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Undercover Maid

Undercover Maid

Simrah Saeed


"Can I trust you?" He asked, his breath fanning her back as he drop wet kisses up to her neck. Micah turned towards him, she could see the love and admiration for her in his eyes. She nibbled on her bottom lip in nervousness. "Can I really trust you with my darkest secret Micah?" He questioned. "Yes" ~~~ He is the infamous Italian-Mexican Mafia King of the underworld. She's a pretty Assassin and a Skilled Hacker. Xavier Costello Lucas, the Mafia King and a successful CEO of Lucas Group. He is arrogant, ruthless, cruel, heartless and to top it all, a sexy Greek God. He doesn't care about those he kills. Living two lives at a time, one in hiding and the other in public. His family is the Number one Mafia Family in Italy. The Italian-Mexican organized crime syndicate is known widely across the country but then, no one knows who the Mafia King is or what he looks like. She's Micah Davon, fierce, fearless, excitingly sexy and a straight-out badass. She joined the Mafia at the age of ten and has been trained into a skilled harker and an assassin. She is from the third most famous Mafia Family in Italy. When her underboss found out about Xavier Costello Lucas, she is sent into his house in disguise of a maid to gain his trust, get some useful informations about him then kill him afterwards. What happens when the Italian-Mexican Mafia King gets involved with the Assassin who is a threat to him and his entire Mafia Family?

Chapter 1 Xavier Costello Lucas

Micah stretched her body on the bed looking worn out from the two jobs she took care of during the night.

She covered her ears to stop her from hearing the noise from downstairs.

She could hear the excitement in their voices which only means that there's a good news or a new well paying job for either of them which is something she has gotten used to for the past twelve years.

Soon, there was a loud knock on her door. She lazily stood up from the bed ambling towards the door to find one of her colleagues standing there with a fake smile on her face.

Most of the ladies in the house detest her because she happens to be the best amongst them, she is capable of killing everyone of them in seconds and she is also their boss' favourite.

To them, she is self-centered.

"What's up Rosie?" Micah asked friendly, even when she knows they all do not like her, she chose to be her normal self as long as they do not physically mess with her.

"Boss wants you down immediately" Rosie replied, she didn't wait for Micah to say anything else as she dashed back down.

After about two minutes, Micah came down to see everyone at the table.

"Thank God you are here Micah, quickly hack into this account. A huge deal just entered, transfer everything into our secret account immediately" Mateo their boss said.

He is the leader of third Italian Mafia group.

"Yes boss"

Micah nodded her head, she sat down on one of the empty chairs and drew the laptop closer to herself.

Without being told, she knows the 'deal' means a huge amount of money.

It didn't take her plenty of time to locate the money.

As everyone stared admiringly at how fast she works and how fast her hands kept moving on the keyboard, she focused on transferring the money into their account.

It was a total of $540,000b. It's that huge. She imputed the amount and pressed transfer.

After five minutes, the transfer was successful.

The quiet place a few minutes ago became noisy again with everyone screaming at their success.

"Thank you Micah, you've done a good job" Mateo praised.

Micah stood up with a smile on her face, she bowed her head to Matteo who nodded at her.

"How did you do that just now masked girl?" Burno asked.

Micah is widely known as masked girl since she usually covers her face during any operation.

"I admire you a lot Micah, you are so smart and intelligent" Finn added.

She smiled and shrugged her shoulders yawning loudly from hunger and tiredness.

Just like always, they've taken their breakfast without her.

"You should go take your breakfast, we need to celebrate this win before your assignment in the evening" Mateo reminded.

Micah sighed, there's no single day she's gotten a rest from doing an assignment.

She loves her job but she needed to rest more. Maybe sleeping her day away and skipping their celebration will be a great plan to regain her lost strength.

"Yes boss" she said and began walking into the kitchen.

There was already a food in the microwave, she fetched a little from the cheesecake, pasta and took a smoothie.

Micah sat at the table munching her food when Finn entered.

"Hey superwoman" he beamed.

Micah rolled her eyes at him while shaking her head.

"Do you have any idea what my assignment is?" She asked.

"Not really, I heard the boss talking over with someone on the phone and he mentioned a politician's name" he stated.

Micah nodded her head, if it happens to be a politician, it will be a little tough getting pass through those thousands of guards they usually have with them.

Unless she will just decide to kill all of them. She sipped from her cup of smoothie, pushed the plates away and stood up.

"You aren't done are you?" Finn asked looking into her plates.

"I am done as you can see" she replied with an eye roll.

"That's not fair, I came to discuss something with you" he pouted.

Finn is the only one she gets along with so well in the house.

"Stop acting childish, I need to sleep. We will talk later" she replied hastily leaving the kitchen before he can form another sentence.

Micah quietly went to her room, she sighed plumping herself down on the bed.

For the past twelve years of her life, she has been living as an assassin and a hacker who commits cyber crime every now and then.

She kills and loot money from people. She was trained to be that kind of person since she left the orphanage where she was brought up as a child.

But they abandoned her when they found out who her mother is. She relied on mother Emily to tell her but no one spoke to her about who her mother is and why they had to send her out because of her.

They threw a ten year old girl into the street to fend for herself.

They turned her into who she is today, if only she was not thrown out, she imagined what kind of life she'd be living by now aside spilling blood.

It was a few weeks after the incident that she came across Mateo who took her in and trained her as an assassin.

In the process of that, she learnt how to rely on oneself. In this type of their world, no one will help you when you get caught by the higher ups.

If it leads to death, you die alone taking whatever you know to the grave.

Even if they have people who supports them from among the cops, the judges, the anti-crime syndicate and lots more, there are still some people inside them that wouldn't take bribe and makes sure of getting their jobs done.

That made Micah stronger, she became determined to be as good as she can in order to save herself from dying early.

Sighing for the umpteenth time, she braced herself up knowing this isn't time to be thinking about what doesn't matter.

Micah stood up from the bed dragging herself to the bathroom. She needs a hot shower before she can think of sleeping.


The evening breeze kept blowing up in the air, there was a thick tension as Xavier stepped out of the car with a few of his men.

His face was hard as rock without any trace of a smile and a scowl which was plastered on his face.

He has a well built body, tall, handsome and muscular even without him smiling.

As he stepped out of the car, his gaze was fixated on the small shabby building in front of him.

With his hand in his pocket, he stride towards it. Each step he took entailed danger and it imprinted deep fears in his men.

They knew quite well that he wouldn't harm them, his family but his scary appearance dreads them all the time.

And right now, he is enraged.

Xavier is not the Mafia King for nothing, he deserves the title even without his identity revealed.

He has the quality of a leader, he kills without emotions and doesn't spare anyone who go against him or try to hurt any of his family members.

He stopped at the trifled door in a profound enragement.

"Break down the door this minute" he instructed furiously tapping his legs on the floor. A habit of him when he is angered.

"Yes Don" two out of his men replied, they stepped forward and with a single hit, the door was on the floor.

A loud gasp was heard from a woman the moment she saw the hefty looking men break inside their home.

The glass in her hand fell down and broke into pieces.

"Who...are you?" She stuttered cowering back in fear.

Xavier was quick enough to catch her arm. His eyes were red from anger, his grip on the frightened woman tightened as he step closer to her.

"Where is your husband?" He asked with a low growl.

The woman was too scared to speak up, she couldn't find her own voice and even if she did, she wouldn't reveal her husband's whereabouts.

She wouldn't tell them that he is the house with her right now. With the look on their faces, she knows this men doesn't mean good.

"I asked you a question, where the hell is your husband?" Xavier thundered, he twisted her arm leaving her groaning in pain.


"Honey what's happening he..." James cuts in, he trailed off on seeing the men standing right in front of him.

He held his two years old daughter close to himself in fright with trembling hands.

"Don" he called apprehensively, a fearful smile appearing on his face.

Xavier pushed the woman away, a cold smile finds it way on his face as he turn to the direction of James voice.

"Look who we finally have here" he paused giving a short unpleasant laugh.

"Do you think you can hide from me James?" He queried walking up to him.

James eyes were wide in shock, fear and surprise.

Xavier collected the lily-livered child and threw her in the direction of her mother without looking back.

He grabbed James collar with his left hand punching him to the floor with the other.

"Where is my money?" Xavier asked the bloodied man.

His face were swollen from a punch with blood gushing out of his mouth.

Xavier owns a loan shark, he lends people money and give them a specific period of time to pay back with interest. Their lives and that of their families are used as collateral.

Mostly, Xavier chose to kill them if they don't pay back.

"I am sorry Don, please give me more time, I promise to pay back. Spare my family and I" he pleaded.

His pleads seems to infuriate Xavier the more, he hates when people doesn't keep their promises to him.

Xavier removed a gun from his lower abdomen shooting James in the leg twice.

"Daddy" the little girl screamed with a visible fright showing on her face which brought Xavier's attention to them.

Her mother covered her mouth with tears streaming down her face.

With one hand, he grabbed the little girl up.

"How about killing her as a warning?" He taunted with a derisive laughter.

"Please Sir, do not kill my daughter I beg of you" the woman beg. She knelt down while holding Xavier's leg pleadingly.

They could have thought about running away but not with all the guns pointed at them, they wouldn't even go far before being caught.

He kicked her away from him hitting her head on the hard floor. She winced in pain, her eyes never leaving her daughter.

"Please, do not hurt my daughter" she pleaded.

Xavier let the baby fall on the floor slightly hitting her head.

He shot James both arms adding to pain in his leg. He bent down to his level turning the gun in his hand.

"Do not make me come back looking for you again James, I won't be as nice as I am right now"

that said, he stood up, kept his gun and redressed his shirt taking himself out of the house but paused when he reached the door.

"Right, you do not know me. Do not forget that" he hinted.

"Yes, I do not know you"


Everyone chatted among themselves as they waited for Mateo's arrival.

He called for a meeting earlier.

Micah sat down scrolling through her phone instead of participating in the group discussion they were having.

They were talking about what they are to do with their share of the money she transfered from someone's account earlier.

Micah on the other hand doesn't know what to use hers for, she doesn't have anything to use money for aside shopping with it.

At that moment, Mateo arrived.

"I am sorry for keeping you all waiting now, I am going to be very brief" he said.

Once again, the sitting room became dead silent as they listen with kin interest.

"I have a good news for us" he announced. Everyone's excited gaze fell on Mateo who had a smirk on his face.

"I found out who the Mafia King is and it's none other than Xavier Costello Lucas"

There was an uproar among them for a few seconds before it died down. Everyone was surprised at the new revelation.

"Damn, that brat lied to us for five years, he deceived everyone into believing that he has nothing to do with the Mafia anymore"

Mateo said, he fisted his hand in a ball and hit the table loudly in annoyance and frustration.

"You all know how stronger we will become if we get to kill him, we will become more powerful than any other Mafia family in the world" he said.

"And that is where you come in Micah, we should forget about your assignment and focus on this"

Micah's eyes snapped up at him in confusion wondering what this had to do with her.

"You are the perfect person for this job and I trust you to do well since I have everything planned out"

"Okay boss" she answered not knowing where the conversation was heading to.

"Starting tomorrow, you will move into his house as his new maid"

All eyes traveled to Micah who looked as confused as them.

What does that even mean?

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