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My day one lover

My day one lover

Isreal Kay


This is a romantic story which let us know how love is dangerous, Allen and Maura make some mistakes in their life but their parents assist them

Chapter 1 My day one lover


Ciara Maura was in her opinion, the worst good looking man a guitar player that had ever graced Maxwell high.if anything, she would surely get beat and lyrics from Allen; the Gods of jazz and all things guitar.

she had been in these for so long.he was first chair in selecting band, beating her by only 3 points. His life was rated five stars, ann Maura's own probably a solid three star.

That actually grew less with time

A nasty fight with her step mother turned into threatening to put her up for adoption, which in turn became her moment and present situation; sitting on her sister's couch a town over, discussing her transportation to school and how the feeding stuff is going to be.

she hated her family. Her stepmother who thought she could get away with everything because her father left. her brother, who shared a similar distaste for allowing a "disobedient child" in her very own house.Thier useless dog and stupid cat that made her puffed up with pride more than she already had from crying.

She wanted nothing more than to wake up and play music and sit next to Allen, blending and mixing in with the rest of the instruments and being whole with the band kids.she wanted to be part of something. A part of a family that wasn't being separated as summer neared.she craved to lean on someone and just cry.

so she did what any other teen would do. snapped some fine picture and send it to a few individuals and friends hoping probably they might be response from someone. The notification light lit up almost immediately and Maura checked it. it was nobody other than Allen,

his message projecting a little hope in his dark time and moment.

Hey Maura, are you alright?

yes- but my step mother is making life difficult for me, she make me live with my uncle and I'll probably have to switch schools.:(

oh. I'm sorry about that. did you like your uncle?

not really- I guess have just finally lost my family.

I understand- I'm here when you need to talk.

And so he was. Leading up to graduation, all she did was to talk to him. He was her safe place.

The person who picked her up and be her supporter when she fell down- and she believed that she could count on him.

Graduation came. His absence in the seat next to her during their final song pulled at the strings in her heart. she felt disheartened. she looked at him as he walked past her, her bronze eyes locking with his own. she had never kissed him or held his hands, but she trusted him so much. He was her friend.


Month passed, each text remaining unanswered. Each of our attempts were continuously and regularly ignored. They grew to part- and she grew to understand that, no matter how many times she read go through her chapter in her book, she wouldn't bring him back.

This slow kind of heartbreak and so called breakfast was just one of many in her adolescent life- but the notes that ring in her head all the time were one of a kind.

His music wasn't leaving any time soon.

so after two months later she got a text immediately she quickly checked through it was Allen, she was very happy to hear from him.

He apologized for neglecting her for a while and he said he has realized his mistakes, Maura accepted the apology and they moved on.

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