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His Heartbeat.

Draco Maynard was a supreme being whose heart was cursed, or rather enchanted by his enemies. His heart was cursed to stop beating, temporarily taking his powers away from him. The only way for his dormant heart to begin beating again is when he finds his true love which should be impossible since he's not one to fall in love. Well, not until he met Bethany Morgan a century later, and his heart, for a moment, beat again. In other for him to gain everything he lost, and exact his revenge, he's gonna have to get close to the one who made his heart beat. The one meant for him.

Chapter 1 Prologue

His chest rose up, and down in rapid breaths which seemed loud as wind in a storm. You could tell the pain he was feeling, especially at the nonstop tortures he received for something he did justifiably.

His legs was cuffed to the ground, his hands raised wide, and chained to the ceiling, the only thing he was wearing which is his trouser was already tardy, his torso bare, and filled with all shapes of scars. His body swayed back, and forth as he was very weak, and malnourished.

He wasn't even supposed to be receiving any punishments, or going through anything, but one way or another, they were able to find a way to trap him. They dared to.

His electric blue eyes as wild as a predator stared deathly at all of them, because he knew he would one day get back at them. For now, they have one over him, but anything that gets him out of their claws, he'll get back at them in sevenfolds.

The head of the witches walked inside the room, and closer to where he stood.

He chuckled weakly, looking at the witch without any fear. "What...what have you come to do now?"

The witch smiled at him. "Don't worry, Draco. We've already decided on what to do with you."

Draco forced a smirk, a shaky breath coming out of him. "You know you can't kill me."

The witch nodded. "Of course, but we could do something much worse."

He gulped, his eyes blinked weakly. "And what might that be?"

The witch smiled. "Since you wanna know, knowing how hard it'll be for you to find someone that'll love you wholeheartedly, we found your perfect punishment."

Draco was still confused, but he just sighed not caring to know anymore.

"You are a dark, heartless man, Draco Maynard. You are incapable of love, and love will never find you, and that is what is gonna help us."

Draco scoffed. "You're speaking...in a language I don't quite understand."

"Then I'll make you."

She closed her eyes shut making Draco look at her with furrowed brows, his mouth twisted up in disgust.

Her mouth was beginning to move swiftly like she was talking to herself making his frown deeper. His eyes looked up at others to see the other witches beginning to act like her.

It was becoming a cause for alarm. "What...what are you guys doing?" He lamented, but there wasn't any reply.

These are the kind of reasons why he hates witches, this is the kind of reason that makes him kill them.

After a while of watching them in confusion, they immediately stopped all at once, and their eyes opened.

He was sure they couldn't do anything to him because of the immunity he has towards death, it kept him calm through all the time he's spent with them.

"What was that about?" He inquisitively asked.

The witch brought her right hand up, and before he knew it, a painful groan escaped him, his eyes widened before looking at the hand shoved into his chest with a squish. "What..."

"Shh." The witch shushed him, squished again, then immediately yanked her hand out earning another groan from Draco.

He tried breathing, but he couldn't. He looked at her, and was shocked to see... "Is that my heart in your hand?"

The witch was focused on it with an evil grin on her face.

"What the...what the hell are you doing?"

She closed her eyes once again.

He began shaking his head. "No no no no. Stop whatever this is. I'm telling you guys to stop it!"

He knew he was hyperventilating, or he should be, but his heart could have been an evidence that he actually was.

He has never seen anything like this before. A witch having an ability to take someone's heart. No way.

Her eyes then opened meeting his gaze. "Don't worry, you'll get your heart back." She said before shoving her hand back in causing his mouth to open wide with a look of pain evident in his face.

She removed her hand, causing a gasp to come out of Draco, followed by a trembling breath. "Shit." He looked at her with a frown, still trying to catch his breath, but then something was off. He was breathing, but he couldn't feel his heart beating. "What did you do to me? Why can't I feel my heart?"

"We enchanted it." She bluntly replied.

"And what does that mean?"

"Your heart can only beat when you find the one for you which is actually impossible since someone like you will never be that lucky. You have always been heartless anyways. We all lost people because of what you did. You murdered our family because we practiced witchery."

"I didn't do it without a reason."

"Reasons or not, we won't let it slide. You won't be able to feel anything except to the person your heart beats for."

Draco chuckled. "Don't you think that's worse? Don't you think maybe I'll be thanking you for the barrier you just helped me to take care of?"

"Your powers are now dormant, my lord."

Draco frowned. "What?"

"You're now nobody, and if you're powerless, then you're no longer a king or even a god, hell, your brother is already handling your kingdom."

Draco wasn't liking where things seemed to be heading at. "What the hell..."

"You're gonna spend your immortal life searching for the one who's gonna make that heart beat, and give you back your powers, and ability to change to your dragon once again." She provoked, and walked away.

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