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Loved by the Billionaire & his Bodyguard

Loved by the Billionaire & his Bodyguard

Mara Thompson


Amanda's fiancé and one of her Best Friends had run off together. After six months of heartache and excessive rumours, she decides to leave her hometown of Bay's Beach for a new adventure in the Peninsula. The night before she was to leave; Amanda and her best friend Chelsea go to the local bar, only to run into the pair. Under their insults; Toby, a wealthy CEO, intercepts and helps her. Cinderella meets her Prince Charming and all is well, until her ex-fiancé Peter threatens to destroy everything she has with Toby and Amanda is forced to run away with Toby's bodyguard, Adam. Reunited with Toby, Amanda is caught with feelings for another man. She does not want to hurt Toby and fights to save her love for him; but the truth puts both sides in a dilemma.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

“I'm sorry Chelsea; I need to get away from Bay's Beach. With everything that's happened; I can't be here anymore. Besides; I want to do something with my life and get use of the administration diploma, I studied for” Amanda says to her best friend since primary school. “I'm going to Peninsula tomorrow and there's nothing more you can say to me about it.”

Chelsea, Veronica and Amanda were inseparable growing up in the small beachside community. Pity a man put a wedge between the trio.

Peter; Amanda's fiancé left her for Veronica. “He was so gutless only sending you a text message. The least he could have done is face you” Chelsea voices her opinion for the millionth time.

She was heartbroken and pissed at how he broke it off. Yes; they didn't set a date for the wedding; but that was his fault, not hers. She had a suspicion he wasn't being faithful; long before the text message and Chelsea reminds her of this. “I did tell you, I thought Vonny and him were spending too much time together. They are both cowards.”

“I know Chels. I am also aware of the whispers behind my back. Poor Mandy; having Peter dump her like that. And, can you believe Veronica; throwing away a friendship that's lasted almost two decades and they are the good whispers” Amanda spits back at her.

“That’s why you need to come to Dean's Bar. Besides; I don't want to go alone” Chelsea says pouting in her direction.

“What about Jamie? Doesn't he want to go?” Amanda asks Chelsea. Jamie is Chelsea's on again; off again boyfriend. At the moment, they are on again.

“Nah; he's out of town; some photography portfolio he has to do. I just want to go out and have a few drinks” Chelsea replies, her brown eyes, giving Amanda a sad puppy dog look.

“Ok, ok. I'll go; but only for a few drinks. I have to leave early tomorrow for the train station” Amanda answers; Chelsea's mousy brown hair bouncing around her shoulders as Amanda caves in.

“I have the perfect dress you can borrow. It will set off your blue eyes” Chelsea tells her; giving her a perfect smile and heading to the closet.

“I don't know; it looks expensive” Amanda says shaking her auburn hair from side to side; her last-ditch excuse not working as Chelsea places the blue cocktail dress up to show her.

“This old thing? Nah. Jamie bought it for me and you know how much of a cheapskate he is. You can have it. It suits you more than it suits me” Chelsea responds; giving Amanda the dress before she heads into the bathroom to get changed.

“I don't know; it's a bit short” Amanda calls out from the bathroom; still trying to forego the decision to go to the bar. “That's the point” Chelsea yells back and Amanda walks out of the bathroom; pulling the back of the dress down as low as it will allow her to.

“It's perfect” Chelsea smiles as she changes into an emerald green off the shoulder piece.

By the time they finished getting dressed; the butterflies were starting to settle in Amanda's stomach. She hasn't been out since Peter sent her the text message. Bay's Beach is a small town and everyone knows what happened. She loved living there but she was over the whispers regarding how things ended and the rumours spread around by Peter and Veronica.

“You'll be fine” Chelsea says, giving her a side hug and they both head out the front door to the waiting Uber; quite frankly it's the only Uber in town.

“Mandy; nice to see you out and about” Dean calls out from behind the bar.

“This is her going away celebration; keep the drinks coming, Dean” Chelsea says as Dean brings over Amanda's Bacardi Spritzer and Chelsea's Flaming Cowboy.

“Who's that?” Amanda asks, seeing; a gorgeous man come in through the front door with his group. He's brown shoulder length hair is brushed back and his chocolate brown eyes survey the room.

“I don't know. I think he was with the high-end wedding that came up for the weekend” Chelsea informs her and Amanda's heart sinks.

The one guy she does notice; is off limits. No rich man will look at a girl like her. “Here's to seeing someone off limits. Story of my life” Amanda giggles, tilting her Bacardi spritzer towards Chelsea before taking a sip.

“Asshole alert; 10 o'clock” Chelsea whispers and Amanda glances to the doorway. ‘No; this isn't happening to me. How dare he come in here. I can't believe he bought her with him’ Amanda yells to herself, trying to move herself further into the booth and sinking down to hide herself.

“Mandy; are you ok? Oh shit!” Chelsea screams and Amanda looks up, just in time to see Peter and Veronica stop in front of their booth.

“What the fuck do you want?” Amanda snarls at the pair.

“Aren't you going to offer us a seat?” Peter questions, smirking a pompous grin at her. “I don't have to do shit; Peter. Do you think you can come here and it's all hunky dory? You broke off our engagement with me; through a text message, mind you. And you think you have the right to come here and talk to me. Fuck off” Amanda screams at the pair.

“Calm down! There's no need to be like that, Mand…” “Be like what; exactly. You called yourself my best friend and you stand here telling me to calm down? You are something, you know that?” Amanda continues yelling; cutting off Veronica.

“Is everything ok, Sweet Pea?” A husky voice says to Amanda as she feels his arms come around her waist and she melts a little into the Greek god and he pecks her on the cheek.

“Not really; these people are annoying me” Amanda spits back at her ex-fiancé and ex-best friend and relief comes on his face, she is playing along with him.

“And who are you?” Peter asks, narrowing his eyes and clenching his fists beside him. “None of your fucking business. And drop the jealous act; we are over. Isn't that what the text said? Sorry to do this to you but I can't keep going through the charade. I am in love with Vonny” Amanda seethes at Peter and he drops his face and looks at Veronica.

“I am Tobias Sommerville. And you are?” Toby snaps, raising an eyebrow at him.

“We better leave them; Petey” Veronica says, slinky away to a nearby booth and Peter stands there glaring at Toby for a few more moments before backing down and heading to Veronica.

Amanda was about to open my mouth to yell at Peter some more and was stopped by Toby. “Come Sweet Pea; I think this bar is getting overcrowded” he says and takes her hand, leading her outside.

“I'll see you tomorrow, before I leave” Amanda says to Chelsea, smiling. She knows there is no hope for her now; but at least for a few moments she will have a god in her arms.

“Where are we going?” Amanda asks Toby and he smirks in her direction. “Now you are officially in my arms; I thought we could do something together” he answers and Amanda takes a few steps back.

“Um; thanks for your help, Tobias. I do appreciate it. But I don't think w…” her train of thought leaving her as he kisses her hard on the lips. Her mouth opening, allowing his tongue to find its way in.

“Wrong answer” he chuckles as the pair pull apart. “And call me Toby. You say Tobias and I look around for my father.”

‘It's the only answer I have. I barely know…” he cuts her off, kissing her again.

“Still wrong answer” he smirks and Amanda pulls away from him.

“I didn't say you can go” he responds; grabbing her arm and wrapping her in his embrace.

Amanda looks at him and realises; she is a goner. He is one hell of a man and she wants to; what did he say? ‘Do something together’.

“What do you want to do?” Amanda finally asks Toby; admitting defeat and relieving the silence between them and he takes her hand and walk across the road, towards the little hotel he was staying at.

“I have a few ideas” Toby chuckles and he pulls a door key from his pocket and opens the door to his room.

Amanda sucks in her breath as she looks at Toby's features. Up close he is very handsome; strong features, dark chocolate brown eyes and a dimple in his right cheek. Goosebumps appear on her arms as he pulls her close to him; kissing her. His tongue searching for dominance in her mouth. His lips move down her jawline, slowly moving to her neck as she groans with anticipation.

“Toby” Amanda moans, his hands moving behind her; undoing the zip on the back of the dress. It falls to floor as he lays her down on the bed. Propping himself over her; Toby kisses down her chest, sucking her breasts. The wetness between her legs starts to beg for him to take her.

“Sweet Pea; you need to tell me what you want” Toby murmurs into her neck. “I want” Amanda starts to answer, undoing his pants and stroking his dick and he groans into her mouth.

“I want to have you” she whispers and he thrusts himself inside her as Amanda squeals with pleasure.

Their bodies entwine as he moves his shaft in and out of Amanda's core. Her climax building; “Toby” she groans softly. “Yes, Sweet Pea” he moans as he thrusts himself into her again.

“I'm going to cum” Amanda breathes and Toby slows down; “Not yet” he says, smiling; giving her another kiss and moving slowly as her orgasm takes hold and she shouts out his name again.

“Holy Fuck” Toby says; thrusting one last time before falling on top of her. “You are one hell of a woman.”

“Me? No…” She starts to say before he lifts her chin and starts kissing her again. “Don't sell yourself short to anyone. You are and will always be my Sweet Pea” he says and pulls Amanda on top to straddle him.

Amanda leans down to kiss him again; Toby's dick twitching to start over. She moves her body, opening her slit to him as he places his dick to her entrance and she pushes herself down onto his shaft. Moving his shaft around her core and groaning his name.

“Mandy; I want you to say it” Toby says and she gives him a puzzled look.

“Say what?” she asks as he slows her movements, once more. “I want you to say, you are one hell of a woman and you are my Sweet Pea.”

Amanda moves herself around his shaft and he slows her down again. “Say it” he demands.

“I'm..I’m..I'mm you're…Sweet Pea” she screams another orgasm out and he pushes her underneath as he continues thrusting his shaft into Amanda's core. “And are you one hell of a woman?” he asks her.

“Yes” she says breathlessly as he thrusts one last time into her and wraps his arms around her.

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