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Between Two Alphas

Between Two Alphas



Synopsis : What happens when two twins who hate each other and who will do anything to put each other down, want to achieve the same goal and become the next Alpha? And what would happen when they find they both have the same mate? Who also will decide their future about who'll become the next Alpha? Especially, in a place that was and always will be dominated by males? Would she be able to adjust or she would be tamed by her mates? Author: Aftermath Publisher:EasyReading

Chapter 1 No.1

Michael's POV



I heard knocking on my door. Stifling my groan, I sat up and stared at the door. I glared at it like it was the reason for the disturbance in my sleep and not the person behind knocking it. I threw away the blanket that was covering my body and grabbed a robe on my way to the door. I pulled it over my shoulder and opened the door. There stood a servant with his eyes downcast.

“Don't you know to not disturb me in my sleep? Or would you like a demonstration of the punishment one gets, when they wake me up from my sleep? Do you want to get whipped publicly?” I asked in a deadly voice to the servant who was shivering in fear. I smirked at his apparent fear.

“I would be happy to do so.” I said joyously. Just for fun, I took a step forward, only to see an expected reaction from the servant. His reaction was instant, he cowardly took a step back. He probably thought I was going to take a swipe at him. But he was lucky that I only fought men my size or above my size. And he was obviously about to piss his pants.

“State, why are you here for?” I demanded.

“Alpha wants to meet you and his other son.” He answered. His answer angered me. I waved my hand and dismissed him before he became the victim of my anger.

His other son. My twin brother.


He is someone that I hate with the intensity that no one could fathom in their whole life. I don't think it's ever heard that two twins, two — brothers — one — soul, who share such a deep connection from even before birth, would hate each other. It's unheard off, but it doesn't mean it can't be real. I hate my brother. Like no one can.

That low life is the reason why I'm still not an alpha yet.

Ignoring the irritation, I walked back into my room. I had to follow my father's order. After all, he is the Alpha. So I changed my clothes and made my way to his room. Just as I was about to knock, a shadow fell over me.

“What did you do this time? Don't you have anything to do except getting in trouble?” I asked that joker. My voice rumbled a little from the annoyance that I was feeling from having to meet my father with this fucker.

James' face appeared on my side. And that fucker was smirking.

“Huh? And here I thought that it was you who got into trouble this time. Damn I even lost my chance to sit back and watch you work in the Labor field with a bunch of Betas as a punishment.” James said and after that he laughed like an idiot. He looks like a monkey when he laughs. Except he looks like a monkey that has a snorty laughter.

My lips tucked up at the thought. Ignoring him, I raised my knuckles to knock on the door but stopped in the middle.

Before I could even knock, I heard, “Come in.”

A deep voice boomed from the other side of the door. My dad's voice was unusually deep and dominating. It makes even me and James, the most dominating and powerful wolves in the pack to cower a little. It's what Alpha's voice looks like. One day, I would be the one to have that aura in my presence and that power in my voice. An Alpha that everyone fears and respects the most.

We both entered our father's room. There stood my father with a body that nobody can tell belongs to an old man. With his six packs, his black hair and sharp jaw which made him look more handsome, anyone could mistake him for a man in his mid — thirties and not older than two — hundred years.

James and I both have inherited his looks from our dad but our blue eyes and blonde hair we inherited was from our mothers. Our past mother.

“When are you two going to start searching for your mates? You're both twenty-seven, not seventeen. Your mates had already found their mate. When are you both going to look for your mates?” He asked, buttoning up his sleeves. He raised an eyebrow at both of us. Expecting an answer.

“We're just kids dad. Let us have our fun. Why are you dragging my mate into this?” James spoke.

“Your mate?” Dad questioned him. James rolled his eyes. I wanted to do the same.

Again, his mate topic.

“Fine. Both of our mates. But what's the hurry? We're still young. At least, I am. Not sure about him.” He said. The feeling to snap right back at him was heavy but agreed with his first part. I hate to agree but he was right.

We're still young. He should let us live a little. I mean, we're not getting any younger. If I find my mate, I'll be stuck with her for the rest of my life. And honestly, to me, it is utter stupid to find someone and having to be stuck with someone forever. Who wants that? I don't know about anyone else but I don't. Life would become boring if that happens.

“None of you think that you are too young for you to become an Alpha? Then what's wrong with having a mate at your side.” Dad retorted to James' comment. That is true. We both want to become Alpha, and we're ready to kill each other for that. Even though both of us think that we are too young to have a mate.

We are young for a mate. Not for becoming the next Alpha.

“Anyway, I didn't call you both here for that. Even though I do want you both to start your search for your individual mate. Tomorrow, we have to attend a party at the Alpha's Council. Every pack's Alpha will be there to attend that party with their sons and daughters. One who will be next Alpha or Luna. Make sure to keep your fights and your childish banter far away from it. I don't want to end up tending someone's smashed head. If that happens, then next would be your head. So make sure to be on your best behavior.” He told us.

“Now get lost. I have to attend the pack's business. Prepare yourselves for tomorrow.” He said and waved a hand, dismissing us. Together, we left his room. We walked out in the surrounded jungle. One place where we can become who we are.

“Hunting. Let's see who scores first.” James challenged me. I never back down from a challenge. So I gave him a one lip sided smile and changed into my wolf. James did the same. Both of us turned into two white wolves. Mine had a brown stripe mark on me and James had a blue one. Only way to differentiate us.

And we broke into a race to win this challenge.

I ran between trees, ignoring other wolves that had gathered around to watch our race. I jumped on the highest rock that was sitting there and took a long whiff of


A Deer.

A deer was nearby.

A wolf passed my side, knowingly running for my prey. I ran after him. Leaves crumbled beneath my feet. I saw a glimpse of that deer. He must have felt our presence because he started running away from us, to save his life. I took off after it. I was going to win this challenge.

I gave my all energy into it and jumped in the air to strike it from above. But when I landed down on earth. It vanished. Only to be found in the mouth of another wolf.

That deer made willful noise. It struggled to get out of James hold but one cracking sound from its neck had him stopping its all struggle. With that the deer went limp.

James dropped it to the ground.

“I won.” He said, connecting through the mind link. I growled.

James threw his head back and howled loudly. Declaring his victory to the pack. I disconnected our mind link.

“Maybe you won this time. But I'll be the next Alpha.” With that, I backed away.

Four of us, including the driver, climbed into the car. Before the party, three of us had to attend the Alphas Council meeting. My father did not tell us what were the issues going to be discussed in the meeting. He threw the words, “You'll see for yourself” at us and ignored the matter like it was never asked.

He didn't tell me but I knew it was about the threats from hunters. I knew we were in a strong position, but how strong? I had no idea about it.

I glanced at James. Was he aware of the subject that we were going to discuss? From his looks, he did not seem concerned. I smiled at his obliviousness. He definitely did not know about anything. I was glad that he was not concerned. It would work in my favor. However, It still bugged me that for a person who fights so fiercely to get what's mine, Alpha's position, he seemed pretty careless. It was not like him. He's not the type of person to use his brain but man, something felt wrong.

I should not care or even take notice, but he was wearing his almost normal attire except that he wore a black jacket that looked expensive. It was expensive but not as much as mine. I wore a black coat and a white shirt. He looked decent enough for a meeting. I was prepared for both — meeting and party.

Our car was pulled to a stop as we arrived at our designated destination. Three of us climbed out. We walked towards the entrance when our dad stopped us. “Remember my words. No trouble.” He said, pointing his finger at both of us, warning us. James gave him a two finger salute and I gave him a quick nod.

We were escorted by a man to the council's meeting room. Finally, we opened the door and walked inside. It was like leaving the normal world and entering into the royal world.

Six chairs stood on each side. Table between them was covered with blue tablecloth. Under our feet, the floor was covered in a red carpet. A chandelier was hanging over our head. The aura around us felt heavy with power. Royal.

Around the room, Alphas from different packs were seated on chairs, while their sons stood at their side. Their pride for their kids shone in their eyes.

For me, this meeting was about meeting my competitor and assessing them. After all, when I become the next Alpha, they would be my next rivals apart from hunters.

At the center of the room was seated one man.

The Alpha of Alphas.

Alpha Elijah.

Three of us bowed our head and greeted him.

“Welcome! Welcome, Alpha Samuel and their sons. I thought we wouldn't hear from the Blood Moon pack today.” He said in fake, forced enthusiasm with mockery.

He looked like a person who was transitioning but stopped in the middle. With a mixture of wolf and human, he looked fairly ugly. He had a weirdly lighter voice. Lighter than I've seen on any Alpha. It's been said that wolves are born extremely handsome but I don't think so and anyone who had seen his face would agree with me. I wondered about his mate and couldn't help but feel bad about her. She didn't even have a choice to reject him. His ugliness made me feel like I was about to puke.

“Apologies for the late coming. I had some urgent matters to handle within my pack. I hope we didn't miss anything.” Dad said as he sat in his own fixated chair. James and I both stood on the opposite side of him.

“Of course. And you didn't miss anything, we were just about to start.” He said, smiling. His eyes flickered on James and me for a second then he looked away.

“As we all know that there were few cases of death in two packs but it's not certain that they were done by a hunter. If they are active than we are strong enough to fight them if they cross our territory. So we don't need to panic. Everything is under control.” He stated.

“Are you sure, it's not done by a hunter? Because the evidence shows otherwise. What about the kid found dead in your own pack? I heard it was dismissed without any proper investigation and his death had undetermined cause? If we are so strong then why are we ignoring this issue upfront?” James spoke up. It was like a blow to my ego. I was always the one making points between us and him listening to it foolishly. When did he find out about all of this? Earlier, he did look oblivious. Now he looked like he knew much more about it than any of us. Now, I knew why he acted so careless before?

At his question, everyone's head snapped in his direction and I stood there like an idiot. Even Alpha Elijah raised his brow at him. He looked at me for a second then turned his attention back to James.

“I didn't know you were keeping tabs on me, James.” Alpha Elijah said.

“A good member of the pack, especially an Alpha's son should keep tabs on every matter.” He said. I glanced at him. He was behaving differently today. Even, I was surprised.

“Good, very good. But you didn't gather enough information. He died because his mate died. He willingly gave his life up. It has nothing to do with hunters.” Alpha Elijah explained. I smirked at his stupidity.

“If you like to keep tabs on me then make sure it's the right one.” He said. James flushed at his insult and I felt his anger radiating through him.

“Still, we cannot disregard the death that occurred in our two packs. If it's not decided what caused them to die then we can't ignore the possibility that it might have been done by a hunter.” I told him. It was clear that he was frustrated with our questions and concerns. We were probing the matter that he was trying so hard to dismiss. He wanted us to believe that everything under his reign was okay and everything was in control. However, it was pretty obvious to everyone that it was not.

“We'll double our security and would always be on the lookout for any hunters.” He replied.

“Anyone else has anything to say or ask?” He asked. When no one said anything, he nodded his head.

“Alright, so this matter is dismissed.” With that, he stood up. As we all did.

“Enjoy the party, Gentlemen.” He told all of us. We all left the room and walked into the hall where the rest of the party was happening. Everyone dispersed to meet new people and make friends. I stood where I was and looked at the scene in front of me.

It was exactly the way I was expecting. Drinks, music, lights. The most supreme attractions were the women. They all were looking models and the perfect meal for my dinner.

However, I left the room and walked outside. I don't know why but I wanted to look around. So I leisurely walked a little. Suddenly, I heard a crunching of leaves. I stilled and took one step toward where I heard this sound.

“Scared of mice?” I snarled and spun around to look at him. James walked to me slowly.

“I'm not scared of you.” I retorted. He pushed me back. I stumbled but gained my control back. I knew he was looking for a reason to fight. He fought his urge to break something in the meeting but now, nothing was stopping him.

“I don't want to fight.” I said and turned to leave but a blow from behind had me flying, and I was struck the tree with a thud. Then I fell down.

“Why? You're scared of losing?” He taunted me. After this, I didn't hold back either. I ran towards him and with full force, struck him on his cheek. James brought his fist back and forced it down with all of his strength and anger to punch me on my face but stopped right before it landed on my face.

We both heard a distant voice.


Both of us closed our eyes and took a deep breath of the scent that wafted in the air. Both of us spoke at the same time.


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