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Soul Hunter

Soul Hunter



Ghosts are probably also products of human imagination. But it is these unscientific phenomena that are present in our lives. A group of enthusiastic teenagers of youth, accidentally witnessing strange and mysterious events, they are caught in the whirlpool between reality and spirituality. Curiosity led them to enter the Taoist path to prove whether the supernatural world finally existed or not. After receiving a spell from a sorcerer, they officially became true exorcists. The process of training is arduous, encountering countless dangers lurking, how to overcome fear to heal and conquer love. Let's enter the spiritual world in the middle of life through my horror novel!

Chapter 1 The Journey Has Only Begun

The weather in the spring, the heart flutters strangely! Is it possible when flowers bloom, trees sprout, everything is attractive. That gave rise to an indescribable joy, full of life!

I am Rose, a flower that has flowed through twenty-three such green springs.

There are only a few days left until Tet, so today I will organize a year-end party with my colleagues before the Tet holiday.

But I don't know how many times have such parties? gather in the same place, eat and sing. To be honest, I've sung the song 'Falling in Love' five times during the festival. Just because my coworker's kid accidentally praised me for singing it, it sounded good.

Oh! Even though it's fun, it's boring to stay like this forever!

We finally came up with a very daring plan that was unprecedented in my office life.

I'm not going to tell you where we're going camping today, and we're going to stay overnight!

Maybe everyone is coming home to pick me up by now.

"Ting... ting... Ting..." The loud horn of a car sounded in front of my house.

"Rose... Rose..."

I have not seen the person, but I have heard the voice, and even extended the word Rose. That sour lemon voice and style are definitely from Agnes, my best friend. we even went to kindergarten, three levels of school together, and it didn't let me go until after graduating from school and working.

"Open the door, Rose..."

Looking through the window, my best friend jumped down from the tour bus in a neat way. Agnes came to my front door and stood proudly, her hands on her hips waiting for me to open the door.

Without letting it wait long, I rushed to open the gate. My Mi Lu, who was half asleep, heard my footsteps and jumped up and wagged her tail happily.

"Stuck... stuck…” I hurriedly opened the gate.

"Woof... Wow..." When Mi Lu saw a guest barking, she ran back and forth like she was so happy. Which is also true, all year round, except for the holidays, no one comes to the house to play.

"Hey, don't come near me, Mi Lu.

"Your teeth marks are still on my feet!" Agnes exclaimed and quickly dodged to the side to stay away from Mi Lu. Perhaps my friend is still haunted by the past that has become a habit.

"Are you ready, Rose?" A beautiful middle-aged sister came out from the tourist car and asked me, it was my sister Daisy.

"It's done, sister!" I smiled as I replied.

"So now there's only little peach left to have a portable flower garden!" That is Uncle Ralph, Uncle Ralph today will take us to the camping site.

"Hello uncle, little Doris is passing by, I just called him." I replied to Uncle Ralph.

"Anthony Otis didn't join everyone, Daisy?" I ask.

"Eh! My co-workers are also numerous, why are you asking for the exact same name?" Daisy answered and looked at me and then smiled.

"I'm here!" Otis said inside the car.

"Ha ha ha, you're blushing..."

Little Doris came from afar, carrying his armpits, but still had the strength to make fun of me. An overwhelming sense of shame in front of everyone's stares.

"Knowing that, I didn't ask, now I don't know where to hide!" I thought to myself.

Hao and I are getting to know each other, the feeling that the great poet Nguyen Du once mentioned 'love inside is like before, outside is still e.'

"OK, it's all packed, now let's go." Uncle Ralph spoke up.

I rushed into the house to get a backpack containing the necessary items that I had prepared in advance. Everyone got on the bus and took their seats, I locked the gate carefully and walked towards the tourist car.

"Woof... Wow..." My Mi Lu barked loudly, as if it was afraid of me leaving it behind, so it jumped on the car with three legs and four legs.


I pulled back the car door really hard, there were more people in attendance than I expected. A group of about a dozen people, all smiling like flowers, raised their hands to greet me. The sound of the engine roaring and crunching, so the roaming journey officially began.

The tourist car was running on the road, I don't know how long it's been because I've been watching the scenery through the glass window forever.

"Mom, what house is that built so close together?" The voice of a clear little girl resounded behind me.

"Oh, that's Edna, you haven't noticed until now!" I turned my back to look behind and was surprised to see baby Han also following Daisy's mother. Looking in the direction of the arm that Edna pointed, I quickly glanced over to see what it was. I was really startled and didn't know how to respond to a five-year-old.

it was a cold, desolate cemetery, overgrown with trees, apparently left unattended. The ancient tombs are located next to each other and have been cracked by the traces of time, moss covered with a green-brown color. The lonely evening shadow cast a dreary color, making the deserted cemetery even more gloomy.

"Good baby Edna, the road is still far, so please have a good night's sleep!" I smiled to her, perhaps to make her forget the question just now.

"Yes." Baby Edna politely answered and then lay obediently in Daisy's arms.

"C D E F G... It's la la..."

The sound of a guitar softly sounded, and a song was sung by the guy in front, it was Anthony Otis.

"Why is everyone so quiet, or someone sing a song to change the mood." Anthony Otis smiled and said, her dimpled cheeks are so cute.

while Otis was playing some chords and re-stringing, everyone was whispering to each other quite animatedly to see who would sing first.

"I suggest that Rose will sing for Otis to accompany the music.

"The way you beat juniors, you become a singer, so emotional." Agnes turned to the proposal, my best friend said while holding the mango shake she bought since when to eat it deliciously.

"Worried to eat." I turned to whisper in Agnes's ear sitting next to her and didn't forget to glare at her with cold eyes to scare her.

"So scared... So scared... Floppy... flamboyant" Agnes pretended to be scared and stuck out her tongue to poke fun at me.

"Or Rose sings a song, and Otis plays the guitar."

"You sing well!" Anthony Otis, holding the guitar in front of him, looked down at me and said. I had to avoid his gaze and look in the other direction. It's so awkward to be right where little Doris is sitting, he looks at me and then says loudly: "Isn't it terrible, Rose sing Otis plays the guitar..."

"Hahaha..."Everyone in the car laughed at the same time, which made the atmosphere happier, except for me, who looked down and didn't dare to look at anyone.

"Many articles that...

"Fall in love!

"Two grave hill!

"Or Cold Cemetery..." Agnes suggested a series of songs.

"Ah... Wow, I'm so helpless!" The sound of Uncle Ralph driving the car rang out in front, interrupting the unfinished story, which saved me a moment.

"What's the matter, uncle?" Daisy, who was holding baby Edna in her arms, was also startled by the cry and asked.

"It's okay, it's just burned.

"Just a skin wound, nothing to worry about." Uncle Ralph replied and then plugged the incense stick into a small incense cup, in front of which was a Buddha image placed next to the driver's seat.

"Drivers' long-distance rules!" Uncle Ralph added.

You can see on Uncle Ralph's right arm a small circular burn, perhaps while inserting incense, he accidentally touched the burning incense head.

"Uncle Ralph be careful of potholes..." My friend Agnes yelled.

"Safe... Safe..."

a quick brake made us swoop forward, very soon no one was injured. Everyone got a soulful phase, even Mi Lu barked loudly. Only baby Kha Han has been sleeping soundly since when did not know. In front of the car are countless large and small potholes in the middle of the road, the slopes are convex and concave because of the serious damage to the road. Also, there must have been a heavy rain before this place, so the roads were flooded and muddy.

"This part of the road is so bad, it must be redone." Uncle Ralph looked at it once and then made a decision.

"Cop..." Everyone looked at the source of the sound at the same time, a piece of red string tied with a stone carved with a Buddha image hanging on the roof of the cabin fell to the floor of the car. The emergency brake just now broke that line, even the altar in front of the car fell sideways.

"This line is so old!"

Uncle Ralph's voice was still very calm, he adjusted the altar neatly and then bent down to pick up the string. He picked up a small stone carved with Buddha's image to take a look at it, and it was easy to see that it was cracked in two.

Uncle Ralph clicked his tongue and pulled the tray out and put it inside.

Although he did not say it, everyone in the car recognized his unhappy expression at this time. Think back to the events that happened, from the carefree question of baby Edna, the gloomy song list of Agnes. Uncle Ralph's face was burned, the road was damaged, causing Uncle Ralph to brake quickly, and even the Buddha statue fell.

Outside, the sky began to pull dark clouds, the wind came from nowhere, causing the trees to tilt, and the rain began to fall non-stop. a bad premonition existed in everyone's mind, everyone looked at the person next to them and didn't say another word.

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