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Mated To The Heavenly Heiress

Mated To The Heavenly Heiress

Baby favor


Tragedy,war,hatred, jealousy and even worst things one can ever imagine,I Todd Catherine, never believed really exist, except in story or in film until it started walking into my life like a flowing river. Living with my Aunt in a small town far away from the city is something I always count as lowlife until I discover it is called peaceful living. It started when I got admitted into a university called The Royal. My Aunt made me believe wolf,witch,demon and more powerful beings exist,I never count it serious till my life takes a turn at The Royal. seeing someone who is exactly like me and someone trying to make me his?. Discovering myself I'm not a human,even a wolf would have been better but I'm a curse wolf together with witch gene having a twin sister who is after my life! It is a long story. I believe you want to know how it started and how it ended! "Will I end up being beheaded? As the supreme Alpha ordered. "Will he choose me over my sister ?" "Will Vanella accept the fact that I'm made for him?" "How will a cursed mate become his mate and the Luna of Moonstone pack?"

Chapter 1 White headed girl and Arrogant prince

Chapter 01

Maya. Her guradian walked into the simple setting room, "Cath,get up right now!," In the middle of the room is the bed with a white headed girl crawled up under the blanket.

she whines and uses the blanket to cover up to her head levels, "Just a few more minutes please,"

She pulled the blanket off her immediately, "Come on cath, it's your first day at school,"

She groaned and stood up grumpily. "Okay I'm just going to shower"

"Good girl, I will set the dining table," throwing her the body towel she dash out of her room.

Yeah, My name is Todd Catherine. Me and my Aunt, Aunt May, we just moved to this town two days ago and that because I just got my admission, I can't stay in school hostel. Don't ask me why I can't stay there because I also don't know.

All she, My Aunt, keep saying is. "Catherine you're going to clock 18 anytime soon I want you to know yourself better, that's you are good soul and I will never do evil because you are special." Her words always ringing in my head that have already memorize them.

I press the toothpaste on the white toothbrush, facing the mirror,I starts brushing.

I have always heard about student living in hostel but I guess I won't get to experience that, taking a quick bath I step out of the washroom drying my long white hair. The first thing you find weird about me is long white hair but I find it quite cute, the amazing part of it is if I should cut i, it's grows longer and if I should dyes it the white colour covers the dye and shine more brightly under the Sun.

"Catherine!" that's my Aunt callings.

I pulled the clothe over my head so I could reply her, I'm almost done Aunt,"

I step into the dress room rack through with my long sharp white nails don't get me wrong I never painted it nor trimmed it,it's just like that from birth.

The only thing I hate about myself which is burning in me right now is,I'm jumping high just to take my arsh coloured sneakers that's because I'm short ,though people say I'm cute and beautiful and the amazing part is me being short?. That's rediculous to me,.

I hate short girls because they behave like a mini Devin and they are always troublesome with the exception of me though. After using this stool to take the Sneackers, I lace it and carry my backpack, adjust my glasses, put on my head warmer and head downstairs.

Ohh my , that's my favourite food smells in the air. I giggled mentally.

Taking one spoonful of the potato, chewing slowly in my mouth, "Aunt,"

She divert her attention to me immediately,"Yes sweetheart,"

" I love you so much you know right?" I said and blew a kiss before continuing with my food.

She came to sit down opposite me "Catherine," I knew immediately she's going to lecture me.

"Yes, Aunt Maya."

"You know I've always said this,you are going to clock 18 soon." we both said together and busted into laughter.

"Good girl but no matter what, don't ever remove your glasses, okay?"

I winked at her with a brime of smile plastered on my face,"Yes,Aunt Maya."

"No matter who you are? what you are? you remain my baby and will always listen to me right?"

"Yes, Aunt maya" I respond repeatedly, cleaning my mouth with the tissue.

Checking my wrist watch,I realize the time is far spent. "Aunt, I think I should go now."

"Okay baby be careful don't let anyone get you angry, always remain cool as always," she concluded.

"Okay, Aunt Maya." I said and jogged out holding my pack back with my arm on my shoulder as I walked out.

She gave me transport fare, heaven I won't use the bus because it will take me nothing less than 15 minutes to walk down to the school so I'm just going to trek down the road.

Few minutes later.

Right before me is the school, from the outside,I believe it's going to be awesome.

I breathed out heavily and muttered in between my teeths "The Royal university here I come"

(Moonstone Pack...... morning)

It's a huge white wolf running around a large field that looks like he's angry because every step he takes shakes the old stadium concert ground.

His beta break through the mind link afraid of the cracking sound. "Kevin stop, you're going to bring down the whole Field."

Kevin blocks his mind link and lets his wolf take over completely which is like a lifetime chance for Damien is wolf because Kevin will never let him take control except on a rare basis which is just one of the moments right now.

The ground starts to shake, breaking and everything starts collapsing just like and there's an earthquake going on.

Jeremy his beta heaven a sign of frustration giving up. "Damn, we have to rebuild the field again."

"His furs are just too strong and sharp for my likings" Jane whispered but Jeremy heard her after all he is a wolf and had sharp hearing.

Jeremy tilted his head back in anger "Jane. what are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be in school right now?."

She blew him a kiss,"I'm just going to teleport now brother"

" Ash!! That kid " He mouthed and walked down to kelvin who has transformed back to his human form.

"Here"Jeremy handed over a bottle of water to him.

With his innocent look he muttered a "Thanks,"

Popping the cover open he gulps down a large amount of water.

His innocent face will never in any way make you believe he's the one that crushed the whole stadium few minutes ago.

He is tall,cute with the sexiest dimples every girl will die for, nice black hair which covers his forehead cutely,and diamond small earrings at the lower bottom of his lips.

He looks like a playboy right? But no, infact he dislikes girls a lot except for his mother and his little kid sister Amal.

He is the only son of hid parents, The alpha and luna of the moonstone pack,The moonstone pack is the head of all other packs.

All other packs are under the moon stone pack that's why his father is the supreme Alpha.

He's just 20 years old, a puppy he should be but he is not in any way a pup, his age may say so but he himself says otherwise.

His behaviour is nothing to write home about, so let's just keep that after all you all get to see it soon.

"You blocked your mindlink? The supreme Alpha call for your present right now"

" I'm not going there," he replied sharply.

Jeremy stood up immediately "You have to, come on,it sounds urgent and important"

He started stroding out of the stadium, "I will go after taking a nap,"

Jeremy rush after him, "He will definitely be the end of me one day, what am I supposed to tell the supreme Alpha right now? I wish I could switch this faith but it's not possible because he is going to be the Alpha and am his beta."


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