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Excerpt: "Please sir," Kate was crying as she tried to free herself from his grip but his grip was tight and hard. Miller flung her to the bed as soon as he dragged her to the room. "Undress or I do it. If I do it, you will have to leave here naked," he said to Kate who was crying. Since she was left with no other choice and she didn't want to go home naked, she began to undress. Miller pulled off his shirt and watched lustfully as she undress. *** Miller Chalmers is one of the richest and most handsome bachelors of Country A. He was a person who gets whatever he wants. This has been him until he met Kate. Kate is a normal city girl who has experienced suffering right from time and is still experiencing it. She felt her right trampled upon when Miller forced her to give him a blow job. She seeks revenge. Find out in this book a plot twist you'd never expected

Chapter 1 New Shift

Life goes on.

Life has always been a bed of stones for Kate since her father took ill during her last year in college. She engaged in menial jobs to keep her body and soul. Her father's hospital bills kept piling up but the doctor taking care of her father is nice enough not to have thrown him out of the hospital.

Kate dragged her feet as she made to open the door of their apartment. She sat on the sofa which was supposed to comfort her but all it made her feel is a pain as it felt as though she was sitting on the woods that made up the sofa. The foam had flattened such that you won't believe it once has a comforting foam. She exhales then dipped her hand into her pocket to count the total amount she realised today.

The money amounted to fifty dollars. She smiled bitterly. This is the highest amount she had made this week. She decided to spend thirty-five dollars on food, and five dollars on her sanitary pad and the remaining ten dollars will be kept in case of emergency. Mentally noting what to do, she went to take her bath. A refreshing bath after the day is a sign of better days.

By the time she was done bathing, it was already time for dinner and a few minutes to her newly acquired night shift job at a bar. She threw on her clothes and left in a hurry. She didn't have any dinner to grab.

She was lucky to get to the bar a few minutes before her shift begins. It is her first time working here so she was technically to assist one of the workers and learn at the same time. While waiting for the beginning of her shift, her mind drifted to her bedridden father. Her eyes blurred with tears. It'll be fine, she assures herself. She was still in reverie when she felt a hand tap her. She flinched and turned to see the lady she will be working with.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you but I've been calling you for quite some time. I'm Rhoda," the lady smiled apologetically.

Kate smiled back. She can't blame the lady.

"Kate here," she said simply.

"Shift starts now," Rhoda said.

Kate followed her as she led her to change her clothes to the working uniform. The uniform was a trouser and a white shirt. The uniform gave the workers the look of a waiter whereas all they do is just work at a bar.

Rhoda went to take her position behind the bar. Kate did the same.

"One of the things to note is to always put a smile on your face. Customers don't like frowning attendants, do they?" Rhoda said.

Without waiting for a response, she continued, "You will also have to learn to be patient with them, especially those tipsy. We don't call them drunks. It sounds offensive," she said looking at Kate to know if she understands what she has been saying.

"You will also have to learn how to throw two drinks together in the right proportion," Rhoda continued her explanation as she attended to a customer smiling all sweetly at him.

"This is my first time handling alcohol," Kate said.

"It's not called alcohol. It sounds too direct. We call it booze or bevvy," Rhoda said.

"Everything seems to have another name," Kate couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes. As you can't call a person in prison a patient, certain terms are used here too," Rhoda smiled.

"Alright. I will have to learn how to throw the right portion of booze then," Kate said.

"Yap!" Rhoda answered sharply in order to face the new guy at the table.

"Hey milady," the guy said smiling at Rhoda and Kate.

The pairs returned the smile too.

"Something to keep whiskey happy," the guy said.

Rhoda turned to ready the drink. The guy ensued a conversation with Kate.

"You are new here?" the guy asked.

"Yes sir," Kate nodded.

"Oh! I thought as much. This is the first time I'm coming across an angelic human," the guy said.

Kate just looked at him blankly. "Thanks," she smiled when Rhoda nudged her.

"If you don't mind," the guy moved closer to Kate and lowered his voice, "We can have a nightstand. An angelic human should be able to take me to heaven," he said.

Kate smiled and leaned forward, "This one is devil's angel. Imma take you to hell," she said with a wicked grin hanging on her lips.

"It doesn't matter which you wanna take me to," the guy smiled.

"Your drink is ready sir," Rhoda said saving Kate.

"Think about it. You can find me around," the guy left with his drink.

"That response was bravo," Rhoda said.

"Will I get to meet people like him always?" Kate asked.

"Yes but not always. Most are usually as a result of being tipsy," Rhoda said.

"Okay," Kate nodded.

"Back to my explanation, we have special customers. They are usually rich people. You have to respect them a lot," Rhoda said.

"Are you saying the less rich people should be treated as nobody?" Kate asked as that was how she interpreted Rhoda's words.

"No. Rich people love to be treated differently," Rhoda said, "You know what I mean," she added.

Kate nodded.

Throughout the night, Kate met various kinds of people. Some came to drink off their sorrow. Some to have fun. Some came for fish as they call run girls. Some came just for night sightseeing. There are even some who came to cry. Kate was confused. Like, who comes to cry in a bar - a public place.

The following morning, Kate signed out before leaving for home, tired. She had her bath and prepared breakfast for herself and her father. Her body needed rest but she couldn't rest as she has other work to do that morning.

"Good morning father," Kate smiled sweetly at her father.

"How are you?" her father asked weakly.

"I'm fine, father. You don't need to worry about me. Take care of yourself," Kate said setting the breakfast on a table close to her father.

"Hope you didn't work at night?" her father questioned trying to sit up.

"Yes. I was home all night," Kate helped her father up.

"I don't want you stressed," her father said.

"I won't be," Kate smiled.

Kate helped her father with his breakfast.

"Father, rest well. I will be off to work now," Kate said.

Her father looked like he wanted to say something but held back.

"What are you trying to hide? Are you feeling pain anywhere? I will get the doctor," Kate was worried.

"No. I'm fine," her father forced a smile.

"Talk to me father, please. Should I call the doctor?" Kate said her eyes already holding back her tears.

"Your mother came," her father said.

Kate's expression changed from being teary to a flush of anger but she quickly hide it with a smile.

"That's some piece of news," she said flatly.

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