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Just One Night stand (pregnant for the unknown)

Just One Night stand (pregnant for the unknown)

Author Chi isa bella


Just a one night stand (Pregnant for the unknown ) Prologue : Emery Tyson, quite, beautiful, smart and respectful . Her parents died at her early stage in life, she grew up as an orphan. With no one to show her love since her relatives abounded her. As a young girl she grew up to think that her boyfriend Jerry loves her. But that was what she thought, her life changed on that fateful day being the last week and day of September. The day she was ready, ready to give out her body to her boyfriend. They have been in a three year relationship and he has been patient enough to not have asked after her body. Being that he was the first guy she ever dated, but on that day she planned on giving her body to him. Cause to her he means the world to her apart from her best friend Nancy. She dressed seductively just to impress him, she got to her apartment and met the biggest shock of her life. Jerry was in bed with another woman, Emery was heart broken, deeply hurt. That the person she trusted most betrayed her, walking down the street in that cold night. She saw a hotel and a party was being host at the hotel. She got to the party drank so many glasses of alcohol and got drunk . After a short while, a tall handsome guy walked up to her face. Even if her vision was blurry she could really see how handsome he is. At that very moment she made a decision to loose her virginity to the stranger. Since she couldn't give it to the one she wanted, little did she know that they were both drunk. They booked a hotel room and had a one night stand and that was it. She woke up the next morning and noticed that the guy was gone. How naive of her to give out her virginity to a stranger and it's all Jerry's fault . She looked at the other side of the bed and saw a huge amount of money and a short note stating that the money was hers. 3 month's after the incident She discovered that she was pregnant, for the stranger . Will she keep the baby, but find out when she discovered that it was not just a baby but babies. She was pregnant with a set of twins for an unknown guy. Will she struggle with the pregnancy Tull she delivers and will she ever met the guy that impregnated her.

Chapter 1 .

Just a one night stand

(Pregnant for the unknown )

Chapter one

Emery Tyson

A smile curved on my face While Watching my kids play with each other.

" Can you two stop making mummy run around the room?" I asked panting while they both giggled and stopped running too .

" We are sorry mummy " both Cecilia and Alexander replied simultaneously.

" Now come here and get dressed Am Taking you two to aunty Jessica's house, and I know you don't want to get late right?"I asked

" No mummy, I don't want to get late but maybe this dummy here will want to" Cecilia replied pointing at her twin brother who glared at her.

I chuckled at their behaviour shaking my head.

" Did you hear what she just called me mummy?" Cecilia asked glaring daggers at Alexander.

" Aren't you a dummy?" She asked folding her arms .

" If I am a dummy then you are a Big for nothing fool" Alexander replied sharply.

I sighed waving my hands in the air, this two won't be the death of me.

They are always fighting here and there and I am beginning to get tired of their bickering all the time .

" That's enough kids, now to your room. I will meet you in two " I said to them.

" Yes mummy " they chorused running into their room .

Sighing again, I turned to the Bathroom to take my bath , I on the shower as the water fall down from the shower to my Body.

My Life has been full of pains and I sorrow

I face palmed myself trying hard not to cry but I couldn't help it.

This past few Months I lost my job as a Waiter Life hasn't been easy for my kids and I.

We find it hard to eat, even if I see a little. I'd keep it for Cecilia and Alexander leaving me to starve .

I don't know how I would have survived it without Cindy by me.

She has really been my back bone and I owe Her a lot.

I have no money with me to buy at least snacks for them.

What am I going to do?

" We've dressed up ourselves mummy but we can't put on the shoes " Cecilia yelled.

I use the soap and water to wash my body, I just wish that everything will be fine soon.

I quickly wiped my Body and wrapped the towel around my body .

I don't want them to know I cried. It won't go down well.

" I am coming Cup cake " Yeah that's my nickname for my kids.

I entered into their room to see both struggling to put on their shoes.

" Here come, I will help you " I said to Cecilia who nodded.

Alexander stared at me with a frown on his face.

" Mummy?" He called with the same frown not leaving his face.

" Yes Cupcake ? I am almost done with your sister, just give me a minute " I replied.

" Did you cry? Did you hurt yourself? Did anyone insult you? "

Ah! I thought as much! What will I do with this boy? He's so sensitive !

" No cupcake , I didn't cry, I didn't hurt myself and no one insulted me " I replied ruffling his hair .

He fold his arms staring at me without saying anything, I am sure he doesn't believe me.

" You were thinking about how life has been hard for us to right?

You don't have to worry about us mummy, we will be fine and Aunty Cindy will always here for us .

Cecilia said.

I blinked away my tears engulfing them in a hug.

They are so understanding and mature than their age.

My bundles of joy, the kids I am struggling to live for.

" Thank you babies, mummy promise to get a job very soon and we will live comfortably " I said to them while they giggled.

Will I ever get a job again? I have struggled to train myself in school, I read business and I have been searching for a job since I lost one.

All the vacancies were filled up! My chances of getting a job is 0.00%.

" We believe in you mummy and I love you " Alexander said excitedly. They don't seems to be bothered about our current financial situation.

But I promise as their father and mother, I will struggle to give them the best I can .

" I love you too momma, more than this sister of mine " Alexander snorted and Cecilia smacked his head running out of the room with her school bag.

" I am so going to kill her mummy " Alexander groaned and I burst out laughing.

I wore my clothes quickly, maybe Cindy has something for us since she invited us over to her place.

Let's go kids, I closed the door behind us, walking outside the compond we were lucky to get a taxi to Cindy's house.

Few minutes later we arrived at Cindy's house ********.

I Was about to press the for door Bell when the Door bursts open.

" Hello everyone " our heads snapped to the door to see who it was.

" Aunty Cindy " the kids shrieked running to meet her.

I haven't introduced myself, I will do that as time goes on and I am sure you know brief informations about me.

" How are my little munchkins doing?" she asked squatting to their height.

" We are fine Aunty " they chorused.

I fold my arms watching as the kids faces brightened up.

Ouch! I am hurt, they're taking away my best friend's attention.

" Let's go inside i cooked Pasta and garlic sauce stew.

My face curved into a smile, a satisfactory smile.

Isn't Cindy a life saver? At least, they will have something to eat .

" Thank you auntie .

" You are welcome, we will be going to the dinning and after that we will go for shopping, you too will be going back to school.


Cindy winked at me while I rolled my eyes. We didn't plan on going anywhere or did we ?

" Okay aunty , we love you mummy " they said, both pecked me and rushed out

" I love you too kids " I yelled after them smiling widely.

It not being easy taking care of them since the last four years.

My mind went back to that night and I shook my head.

Will I ever find their father? Will he accept his kids? Even if I see him, I don't know how he looks like so how do I recognize him? Is he even alive?

" Earth to best friend " Cindy said waving his hand in my front.

" Good morning to you too Cindy " I glared at him walking away.

SHe held me by the hand scratching his head.

" I am sorry buttercup, maybe I should still leaving the greeting to later. Here take this, rush to my room, put on the dress and meet me down here "

SHe commanded shoving a bag in my hand.

I narrowed my eyes at him giving him a questioning look.

" We're are we going to Cindy ?" I asked.

" Do you have to ask cute pie ?" He groaned.

" Well if you must know, I saw a job interview and its starting by 9am. Just 25minutes left so go dress up "

My face lit up at I heard that! A job interview?

" Oh my God! What is the job about? Is it a company? What position? " I asked curiously.

" Calm down will you? It's Vivo group of company, the CEO is in need of a personal assistant and I am sure you will fit perfectly for it, are we cleared now? Hurry up we don't have all day "

" Thank you so much for this Cindy , I owe you a lot" I replied jugging into my room excitedly.

" I love you too buttercup " She said. Whatever!

" Stop being paranoid will you?" Cindy said as we stopped in front of the company.

I am hella nervous and the thoughts running in my mind added to it.

" I am scared, what if I don't get the job?" I asked.

" I have told you about this your pessimistic attitude but you wouldn't listen, I believe you will get the job trust me " She assured.

" Thank you Cindy "

" Thank me later, I applied for the job for you earlier with the copy of your credentials with me, you might be among the first to be interviewed "

My heart jumped out of my chest. First to be interviewed?

" Don't panic, I got you. Call me when you are done, good luck "

He said as I came down from his car. I waved him good bye and entered into the big building.



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