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In love with a prison slave

In love with a prison slave

Ánña BÚlla


Fate they say have a way of bringing people of different backgrounds and races together building what we call a relationship. Sometimes the circumstances surrounding the meeting may not be pleasant. Sometimes it isn't even worth the time but in all its designed by FATE. Ciara Manoah is just an ordinary village girl whose only wish is a better life. Being the daughter of a farmer didn't really help matters. But even with the uneven way they lived, they were happy and contented but fate had a different game plan entirely. Her once almost perfect life was ruined in minutes along with her family. There in the massive killing he spotted her and took a liking. One no one understands and may ever will. He wants her, he got her. But he feels there's something more about the black haired beauty. He's not sure what it is, but there is something he's sure of; he's never letting her go.

Chapter 1 Heartlessness


His crazy obsession

The wind whistled and the leaves fluttered.

There was no doubt that the it was going to rain, but even with the unsteady wheather there lay on the grass a beautiful lass staring at the dark clouds dreamily.

Black raven hair scattered around the cloth she folded as a pillow,black thick lashes rested on her beautiful pale cheeks. Natural red lips slightly parted as she felt the cool evening breeze.

"Are you going to wait for the rain to come first before you go inside?" A voice asked but the missy remained unmoved.

"I'm not doing this with a free will, mother is worried you'll catch a cold that is the reason I'm here." He continued.

"Can you do me a favor, Andrew?" She asked not sparing him a glance.

"What is it?" He asked back.

"Go find yourself a woman and stop bothering me." She snapped.

"Ciara!" He called obviously shocked.

"What? If you have a woman, you won't be here bothering me every hour of my life." She said enjoying the look on his face.

"I swear to God if you don't stand up this minute, today will be the last I will ever come get you." He threatened making her giggle.

Some droplets of rain started coming down.

"It's going to rain soon,Ciara. If you ever get sick,I won't be the one to get the medicines."

"So you are going to allow your sister die?"

"A small flu won't kill you." Just then the heavens opened and rain poured down heavily.

"Oh Ciara." He wailed "Look, just look what you've caused."

"Calm down,will you? Some little drops of rain can't make you sick." She said twirling in the heavy rain, drenched from head to toe.

"We better get out of here fast before Father comes back,he will be in rage if he finds us out here." Hearing the name of her Father stopped her from twirling further.

"Is he back yet?" She asked shivering, not from rain but from the fear of her Father.

"Not really. But he will not be pleased to see us outside under this..." He didn't complete the sentence as she ran away from him.

"Oh no. Ciara please wait for me, you can't do this you backstabber." He yelled as he ran after her.

They reached the balcony of the house panting and all drenched.

"Next time no matter how much mother begs me,I will never come call you again."

"Oh please. Swear you didn't enjoy every bit." She said still panting heavily. They opened the door quietly and tiptoed into the house like thieves.

"And where are the both of you coming from drenched?" A voice thundered. Their heads turned to the direction of the voice simultaneously to see an angry looking Manoah.

"If we survive this, trust me you sieze to be my sister." Andrew said making Ciara giggle.

"Do I look like a joke?" Manoah shouted angrily.

"We are dead." Ciara whispered back to Andrew.

"I know."


Sounds of pain echoed through what looked like a dungeon as some guards tortured a man.

"So you won't speak?" A guard asked as he continued burning his leg with hot Iron.

"I didn't do it, please."

He begged

"Tell that to the Crown Prince." He snapped.

"His Royal Highness." The guard at the dungeon gate announced making the guards stop the torture.

"Has he confessed who sent him?" The Prince asked as he entered into the dungeon.

"No,My Lord. He refused to say." The guard bowed

"A good evidence that you are incompetent." The Prince said with gritted teeth.

"Kill me, My Lord. My life belongs to you."

"Give me a knife, I'll take it from here." The Prince ordered.

"Didn't you hear His Highness? Get a new blade." The guard yelled at the others who scampered away to find a new knife.

"Here it is Your Highness." A guard handed a knife to him. The Prince smiled making everyone around him shudder,in a flash,he drove the knife into his neck.

"No one keeps me waiting and I'm sure you don't want to experience something dark. Or do you?" He asked turning to the tied man.

"P.. please don't kill me,I know nothing of it." The man begged.

"A very stupid lie to tell you know, and every lie comes with a consequence." He ran the knife up his face and cut off his ear earning a scream from him.

"Will you tell the truth now?" He asked

"Yes..yes I will tell." He cried making The Prince smirk.

"Go on now, will you?"

"Gilgamesh. He sent me but I couldn't do it,so I had to find an assassin." He cried.

"Gilgamesh. Oh Gilgamesh. I can't believe you sent an idiot to kill me." He mocked.

Before one could say jack, the knife had already been stabbed deep into his throat.

"That will teach him to be a good boy in his next life, and stay away from people like me or Gilgamesh. Clean up this rubbish,I have other things to do other than dealing with an annoying Stepmother and killing traitors." He said and walked out of the dungeon, his retinue following closely.

Maids and servants hurried out of his way as he walked,no one wanted to be a scape goat. There was a time a servant mistakingly stood on the way unknown to her that the Prince was passing and she was hanged for it. No sane human would want to make any silly mistake that would cost their lives.

Jayden Smuchlar the first Prince of Octahendra was the man who made people cower this way. A fearless,brutal and heartless but good looking man.

Women weren't allowed to look at him dreamily or else their eyes would be plucked out. That was how heartless he could be even at the slightest mistake.

Everyone in the castle knows about this and tries to keep a low profile to avoid being an example of his heartlessness.

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