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Shattered memories

Shattered memories



something happened to the family changed it tragically . the family of 4 members : mother , two girls and a boy . they face daily problems and financially ones together but will they stay like these forever ? Or the will give up and take the easy way

Chapter 1 Gradual change

Sam had peaceful life with her family In which they were quite poor . Sam’s mom Christine worked very hard to provide them with basic needs, she was single mom . Christine husband’s died in a such young age she refused to marry again after her husband. They actually have adopted Sam since they spent long time trying to have kids but all their attempts failed , so they decided to adopt when they saw Sam they felt indescribable feeling towards Sam ‘ she was just two at that time In short time Christine ended up pregnant with David though they never thought giving up on Sam

Sam works as teacher in the village . She teaches young kids there . Her work is almost the only thing she enjoy doing And it was opportunity for her to meet her lover Sebastián . Sam had to go through a lot of tough times in a young age , Sam and her brother David had to contribute with her mother in the financially matters , so she didn’t have the time to entertain herself and Sebastián was her only way to feel alive . Sometimes Sam hates life especially when the women in the village mock on her and her mother , because Christine is a widow That’s really provoked sam and she thought that behavior was too reactionary

Sam always was proud of her mother and she will never forget what she did for her and her siblings .

No matter how boring Sam’s life is she always felt satisfied with her life

until one day something happened Something happened Changed her life tragically

On July 13 On that dark day my beloved brother died leaving us incapable of doing anything . David died in car accident He worked as merchant , he brings and sell the goods from the city. After I have heard what happened I devastated And there was no time to feel sad , we have to work after what happened our financial condition broke down I had to go to school even if I didn’t want to From that ever thing come on my nerves even my relationship with Sebastián

Sebastián “ Good morning Sam ”

Sam didn’t respond …

“how are you doing? ” said Sebastián

Sam “ what do you want? ”

“ nothing, I was just concerned about you ”

“ I ‘m fine if that all you want you can leave now” said Sam

Sebastián “ If that what you want I will leave you alone ” Actually I didn’t want him to leave this is conflicting , isn’t it ?

I want him to stay by my side I don’t why I said to him leave I always have been like this sharp especially when I can’t express my feelings On that day I came home late after walking in the streets confused I found my mom sitting on the sofa she wasn’t her usual Sam “ what happened? You don’t seem fine ”

Christine “ Sam actually I …

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