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Forbidden lust

Forbidden lust



Melody Muses is a nymphomaniac, causing her to be a sex doll to her elder brother who's deeply smitten with her. With this little dirty secret, Melody's elder brother Eleven murdered their father and Melody had to make a run for her dear life when she knew she'd be doomed to him forever. On the verge of escaping that rainy night, she was bashed by a car —the driver happens to be one of the most popular CEO across the globe. His name was Alexandria Lincoln Dickson, he was powerful, dominant and the most sinfully handsome man ever known. Never did Melody know that her entire life would shift when she get caged by this strong man. And at the other hand, her elder brother was never ready to let go of her just yet. In this violent battle between her brother and the rich CEO, who would win when the war becomes dirty, filled with lust and forbidden desire? What happens when past secrets, lies and perhaps, death began to arouse?

Chapter 1 1


{ JOSEPHINE's APARTMENT, Malibu 8: 38pm }

"Faster! Go deeper!!" Melody hysterically moan, her eyes were shut and her body was squirming like a jellyfish.

Storms of pleasure sped through her skin as she clutched the pillow which was under her head —she couldn't get enough of this man, she wanted more of him.

The large masculine body of this man hovers on top of her, his enormous body resting on her small body while his hands grip her waistline passively.

This man was plunging deeper into her pussy, his deep pleasing groans were flying past her ears which were a few inches away from his face.

His thrusts were relentless, his rhymes were strong that she felt pains —but those pains were near to sweet pleasure.

Well, talk more of a nymphomaniac sister and a sex god brother!

"You are delicious, sister!" Eleven flattered, his lustful eyes staring directly at the lustful face of his sister.

Melody wriggled her body in tempo with his motions, slowly opening her ocean eyes as she raised her hands and rested them on his broad shoulders.

For a second, Eleven pulled his chest from hers but his cock was still inside her —Melody watched him, she was inwardly checking out his peach.

Her elder brother is the most handsome man she had thought she have ever known, he's got pink lips, shining grey orbs, and black flaxen hair.

He always wears a stud earring in his right ear, making him look sexily hot, and on his left arm; he tattooed her name.

"Go faster, will you?" Melody moaned in demands, her soft voice echoing around the room.

Meanwhile, Eleven chuckled at her emphasis, he slowed his tempo as he abruptly paused her.

Snapping his head to the window of the room, it was nighttime already and the moonlight could be seen, striking its beautiful rays at the window pane.

Melody frowned at her elder brother's halt. "Hey, what's wrong? What are you staring at?" She asked.

Eleven bent his head to Melody, he was still resting on top of her while his hardened cock was still plunging inside her juicy cunt —the warm feeling is heavenly!

"I don't like it when you act like you are the boss here," he rasped at her, but then, with a sweet smile on his face.

Melody shivered, she knew his smile was a dangerous one and she knew what her elder brother was capable of doing to her when he laughs foolishly.

Melody’s face quickly softened into a bleak one, and her hands which were gripping Eleven's shoulders pulled down immediately as she began to struggle with how to push him off her body.

"Get off me!" She growled, but Eleven was adamant not to go just yet.

"Trying to push me off, huh?" He snickered, cheekily.

Melody hung back on hearing his words, and she dragged her hands down from his shoulders.

"Tell me, Melody. How would you survive when you get your attacked by your nymphomaniac again?" Eleven asked, worrying his bottom lip as if he was concerned about her.

But hell, he wasn't...

Melody slinked her arms around her belly, her ocean blue eyes fading at her elder brother as she was lost in a brief thought.

If Eleven doesn't ease her sexual cravings, then who will?

Moreover, Eleven was the main reason why she has a nymphomaniac after the first sex they had that very stormy night three years ago.

Eleven snorted a snicker at his kid sister's speechlessness, he knew he got her defenseless. "....Cat got your tongues, huh?" He sneered.

Eleven knew he was the one at fault for intimidating his kid sister into having sex with him that rainy night when they were home alone, but he did that sinful act with her that night for one reason...

No doubt, it was the best night he ever had in his life, his kid sister's pussy was the sweetest he has ever tasted!

Nevertheless, it happened to be a misery for Melody since she turned out to be a nymphomaniac and her sexual hormones were wild.

"Well, let us forget all that for now and get down to business!" Eleven finally growls, curling his waist repeatedly as his dick paddles deeper in Melody's pussy.

Melody gripped the sheet bed, she shut her eyes as she battled not to moan —she was fighting the desire to show that she was accepting his moves.

"No! No! No!" She burst into tears, not wanting to moan out her elder brother's name.

Eleven was intently torturing her, and her fragile body was reacting helplessly to his evilness.

"Don't fight it, Melody. You have no choice but to scream my name,” Eleven smiled, leaning down to her right ear as he seductively bites her earlobe and his hand caressing her right nipple.

And this does the magic, Melody's hands left the bed sheet as she gripped his shoulders instead. Holding him tightly as she let out a piercing cacophony.

"ELEVEN!!!!!!!!!" She yelled wildly, her entire body jerking as if she was convulsing while the cores of her body were on fire.

Eleven hurriedly pulled his dick away from her, he took off from the bed as he went to the bathroom.

Melody whimpers and at the same time breathes heavily, her legs immensely shaking as it eventually decreases.

Seconds turned into minutes, Eleven finally stepped out of the bathroom in his black pants and white baggy hoodie.

"I'm leaving!" He informed Melody, that mean smirk never leaving his face as he ogled satisfyingly at Melody who spread tiredly on the bed.

"Whatever!" She muttered in reply.

Eleven shrugged as he proceed towards the door, he walks out of the room but he bumped into Josephine —Melody's best friend since diaper.

"Bitch!" He grins at her, but Josephine nastily balled her eyes at him.

"Get lost!" She insulted, rudely pushing him aside as she seethed into the house and got to her room.

"Fuck! This whole room smell of sex!" Josephine cried out disgustingly, tossing her purse to the dressing table.

Melody snorted from the bed. "Eleven wouldn't be here if I hadn't called him but my urges arose, I had no choice but to call Eleven for help," she explained, laboring to sit up on the bed.

Her whole body aches a lot and her pussy stings like hell as she weakly she rested her head on the headboard of the bed. And then, removed the long black strands of her hair off her face.

Josephine huffed, walking towards the bed while bridging her arms on her chest —her eyes staring pitifully at her best friend, Melody was still naked.

"Look at what the son of a bitch did to you, Melody. I swear I will kill him if I see him here next time!" She threatened, her teeth gritting angrily.

Melody opened her mouth to say a word. But, she was cut her off immediately by Josephine. "I don't wanna hear anything!" She snarled, and Melody instantly closed her mouth.

"Your sister hates you, and your brother turned you into his sex toy. Now tell me, how does that sound to you?" Josephine asked sarcastically, raising her brows at Melody.

“At least I go a father who cares for me,” Melody sniffed through her nose, fresh brimming tears were threatening to break out from her eyes as she facepalm her face.

All Josephine said was true, her family never loved her but her father was her only comforter in the house —her mother was long dead.

"I am helpless!” Melody pathetically mumbled, fidgeting her fingers in self-grief.

"Well, you have to..." Josephine was saying when they suddenly heard a chime from Melody's phone. "....I guess you have a text!" She said instead.

"Mm!” Melody hummed, leaning towards the nightstand beside the bed as she snatched her phone.

Melody suddenly gaped at her let out a panic shout after a second gone. “What the hell!” She hurriedly drifted out of the bed.

"What's wrong?" Josephine curiously asked, staring worriedly at Melody who was rushing to slip into her clothes.

"It's my father! He sent me a text saying his life is in danger!!"

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