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In the land of kalisa-Harmat, there were different beings, witches, wizards,fairies and humans. Both good and evil reigned. The humans lived in this land in Oblivion to the fact that real magic and sorcery exists. Harriet, the most powerful witch in the world, dwelled in this land. She had the power that could shake the world and she was a good witch, thankfully. Problems started when she was given the duty of protecting the son of a late council member, Diego,a proud and arrogant boy. She was too protect him in the spiritual realm. Diego wasn't a supernatural creature like his mum, he was just human. He happen to possess something so important that the evil supernaturals wanted. Harriet was solely given the duty to protect him with some rules to adhere to as the most powerful magical creature, and one of these rules was never to fall in love. How would Harriet, a seventeen years old girl be able to protect the most handsome guy ever, without falling in love with him? Watch out!!!

Chapter 1 New Assignment.

It was the chamber of the council of the good. The council consists of twelve members, representing the twelve ends of the land, but right now, they were only eleven because of a deceased member. They were witches, wizards and fairies, all good, cladded in white shimmery attires. They stood around a teenage girl on a pink long gown made of flowers.

"You summoned me."she said with her head bowed.

"Harriet, there's an assignment for you."the one who seemed to be the leader spoke.

"I'm listening."she said.

"You'll have to protect a certain boy, who goes by the name Diego. He has the necklace of a deceased council member, his mother. The dark powers are after him because of that. They want to take it from him because he's oblivious to it's powerful content and the life saving powers it contains. You have the sole responsibility of making sure the necklace remains with him and does not fall in the wrong hand or else, it will spell doom for everyone."The leader said.

"Yes Marie."Harriet said.

"You should always remember your one and only rule as the most powerful creature."Marie said.

"I'm not allowed to fall in love with anyone."Harriet said.

"That's correct."Marie said. "You are are dismissed."she said and snapped her fingers, and just like that, Harriet vanished from their midst.

"Do you think she can handle it?"Gonzalez,a wizard, asked.

"She's the most powerful magical being after all, right?"Marie said.

"But she's still a teenager and.."

"And the chosen one."Marie interrupted him. "There's no one more capable of this responsibility than she is, not even myself."Marie said.

"There is a reason she was given this much power, you know. I think we made the right decision."Della, a fairy, said.

"It is done, dismissed."Marie said and they all vanished.



I stretched and yawned as I stood up from my bed. It was Monday and I had to go to school. I quickly took my bath and opened my closet. "What should I wear to school today?"I asked myself, tapping my chin. I smiled and waved my index finger. A pink flowery gown and Brown boots came out. I took them and wore them. I carried my school bag and walked downstairs.

I'm Harriet Wesley, seventeen years old, final year in highschool. I'm both a witch and a fairy, the most beautiful and powerful creature ever. I have the power to control all creatures, but I'm not supposed to fall in love. It wasn't really a big deal because I had never gotten attracted to any guy before. I just don't feel anything for them.

My family? I have a big brother, Eric Wesley, we're actually twin but he's older. He's really cute and handsome, girls were all over him, drooling at the sight of him. My mum is a good witch while Dad is human. He knows of our powers though. He married mum even if he knew she was a witch.

"Good morning guys."I said taking my seat at the dining table. Mum served us our breakfast.

"Good morning angel." Mum and Dad said. Eric wasn't here yet.

"Where's Eric?"dad asked.

"Right here."he said walking downstairs. "Good morning."he said as he sat beside me.

"Good morning."we said. I scooped from by plate of rice and wanted to put it in my mouth but the spoon moved. I tried again and it moved. I glared at Eric and he laughed. I knew he was the one doing it. I glanced at mum and dad, they weren't looking so I made Eric spill his drink on his clothes.

"Harriet."he yelled and I laughed.

"Kids, I've told you several times never to use your powers in each other."mum said giving us a glare.

"He started it."I said.

"Be warned."mum said and I stuck my tongue at Eric. He dried himself and continue eating.

Soon we were on our way to school.

"I heard about your new assignment."Eric said.

"What'd you think?"I asked and he shrugged as he drove.

"It's pretty dangerous. The dark powers will be after you once they know you're trying to ruin their plans."he said and I sighed.

"I know right? I'm kinda scared."I said.

"Why are you scared? You're the most powerful."he said.

" I know but.. It's really tiring. The whole world depends on me and I'm not expected to make any mistakes. But what if I do?"I asked.

"Stop being negative. I'm sure you will do great."he said and I smiled.

"Thanks." I said. He always looks out for me.

We arrived at the school and we alighted from the car. The magnificent school of magical beings and human beings. The humans are unaware of our existence. We all live together. I looked around the parking lot as I was sensing my assignment's presence. I saw him, Diego. He was a really handsome guy that every girl worships and he's proud, way too proud. His parents owned the school but his mum was dead, Lucia,a member of the council.

"I can't believe you'll be protecting this jerk."Eric said and I rolled my eyes. He has never liked Diego. We walked to the building and got to the hall way where there were lockers. I walked to my locker and checked my timetable. I had history.

"Hey Harriet."I turned to see my bestie, Clair. She's so intelligent. She wears glasses because of her poor eyesight. She's got a crush on my brother like other girls. She doesn't know I had magic powers.

"Clair, good morning."I said as we embraced each other.

"Wow, you look so beautiful."she said. She's always saying that.

"Thanks. And you're looking gorgeous."I said and she blushed.

"What are you having this morning?"she asked.

"History."I said and she frowned.

"Why? I have Art. We won't be together." She pouted.

"It's sad but good news is that Eric is also having Art this morning."I said and her face lit up.

"Really? Oh my gosh, this is amazing. I have to go, bye."she said and ran off. I giggled. The school rotates our time table each week, in such a way that we sometimes have different classes even if we're in the same grade.

I shut my locker and immediately felt a sharp pain in my head. I held my head and saw visions of Diego. He was in trouble. The pain immediately stopped. I rushed to the field and saw him. He was playing football with some guys. I looked around. Where's the trouble coming from? I saw a guy and sensed dark magic around him. He was moving towards Diego. I made his feet stick to the ground and appeared in front of him. I placed my two hands on his shoulders and we both vanished to a forest.

"You can't protect him, he's doing to die."he said and threw magic flames at me, I quickly flew a distance from him, creating a forcefield around myself to ward off his magic.I lifted him up by mere looking at him, without going close to him. I crushed my fist tightly, making every bones in him break slowly and then I sent two fireballs at him and he exploded into pieces. I vanished back to school.

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