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Element of  nature

Element of nature

jay teddy


After the great war of the gods which sent both the gods some flew to earth to seek refugee, this made the supreme one to give powers to mortals in order to protect their universe agains anything threat What will be the fate of the mortals when some of those gods try to rule over earth, will they see their heros, chaos, war, death, can this be prevent from happening

Chapter 1 The new threat

JAY🔯 P. O. V

Scream was heard people were dying, places were destroy, body pill up but the soldier keep on coming, while they are being slain at each swing of his sword, the warlord zahiel who never sieze to seek for power, dominon over kingdoms, a being who is feared by many,

" that is it seal him " the commander of the YU SO YIN clan said and that was it everything went blank and I jerk out from from my dream panting heavily. My name is jay kelvin the son of the wealthiest man kelvin kelvin, a great business tycoon, well this is not my first time of having this dream but why is it still coming, I can't have a normal sleep since I clock seventeen and now the dream is just like a regular thing for me now, checking my phone its morning another day for school, and I head towards the bathroom and did my morning stuff before coming out and put on my white hoodie with a navy blues jeans and a white snickers before exiting my room with my bag pack,

"Morning young master" every maid that come across greeted while I just wave them, I was about to reach for the door when my mom called

"My little angel ? she said, I can assure you that she right because that's the perfect description of me

"Morning mom" I said and peck her

"you forgot this" she said handing me a food flask with a some cash

"You are the best" I said hugging her after sometimes of hugging her, I let go and left for school with my bike

Author 🔰🔰🔰

At the outskirt a wood, some where running, for their dear life when a young lad dress in a black attire stand on their front stopping them in their track

"You can't run for ever twins of terror"he said with an evil smile

"We already know that and we are not ready to run right now" Kingston the eldest said while his twin brother Kingsley take his stance for any attack, not long some soldier surround

"Get them "!! The man said, and the soldiers charge at them, while the charge back, Kingston was making use of his water power perfectly to knick them out while Kingsley was blast them with his fire, after some minutes of the reckless fighting all the soldier was lying helpless and the man in black attire the legendary snipper who has been a hunter from a tender age, right from when he become a hunter history has said that he never loss to his opponent and now he control the viper league, one of the most feared league of hunters in the universe, he took off his cloth and take his stance to fight the twins of terror

" let's do this punny terror " said mockingly and Kingston scoff

" fine, since you won't come, I will come over he said and charge towards them with great speed and punch Kingsley in the face, that got Kingston angry and he charge at him blindly, the both figure clash at each other trowing punch's but Kingston was no march for him soon he was punch down just like his brother,

" that is it, you are not here to joke let's do this Kingston " Kingsley said and the lock hands together while the sky rumble and a massive amount of thunder surround them, snipper charge at them with great speed but was sent crashing back into the wood with one strike from the lightening bolt, wish create a massive shock wave

"Wow this feel cool, Kingsley said, they where about to charge at snipper who walk out from the crash wood with bruise when a portal open and suck them in

" this isn't over yet " said and left the wood

Here in king high school the people were in class learning when their electricity seize to work for some seconds and others fell down due to the impact of the shock wave that came from the lightning while some of their windows were shattered

*this is strange

*it can't be

*what's this

" different things were said but none of them know the source of it, seeing that the school is mess up the principal send the student home to avoid any thing that might cost danger for his student life. Jay and diamond was seen at the parking lot talk and laughing and the stop immediately jay saw his crush Rachel

"Hey, man up go and talk to her "diamond said un like him who is the opposite of jay a well known play boy although he is also handsome like jay, seeing that he is not ready to make a move diamond wave at Rachel signaling her to come over and she did

" why did you do that " jay whisper to diamond but he ignore him

" hi " guys Rachel said

"Hello dear, how are you doing ? Diamond said that's him for you

"Am good, hello jay " Rachel said to jay who was staring at his book all this while as if he was reading it

"Hello Rachel, is that you" he said feeling tense

"Rachel let's go" his dad called from his car, and she bade them good bye before going, and jay sigh in relief

" someone almost piss off his pant "diamond said mockingly and jay scoff

"Do you know they made mistake calling you that name, you should have been called brostitude not diamond, and they laugh it off after chatting for a while and left for their various home after diamond driver arrive, and they bade their self good bye, jay was about starting his bike when Jessica who has been crushing on him, tickle him

"why do you always do that ? he ask

"Tell me, you don't like it "she said and was about doing it again when jay stop her

"What do you want ? He ask and her face changed, after sometime she smile

" you already know what I want jay, so don't play hard to get with me " she said seductively and wink at him, jay knowing where this is heading to start his bike and leave, and Jessica smile and walk away.

After a long drive jay finally got home and park his bike went into his room ti sleep


Inside this magnificent compound, which look like paradise on earth, not to far from the big mansion the twins of terror find their self in a small house which seem to be a warehouse

" Where are we " Kingsley ask after observing the place but got no answer

Not long the door of the warehouse opened, and a handsome boy of their age ( eighteen ) walk in with a cute girl, while the twins were staring at them, as if they will be attack

"Am Elvis, and she is zoey" he said pointing at her and continue his speech

"Sorry for interrupting your fight with snippe, actually... " he was about saying something when Kingsley cut him short with his question

"You know that dude that attack us ? He said

"Yes I do " he said with a smile

"So why are we here.? Kingston who has been silent all this time ask

"Once again, welcome to my abode twins of terror, its good I finally meet you guys after a long search " Elvis said with a smile

"It seem like you quite know alot about us, but that doesn't answer my question "Kingston said this time a bit annoyed

" well, the reason I summon you two here, is because I need your help "

"And what made you think we will help you ? Kingsley ask

"Because you guys have no choice, their is a new threat in this city he is coming for every one not only me, our love once, and everybody we know" Elvis said and the twins saw the how serious he is

"Hmm, Kingston sigh before talking

"Am already aware of the new threat but, we are not ready for it " he said and they were about walking away but was stop by Elvis words

"I have lost someone dear to me, and I know about you guys too, how do you think you will feel when you lose another person you love, I can't force you guys but I will be happy if you join me to stop this enemy " he said

"Fine we will join you but, we need a help from you " Kingsley said Kingston was about talking when he signal him to stop

"What is it that you want? Elvis ask

"We need a home " Kingsley said and Elvis burst into laughter seeing this Kingsley blast him with a ball of fire and he was able to escape at a nick of time but unluckly it stroke zoey sending her into a nearby wall they were about going to her side when she got up and her wound start healing up, living the twins in shock

She clinch her hand and was about attacking them when Elvis block him

" you went too far " Kingston said

" I know but, he don't have to do" Kingsley replied

"Am sorry guys, I don't mean to do that" He apologize and went closer to zoey

" don't get mad at them, it's my fault and am sorry, he said trying to calm her down

"Let's go " He said and they left the warehouse, getting outside the twins were amaze by the way the compound look like

"Do you own this place.? Kingston ask directing the question to Elvis

" it belong to my late parents "he said

"Sorry for that" Kingston said and he only smile

Kingsley who was at the back with zoey apologize

"Am sorry for what, beauty, please "he said in his best voice and Kingston look at his brother and shake his head

"It's okay"zoey said with smile after making him beg for sometime and they start talking

"Wow, your power is great " Kingsley said and he was hoping for the conversation to last longer when hi s brother cough statle him and they laugh over it

Elvis usher them in, entering the sitting room, they meet a boy play game on his phone and he look at them

"You are back.? I bet it was that tough convincing them " he said

" it was !!, you won't believe that this one nearly kill me" zoey said pointing at Kingsley who look away like an innocent boy and they smile

"Kingston, Kingsley meet scott, and Scott this are the twin of terror "Elvis said

And scott stand up giving them a hand shake

"It's nice to meet you two" he said and they just smile

"Zoey can you please show them the guest room so that they could rest "Elvis said and she stood up and signal them to follow her and they did

"I can't believe they accept so easily "Scott said

"Same here, I wish others are easy to convince too

"I was able to track white and, I think we should try and meet him soon" Scott said

"That's good to hear, does he live in this green hill city" Elvis ask because the last they check the couldn't track him

"yes and he is a student in king's high school, but beware, he doesn't talk to people that much and don't get him angry " Scott said informing of the danger beforehand

"Alright, and thanks alot" he said before standing up and was heading to his room while Scott continue his game

Getting to their room zoey was about leaving when Kingsley stop

"Thanks and sorry for what happened"he said and zoey smile before leaving the room

"Wow, we finally got a place to stay" Kingston said

"All thanks to Elvis, at last we will be living a peaceful life and from those hunters attacks" Kingsley said with a smile and fell on the bed while Kingston join him

"Is their something you are not telling me ? Kingston said

"Nope, and what do you think I have not told you about " Kingsley said and that got Kingston

"I think I like that girl, Zoey" he said and Kingsley glare at him

"Don't even think of her if not you are dead" he said and they start laughing

"I think I like her" Kingsley said and Kingston just nod his head.

( light blank out )

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