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The Alpha's Broken Mate

The Alpha's Broken Mate



"Why can't you love me the way other girl's do?" Amelia, despite wanting to die, was able to continue her life due to her grandmother's last will. She just wanted to live peacefully, but no matter what she does, trouble is always behind her. One day, she just found herself in a situation where the dignified and most respected Alpha King in the continent is obsessed with her.

Chapter 1 PRELUDE

Amelia couldn't help but to let out a heavy sigh when she felt those stares again that burned in her skin. The people who were also working at the mansion stared at her as if she didn't belong here. She had been working in this place for almost a month now. And so far, she couldn't wish for anything for she felt comfortable here despite their very unwelcoming gazes.

Ever since she lost the person who raised her, she felt like her world became dark and empty. She doesn't want to live alone and just wants to die. But every time she felt like she wanted to give up, she remembered again what the person who raised her told her until her last breath. It makes her will to die waver. That's why even if she really wanted to, she didn’t have a choice but to keep the only thing that the person who raised her had left.

Amelia wanted to cover both her ears as the murmurs from her co-workers became louder the longer she stood in that area. She's currently on the other side of the mansion and is waiting for the visitor to come. And as the time passes, she can feel herself starting to lose sense because of their words.

She might act tough on the outside but honestly, she wants to leave this place because of their harsh words sometimes. But everytime she remembers the man's dangerous eyes, she couldn't help but feel shivers down her spine. The way he stares at her is like he's staring directly at her soul. It felt so unreal but at the same time, uncomfortable.

She shook her head and stood straight. Layla, one of the maids in the mansion couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw that Amelia's face was pale. Amelia is pretty but she doesn't like her at all. She felt like Amelia was fake and was pretending to be weak so that her lord would mercy her.

This bitch, she just wanted to stab her.

Layla couldn't help but bite her lips because of what she thought just now. She wasn't really the type to hate the person she just met. But ever since she met Amelia, she felt something weird was urging her to hate Amelia.

That's why in the past months, she made everything just so Amelia could fail her task but that bitch was lucky, she always does everything perfectly. That earns her praise of the madam that made her even more furious.

"Hey! We have a visitor! You shouldn't act so lame," she muttered, gritting her teeth. Amelia stared at Layla blankly. Amelia doesn't know why Layla hates her, but she also felt the same. The moment her eyes are laid on Layla, she can already tell that they won't get along well.

"Was standing straight a lame thing to you?" Amelia asked in a blank tone. Layla flinched and couldn't say anything. She gritted her teeth before rolling her eyes and left Amelia with a huge crease on her forehead. Amelia couldn't help but to let out a sigh. Talking to someone who doesn't like you is energy wrecking.

After her work, she immediately went towards her room to rest. This day has been busy and all she wants right now is to rest. She hasn't had a proper rest since she got here. She's always busy doing house chores and she couldn't say a word since her every move is being watched.

The people working here are very hostile towards her. She's afraid that she might die in her sleep for the reason of being stabbed. Although she wanted to die, she just couldn't leave her Grandmother’s will.

Ah, she's hungry.

She muttered inside her mind when her stomach made an annoying sound. As much as she wanted to eat, she just couldn't make her way towards the kitchen. Amelia's sure as hell that those people who don't like her are happily eating there while she's here, suffering from hunger and in pain.

She wanted to hurt them with magic so bad.

Amelia immediately shrugged those thoughts away when she realized what she was thinking just now. She lay down on her not so soft bed and closed her eyes. She's just going to sleep this hunger away.

That was her plan but after how many minutes or maybe an hour, she's still wide awake. Amelia couldn't sleep because of her upset stomach and the unnatural thoughts that were running freely inside her head.

Honestly speaking, she really wanted to rest already. She likes sleeping a lot but ever since she got here, she rarely gets five hours of sleep. Her physique is small and she's petite. She doesn't have a strong muscle but thanks to her being a witch, she was able to do things she can't normally do without her powers.

She wanted to rest already and just lay down on a soft cushion the whole day. But that thought will only stay as it is. Amelia let out a heavy sigh and decided to get up. She's the only one in her room since she doesn't have any roommates. Well it's not like she wanted one. She actually prefers this since she doesn't want a fake person beside her.

After she put a blanket on herself as she carefully opened her door. Amelia tiptoed until she was able to leave the maid's quarter. She needs to be careful. If someone sees her, who knows what they're going to bubble up again tomorrow. She wanted to live in peace and if that meant she had to swallow her pride.

The cold wind embraced her whole body when she was finally able to make her way outside. Her throat constricted as her heart began thumping in a fast way when she saw that the moon was on its peak. The night sky was so clear, the only one who dominated the whole area was the moon. The gleaming light that was coming from it illuminates the whole area.

Amelia began walking towards the garden. She slowly sat down on the bench and watched the full moon from afar. She felt nostalgic while staring at it. She still remembers how she ran away that day. If only she got home early, her Grandmother, the person who raised her, wouldn't be killed. She blamed herself because of what happened, if only she's cautious that time, people wouldn't have known she's a witch.

Being a witch is a curse, but she never thinks that day. Her Grandma always told her that witches are special beings and that a normal person wouldn't be able to understand them. They call them a curse and a monster but in reality, humans who abuse others are the real monsters.

Witches never laid a hand on humans and other supernatural beings, that's why Amelia was wondering why do they hate witches so much?

She sighed and stood up when she felt like she'd freeze in this spot if she didn't leave right now. Amelia began making her way back when suddenly, a cold tingling sensation ran down her spine.

Her breathing became heavy as she turned around to see if someone was there. Amelia couldn't help but gulp when she saw no one. She let out a sigh and shook her head. It's probably an effect of not eating and for not resting properly.

Amelia shrugged her shoulders and began walking but stopped when she spotted something from the shadows. Her heart began racing when a golden orbs glistened while staring at her. Amelia bit her lips as her body began trembling like there's no tomorrow.

The man, who was hiding from the shadows, showed up. And even though their distance was great, she can still see how his golden eyes glistened mysteriously.


The man who has the eyes of a ruthless and powerful emperor stared at her as if she's his prey. A mysterious and ominous aura was surrounding him.

Amelia's heart pounded even more loudly to the point that it would leap out from her mouth if this won't stop. She held her breath when the man stopped in front of her.

"M-my lord…" she mumbled with a trembling voice. This is already the second time she saw the alpha king without anyone around them. It feels so suffocating, especially the way he stares at her. It's like he knew everything, it's scary.

"Why aren't you sleeping? It's late," the man muttered in a cold chilling voice. His deep and manly voice was wandering. Amelia stopped herself from trembling and forced herself to reply.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I was just taking a walk…" His face frowned because of what she said. Amelia bit her lips tightly. What she said just now was the dumbest excuse ever! But she's telling the truth though.

"At this hour?" His forehead furrowed when Amelia softly bobs her head. She bowed down her head so she wouldn't see his eyes. She's scared of him. It's like he's going to eat her any moment.

Amelia heard the alpha king sighed and before she knew it, he cupped her face and made her look at him. His eyes glistened dangerously when he spat blood on her lips.

"You're bleeding." His jaw clenched tightly, fighting the urge to lick the blood on Amelia's lip. On the other hand, Amelia couldn't help but to swallow multiple times when she saw desire on his golden orbs.

"M-my lord, l-let me ago," her voice broke. The man stared at her darkly as he wrapped his arm around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him.

"No, you should have known that it's full moon. You can't escape me." And before she knew it, he kissed her deeply.

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