later knew to be Maurice.

Jacob, Philip, and I sat at one side of the table while three pretty girls sat at the opposite end. "I guess the saying is true. Birds of a feather flocks together", Jacob said with a large smile on his face while looking at the girl opposite him.

"Your friends are just as cute as you are".

"We're not as cute as you think", she said with a blush on her face and continued. "There's something called make-over".

"Stop being modest. You girls are just perfect", Phillip said.

Thank you!!!", the girls chorused in angelic voices.

"Let's begin with introduction. after you ma'am", Phillip said.

"No 'Ma'am' please, we're all friends here", the girl sitting opposite Phillip responded. "My name is Maurice, the leader of this club and a student of Thames high school. It's nice to meet you all".

"I'm Flora, also a student at Thames. I'm looking forward to having some fun", the girl opposite Phillip said.

There was an awkward silence afterwards. The girl opposite me wasn't saying anything. "Come on, it's your turn", Flora said while tapping her shoulder gently. She raised her head to look at me and faced gown as soon as our eyes met.

"I'm Mayora She said calmly and without enthusiasm. "Shouldn't you be excited about this?", Maurice asked. "I guess I am", Mayora responded calmly. "She's the shy type. Don't worry, she's fun to be with", Maurice said and drank from her glass.

"Excuse me. I'd be back shortly", Mayora said and walked out of the room into the passageway. "Hey Charles, I'd suggest you go after her, Maurice said, and the guys supported.

"But why I", I asked as I didn't understand what was going on. "She's shy and wouldn't want to say certain things before everyone", Maurice explained.

I hesitated at first and finally went for her a few seconds later. I walked out the door into the passageway and walked straight down.

Mayora was standing right there by the vending machine. It looked like she was talking to the beverage can as she bent over to pick it up. I walked up to her quickly and started a Conversation.

"Hey Mayora". "Hey... ". "What are you doing here", I asked. "You seem like you're in a bad mood and was hoping we could talk privately", I said while scratching my head. "Tell me, aren't you having fun?".

"I'm just not used to things like this. It all feels... strange. I simply wanna try something different is all", Maya said calmly with a blunt expression.

"We're not so different Mayora. I used to be the shy type too until recently when I miraculously snapped out of it", I said. "A miracle you say. There's no such thing", she retorted.

"I know. I know. My point is...". "I get your point Charles. How about we take a walk together", she said while looking at me with the side of her eyes.

"Uhm... okay". He walked out of the restaurant and went down into several streets for about five minutes before getting to unfamiliar destination.

"We're here", she said with a smile. "Where's here?", I asked curiously as the environment wasn't familiar.

"It's my house. Come on, let's go in", she said and pulled me by my left hand, "But what about your parents, wouldn't we get into trouble? What about your friends of the bar?", I asked.

"You worry too much Charles. Nobody would be home until late evening and my friends know I'm not a kid", she said and smirked weirdly.

As we walked into the house, she turned towards me and hugged me. "I want you to do me a favour", she said with a serious face. "Is that okay?", she asked. "Okay whatever it is", I said.

"Follow me".

We walked across the sitting room into a bedroom- her bedroom. She shut the door behind us and went straight to the bed. "I don't understand. What are we doing here?", I asked as I was confused.

"Will you have sex with me?"

"Wait what?"

"It's okay If you don't want to. You can leave", she said firmly.

"It's not that I don't want to but why me?" I asked.

"I want to try it so I can have experience. Everyone talks about it and I'm the only one that gets to keep quiet each time. You know people look down on other people who have no experience. It bothers me", she said in a melodramatic tone.

"But this kind of thing requires...". She cuts in, " I'm not interested in a relationship. I just want to do this and be done with it".

"But why don't you go for Phillip or Jacob? They are more experienced in this kind of thing", I asked with doubt written all over me as I didn't know what to say anymore.

"I'd feel like they're taking advantage of me since they're already experienced".

"Okay I understand and..."

"I don't need you to understand, let's do this", she said and began to unbutton her shirt slowly.

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