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Flames of Love

Flames of Love



Johneca accidentally met her seductive billionaire CEO, John Williams while she was running away and he mistook her for a spy thereby compelling her to travel with him. They had a night together and she was aflame with his love. For him, it was just a night but for her, it was a burning love, worse than the fire that engulfed their home and restaurant.


Waking up the following day, she rushed to the company to do her normal routine. She saw her other colleagues and greeted them warmly. She continued to work, even humming one of her favorite songs, by Don Moen, the great worship leader who takes people out of this world through singing.

"God will make a way, where there seems to be no way.

He works in ways we can not see, He will make away for me..."

Visibly enraptured by the song, a lady tapped her on her shoulders informing her that Mr . Alexander wants to see her in his office.

Reluctantly, she stopped her work to attend to him because it could be an instruction from the top. When she got to his office, she knocked and a voice replied telling her to come in. She was in the office not suspecting any problem when he suddenly got up and started to caress her body. She never knew where the strength came from, she pushed him down so fast and made for the door. She almost lost her balance and was in hot pursuit. She ran as fast as her legs could take her and fell . Trying to get up to continue running, she saw the door of the CEO was opening. Then it occurred to her she would be done for if he sees her, she decided to hide in between the pillars in front of his office.

Then she saw there was a curtain on his window outside. She hid under the curtain believing he would not see her.

He came out wondering what was happening. He must have heard the sound of the fall. Hence he started to check out properly and he lifted the curtain and saw her petite body trying to hide.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I'm a cleaner under the supervision of Mr . Alexander. I am running away from him because.."

"Enough, don't have time for your lies. Definitely, you are a spy disguised as a cleaner to destroy our company. " He thundered.

He looked at her disgustingly from head to toe.

"I don't have time for police now, I am traveling on a business trip. You will come with me to make it impossible to communicate with your sponsors. You are under my arrest" He roared.

He was too bossy, arrogant, and would not tolerate her speech. Grappling her hand, he was dragging her along with zero tolerance for a single word. She was shattered and broken. She tried to wriggle free but he was very tall, with broad shoulders and large arms, he was too imposing for her.

She had no choice but to tag along with his terrible temper. He seemed to be in a bad mood. The driver brought his Limousine and off they went.

You can imagine such a scenario, meeting your boss for the first time, and off he grabbed you never letting go calling you a spy, a liar, an informant.

Tears flowed from her eyes unhindered. Left her widowed, sickly mother at home, left her jobs and that was going to affect her flow of money. From the city of Houston Texas, they were on their way to Dallas, TX.

Right in the car, she tried to relive what happened to her.

" What are you doing here? Were you trying to steal something around here? Who are you?"

"I'm I'm very very sorry sir."

"Will you give me answers to my questions?"

"Which one should I answer the first sir?"

"Are you trying to play smart with me?"

"No, no sir."

"Who are you?"

"I'm.a new cleaner sir. I started this month."

"Why should I believe you?"

You are a spy, working for our competitors, right?"

"No sir, believe me, I am a new cleaner. Ask my supervisor, Mr. Alexander."

"I know you have been sent to collect information from this establishment. You want to know the in and out to serve as an informant. I will not release you until I am satisfied. Look at her innocent face, highly deceptive. How much were you paid?"

"Sir, I am innocent and do not know what you are talking about. Please, let me go, you have to believe me"

"As a cleaner in this company, weren't you told that this is a no-go area? You are to keep off! Did you not see the notice here? Are you such an illiterate that you cannot read simple English? I will query your supervisor. "

The boss continued to roar.

"Sir, I came very late to work and he was furious with me. In trying to beat up the time, I rushed and had a collision with one of the pillars, so I fell. Then I heard your door open and..."

I lied, I could not tell him what actually happened.

"Enough, you were hiding from me?" The CEO said.

"Yes, but please do not query Mr. Alexander, it's my fault. I accept my fault."

I was visibly shaken with fright.

"You will behave yourself and make no noise, Miss".

" Yes sir". I nodded quickly.

He continued to drag me like a thief. Finally, a limousine was waiting for us. He pulled me inside before entering the car.

I became scared and had to ask him.

'Sir, don't be angry with me, where are you taking me? To the police station?"

"No, we are on a journey, a two hours journey. I have an important meeting with my board of directors, I chose to go by road. I won't let you out of my sight. I shall be there for just three days. Then the coast will be clear. You shall be free."

"No, please let me go, I am not an informant. I am a cleaner and I also work as a cook in a restaurant. I have a sick mother, and I need my jobs to sustain me and my mother. Please, I plead my case."

"I'm sorry about your mom but I can't afford to release you until after the crucial meeting is over.

" I do not have a change of clothing. Look at the way I'm dressed, it's not decent for public view."

"And who told you, you will be exposed to the public?"

He stopped at a shopping mall, pulled her out and they entered the shop. He shoveled some dollars in her hands.

"Get what you need. I am waiting for you."

She brought out her phone and called her mother, informing her, she is on an emergency journey but will explain when she is back. She also called the two supervisors pleading with them for just three days absence.

"What are you doing spy? How dare you call anyone."

"Check my phone, I only called my mom and my two supervisors."

He collected the phone from her and kept it.

They continued the journey to Dallas, Texas from Houston, TX. Hunger gnaws and her stomach was making an unusual sound. She dared not complain. She found it difficult to look at him but he seemed relaxed a bit and he slept off. Only God knows why he was so rude. Not just rude, he seemed worried about a lot of things.

She looked at the man, he looked extremely handsome in his thirties. His face looked as if it was carefully designed like a Greek God

Looking at the popular CEO, a multi-billionaire business mogul in Texas. One of the most powerful CEO. Young, intelligent, rich, and very handsome. He is everything you need in a man. Sitting beside him takes her breath away.

Johneca did not know he had woken up but was actually watching her staring at him.

"You've never seen a handsome man before? You little naughty rat".

" Listen, Mr. John, I've respected you enough. I hate to be called names and I'm definitely not a rat."

"Where did your gut come from? You better behave yourself.!"

"I hate you!"

He turned to look at her properly, surprise written all over his handsome face.

"You don't mean that, do you?"

"I hate you for making me feel miserable. I'm tired and very hungry. You are mean"

"No woman has ever talked to me, like this!." He mumbled.

Then he grabbed her and shook her violently. With blazing eyes, he scolded her.

" Don't you ever talk to me like that again? Who needs your love anyway?"

"I think you need my love and acceptance. Look at you, handsome, very rich but looking miserable. You are cruel because you need love." Johneca found her voice at last!

"The petite lady has some interesting stuff. I ought to be angry but you are becoming interesting. Tell me, how do you know that I need love?"

"Hmmm, my mom tells me that whenever you see a man behaving abnormal, something is missing in his life and it's likely to be love that will fix it."

"Miss love, can you fix my misery in life?" He retorted in fierce anger!

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