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Freya a teenage werewolf watched her childhood friend killed in her presence by the heir of a rival park, she is captured and forced to fight for her life and the only hope of survival was love. Zoran a guest to the pack started helping her and she fell in love with him. She seeks vengeance on the rival pack only to discover that the alpha she is expected to kill is her father.

Chapter 1 CAPTURED

She twirled and twirled again, his hand on her waist and the other holding her hand. The mountains were high and the forest was thick and no other party was in view. Although it seemed a little bit eerie, they were not concerned, what matters most to them is this present moment.

The forest trees whispered in a silent hush, little birds fleeing in their great sense of danger. He stopped, his gaze resting briefly on the trees before returning to her

"Frey, we should leave now. We have gone too far away from the border" he said, a frown on his face.

Freya took a glimpse of their surroundings. He was right. The green shrubs that surrounded their pack territory were out of view, now replaced by yellow leaves that stood out arrogantly among the large trees. They were already in the hunting zone. They never hunted there though, but the Wolf Fox pack delighted in hunting their rival pack members. They've never spared any wolf that ventures close to their territory. The animosity between the two packs had raged even more when Freya's pack, Wolf Tiger, had returned the gesture, slaying any of their rival's members they could find. As the rival parks slew each other, they suffered many losses, they then decided not to tread each other's path again. But the Wolf Fox are cunning, as Wolf Tiger's alpha would always say, they would spare no one if the boundaries are crossed.

Freya grunted "but Logan we're not that far from home, there's no one here too. Who would hurt a harmless couple?" She didn't want to go back home any soon. Logan had been so busy practising recently that they had little or no time together. Before his alpha training began, they often spent their time together.

"It's better to be on the safer side" his hands cupped her face "I don't want any harm to come to you because of me"

"Please......." She gave a funny pout, knowing he couldn't resist her "just a little more and we'll go back"

Logan took a time to think before finally nodding "a couple of steps then"

She grinned and kissed his cheeks.

They continued down the path, holding hands and laughing. They reached a stream reflecting the sunlight stretching from the sky.

"Isn't it lovely?" Freya said as she bent to touch the flowing water and pressed her wet palm to Logan's cheek.

"It's cold" he grumbled, earning a smile from her. He dipped his hands in the water to replicate her action but as he brought it close to her cheeks an iron chain rolled around his wrist. They looked to the tall bush where the attack had come from and was greeted with another one flying towards Freya's wrist. Logan was quick to push her away causing it to curl around his other wrist.

"Logan!" A cry escaped Freya as she tried to get up to help him out of the makeshift shackles. The attackers, comprising of two men stepped out of their hiding place, each grasping the other end of the iron chain.

They howled and pulled on the ends of the chain. Another howl followed a few seconds later from different ends of the forest. They were alerting the others.

Logan's eyes fixed on Freya "there are others. Run!" She shook her head and refused to leave him behind.

Logan groaned as he pulled himself loose from the chains, transforming into his beast form. The men were ready as well, they lunged forward in their beast form. Logan pushed Freya behind him, snarling at his opponents. They made for him at once. He grabbed the arm of one and twisted it, his claws biting the other's chest at the same time. A painful growl sliced through Freya's ears, she was sure his arm was now broken. Logan brought his knee to his chin sending him sprawling across the ground. He pulled Freya and ran, they needed to leave before the others arrived.

"Are you okay?" Asked Freya as they ran. This is one of the many times she hated herself for being useless. Her wolf had not formed yet, the only thing she could do was use a dagger and that would cause limited harm to a trained wolf.

"Let's get out of here first" he replied under a strained breath. They took the path they used earlier but there were already patrols sniffing in search of them. He cursed under his breath looking towards the way they came. They were trapped, there were more of the wolf fox pack men coming from behind. He made for the hills with tall plants holding Freya's wrist tight.

Another wolf cry was heard. They had probably found their wounded members. This made them fierce, knowing a strong wolf was present. He ran towards a tree with a fat bark and pulled Freya into a crouch. The other plants around them were taller than their heads in their crouched position, it would be difficult for the enemies to see them.

"Frey, we can't outrun them. We need a distraction" his voice low and rasp.

Freya shook her head, "No" she knew what he was trying to do "it's too dangerous"

"We can't stay here for long, they'll sniff us out"

"I'm not letting you go, Logan"

"I can't let them hurt you" he took her hands in his "trust me, this is our best chance" She shook her head again, at the brink of tears. "Hey!" He said softly, his hands travelling to cheeks "I'll be back"

"I'll wait"

"No, there can be more out there. As soon as I'm out they will give a chase. I will run in the opposite direction. I want you to run back home as fast as you can"


"Freya" he stopped her "I love you"

"I love you too" it came out as a whisper but it was enough. He wiped her rolling tears and planted a soft kiss on her lips. "I will be back" he mumbled again as he pulled her to his chest.

He hurried off immediately sparing her another glance over his shoulder. Freya leaned on the tree listening to her unsettled breath. "Please be safe" she murmured. A wide growl erupted from a distance behind the tree, she refused to peep. She would take to her heels as soon as she hears them running towards Logan "Please be safe" she murmured again. She sat quietly, waiting for any signal.

Another growl. Louder. Closer.

"They were two" she heard someone say "where's the other?" She froze

"Where's the girl?" Snapped another.

"There's no girl" She recognized that voice. A lump rose in her throat. How? He said he would run, what was he doing? She heard the sound of a fist hitting someone. Muffled sounds escaped her throat, she collapsed her hands over her mouth to silence it. Why didn't he run?

A fight erupted. The sound of clashing fists and claws slashing through the skin. She couldn't bring herself to look. "Please be safe" She can't imagine seeing him being tortured. She is a stupid girl. If only she had listened and returned home with him.

Another slash was followed by a growl that made her stomach flip. She peeped. And then she realized he couldn't run. He was surrounded, there were about 15 of them, and he can never get past them. He was on his knees, face battered with blood. There were several cuts on his body. Another wolf hovered over him, his claws stained with blood

"Where's the girl?" He demanded.

Logan's eyes travelled to her tree, his eyes meeting hers "she's gone". Her tears were uncontrollable, her hands still wrapped tightly over her lips. Logan! The wolf angrily shoved his claws into his throat, red liquid gushing out with no restrain. She gasped.

His eyes never left hers. With his last strength, he mouthed "Run" He fell to the ground in a loud thump and then his eyes went blank, staring but not seeing her. The green eyes that she cherished so much were not seeing her anymore

"Find the girl!" Ordered his murderer. It didn't take much effort to find her because Freya couldn't help the scream that escaped her lips. Logan is not dead! He's only wounded. He would get up. They'll run together. Another scream. She didn't seem to notice it was coming from her, not until rough hands grabbed her.

"Logan!" She screamed, her gaze never leaving his body. He said he will be back. He said he loved her. He can't be dead. He loved her. He would never leave her

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