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Little ELf

She was the little Elf girl. She was the Moon Crystals She was their light. A girl who possessed so much power at a young age when she was born into the Kendra family. Everytime Elf lays to sleep, she always has a dream immediately after waking up. Of course her life shattered right in the moment she started experiencing some power which pulls the public attention and she has to be taken by the government who believe they have a solution to her problem. But little did she know that they're nothing but the people who had been looking for her. They were the Black witches who had been sending some unknown creatures to the world all in the name of searching for. And what could be worse than knowing that they were the one who killed her parents

Chapter 1 One

It was one afternoon when Elf was playing on her own when a woman from nowhere disappeared when she just came out of the house. "Where's your mother Everly? The woman asks in a soft, commanding voice as she flinches in shock at first before finally looking at the woman. She was indeed beautiful with her long nails and long curling hair. The woman was wearing a white big gown with some chains on her leg.

"My mom's inside! May I know your name? Elf asks with so much confidence not to be scared of the woman who looks so scary in front of her. "Seems like she's most likely the one but I need to Test her out!" The woman thought of how confident she was. Aurora sees this as an opportunity for her as she told Elf to follow her but the smart wise Elf wouldn't dare to follow a stranger which she doesn't know because of her mother warning to her.

"I'm sorry but I can't follow you! I don't know who you are! "I'm your mom's friend, little girl! Aurora lied to her with a feign smile as she walked towards her and brought out her hand. Hold me, let's go! " I can't do that ma'am! I don't know you! In the midst of them arguing, Everly came outside on hearing the different voices.

She was frightened when she saw her and had pondered what she was doing in her compound and besides, she didn't even know this woman. Who could she be? "Good morning ma'am please who are you?

Everly asked immediately, Elf went inside. "Do you remember that night you came to the river side to ask for a child? Aurora asks with a serious face as she lean towards Everly.

"Yes I can clearly remember it! Is there something wrong because I don't know who you are! Everly utter with a serious face as she laughs. Not just a normal but a devilish loud laugh which could pull one's attention and that got her thinking who the hell she was because she sounded and looked different from normal human beings.

"I'm sure you will be wondering who I am? Aurora asked as she nodded her Head. "That's right! I'm currently in deep thoughts right now trying to remember when I have had an encounter with you in this village or whatever business we might have had! Hahahaha! You won't know who I am until I reveal myself to you. The woman utters as she whips her mirror with her hand and something displays out of it.

It was her! The time she went to the River seeking for a child during the full moon. "Wait... What? How did you get this? She questions with a serious tone as the woman closes her eyes and opens it, immediately her hair changes to black color.

"What do you see? A different human being or perhaps you aren't one? Everly questioned her as she nodded her Head walking around her.

"Thirteen years ago you came into the village River asking for a child from the moon. Two months later you were given a child and now she has grown into a beautiful girl. Did you actually question yourself of the consequences of your action? Did you actually know what happened when one asks a child from the moon goddess? Aurora, the moon goddess, questions her as she claps her hand and the mirror turns blank.

"Listen everly! I just need you to give me your daughter so we can test her for our experiment for a whole two years. Aurora utters as she trembles in fear. "But why? I thought there weren't any consequences! It was actually one of my neighbors who told me to go there and ask for a child. Please don't take my daughter away from me! She's the only one I have!

"Please!" Don't take her away from me! Everly utter with her knees bowing on the ground as Aurora shakes his head. "You don't have to beg me Okay! We will give you back your child after two years of testing her to see if she's our chosen one but if she isn't, we will return her back to you as soon as possible.

"But what if she's the chosen one and what do you mean by that words? Everly ask in suspense her voice cracking at the moment as Aurora walk towards her and then grabbed hold of her hand. "Close your eyes and concentrate on what I'm about to say you!"

Everly gasped in shock immediately Aurora let go of her. " So I'm sure you understand my reason for that!

Hundred years ago we the witches were one family. We were one family with everyone supernatural being, the wolf, vampires and all but one of our very species betrayed us! They join hands with the wolves and of course steal our "Moon Crystal'' which we collect power from. Our own very speice people turn against us and depart from us as they create a war against us with the wolves.

And of course, the moon goddess has to do something. We fought them back but at the end, the "Moon Crystal" disappeared, the power of it reflected back at the moon during the war and at the end, nobody had it as it was gone.

But then again I discovered that it can come back to us as a true little girl. Yeah and that's because, if a barren woman came asking for a child at the river During the full moon, the moon will reflect on the woman and the next month, the woman will be pregnant.

If the woman had given birth to the child, we need to take the child and test her for two years if she possess the power of the "Moon Crystal" then we will take her but if she doesn't, we will give her back to you.

"So, hand her over to me! Aurora utter as she scoffed! I can't! I can't give you my daughter! She's my daughter already and I can't handle her over to a stranger like you!

Everly Utter as she laughed. "Then you will have to face the consequences. Which is to be dead and the child will be alive!

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