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The Demos brothers

The Demos brothers

Joyce dera


A mistake of hundreds of years still left it's residual lingering in the life's of the Demos brothers making them mateless, the one the surely craved for and yet leaving a hollow path in their hearts that can only be filled with love by the mated one. THEIR MATE!! Ava Dalton has always looked forward to her senior year with her friends but what she wasn't aware of was that senior year had more instored for her including the secrets surrounding the school and the little world she would have sworn never existed.

Chapter 1 ( How it all started)

This is how it all started, my name is Ava and am nineteen, my whole life changed in the space of two years, all the things I thought it was just a fallacy turned out to be true and I am of course attached to this fallacy. All my life I have always been a fighter and a non respecter of an awkward authority but sometimes their is always room to bend what you believe in. It all started on a Monday morning.

"Ava! you wouldn't want me to come up to your room, would you?" My father shouted, I was ten minutes late to school, I couldn't get enough sleep watching the new Chinese series.

"dad am coming" I said running down the stairs. I rushed to the dinning table, Josh was already sitted on my seat, I didn't have much time for argument, I took some pancakes before heading to the car, I kissed my mum good bye before heading to the car.

My family is an average family but we were very comfortable, my father works in a casino as an accountant, while my mother owns a coffee shop just a few blocks from the house, besides Josh my younger brother whom always got on my nerves, I would say I was the happiest child. My parents rarely got in to arguments as I heard most couples here in Dallas did infact my neighbors were a typical example of them, their constant shouting and noises made my father buy a noise proof window glass.

" Ava get off!! do you prefer staying in here, I wouldn't mind taking you to work, I need extra hands so does your mother" my father uttered, I snapped back to reality and gave him a faint smile before stepping out of the car.

For an seveteen years old I was 5'8, taller than most of the guys in my class, I was born naturally with a blonde hair and an Amber colored eye balls which made caused envy in my class. I am not particularly beautiful but I would say I was up to standard. my friends always recommended I join the modelling academy because of my figure but being a writer has always been my dream, thank God the figure was well hidden in this vast clothes.

As I walked through the pathways heading to the main door, I could see luxurious cars and of course Sasha's car the number one bully of Hillcrest high school.

" hey blondee come here" Sasha said with a commanding tune, I hated her with every thing in me, I didn't reply I kept walking to my destination when two tiny hands stopped me, I wasn't surprised when I turned to meet Carly and Jennie, Sasha's factotums.

"do you mind!!" I said dropping their hands off my shoulder, before I could reach the door Sasha blocked my way, the last thing I needed right now was an exchange of words, it's a fresh semester as a senior and am not letting anything or anyone ruin it for me.

"Sasha you are obstructing me! I don't have time for all these in case you don't have a class, I do" I said pushing her off my way, for a bully she was too weak and I made sure to prove that to her since freshman, no bully dared me but I was still a shy and timid girl, I always kept to myself till I became friends with Mia and Stace.

"I would get back at you blondee just watch your back" Sasha blurted as she hurriedly entered the hall way, what is the worst that could happen, I was already getting tired of their useless pranks guess i have to put up with it till the year ends and then I can willing beat the hell out of brunette hair. I walked in to the hall way straight to my locker, I checked my schedule for the day, history!! oh my God it's Mr Lucas, the Lucas that every student feared, great!! I was already five minutes late, my first class as a senior and am late and of all classes Mr Lucas's class, thanks Sasha I said heading to the block assigned for the lecture, I got to the door to notice the calmness of the class I guess they were enjoying the class or forced to enjoy it and I hated to interrupt but attendance mattered alot for my records if I want to make it to college, luckily the back door was opened I sneaked through the back door making my way through the seat when I was stopped.

" young lady do you mind explaining to me why you are sneaking in and disturbing my class" he said with a Stern face, when I heard of Mr Lucas I was expecting a man in his late forties but this man right here was definitely in his late twenties and full of perfection even with his angry face he still looked handsome and edible, I stopped spacing out when a girl tapped me, it hit me he had earlier asked a question instead I was here zoning out thinking of a man I just met a minute a go.

"Sir! I lost my way down here and erhm.. " I stuttered, the whole class attention were now on me especially Sasha whom was grinning at me, I hated to share a class with her.

" Miss what?" he asked dropping his laptop

"Miss Ava Sir and am sorry I came in late" I said apologetically, oh shit I forgot he was rumored to hate apologies, I might as well kiss my points good bye

" Miss Ava you would know by now how I hate apologies, I think I should be the one apologizing if you come late next time because your points are as stake, for every late coming and non attendance except on special occasions, a point or two would drop just have that in mind, so Miss Ava since you interrupted my class can you explain to us your knowledge about werewolves, as you can see we were about diving right into it before your unnecessary disturbance" he said and this time I could feel the seriousness in his voice, I loved the way my name roll out of his pretty lips.

"Seems Miss Ava is not interested in this class" he said returning to the projector,I could hear the class laugh, shit!! I must have been zoning out again.

" Sir erhm Werewolves also emerged in early Nordic folklore. The Saga of the Volsungs tells the story of a father and son who discovered wolf pelts that had the power to turn people into wolves for ten days. The father-son duo donned the pelts, transformed into wolves and went on a killing rampage in the forest." I said proudly, I could see his facial expression change a bit, I think he was impressed, and Sasha face burning hot red.

" Seems Miss Ava is good with history, okay tell me who was the first werewolf in history" he asked this time expecting me to flop but thanks to my love for writing I always did my research before writing especially since I was obsessed with werewolf romance novels.

" Sir according to what I read, One of the earliest known werewolf legends comes from Greek mythology. According to the legend, a man named Lycaon angered Zeus, the Lord of the Gods, when he served Zeus a meal made from human flesh. As punishment, the enraged Zeus turned Lycaon into a wolf but the two stories were different since werewolves doesn't really exist" I answered but this time around not too bold, I wasn't really sure what If it was made up. He arched his eyebrows, I didn't know if it was a good arch or not I just stood nervously.

" we have got a smart ass, well Miss Ava don't come in late, I wouldn't be accountable If you fail my class" he said turning back to the projector, I say down quietly, I could see Stace and Mia wave, I waved back before jotting down the parts I missed, I must say I enjoyed the class, but I kinda caught his eyes locking with me two to three times, I didn't know why but it must be a coincidence and even if it's not it must be the look of annoyance for coming in late, so I shrugged the thoughts off my head, after all why would he ever be interested in me where there were many prettier girls like Sasha, though I hate to admit it but Sasha was a very beautiful girl especially with her brunette hair and of course has better styles than I do. I was really overthinking it or so I thought besides I was way below his league, though I couldn't see him clearly but from this far he was everything explained as perfection and for sure had lots of top models and artiste flogging around him.

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