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*Preview from the story* Isn't this crazy, he walk into my room from nowhere that partly night drunked and kept calling me with a name I've never heard before. I wanted to push him away and scream but he looks broken as he hug more tight. "Veena Don't leave me please"he cried and wet my shoulder. I just let him do is thing until I suddenly felt his hand going under my crop top. "What are you doing" "Veena, I miss you"he kept saying. "I'm not Veena or whatever you call her"I responded but his hand kept traveling up and when he reach my br**ast he cup them into his hand and I moaned out of pleasure. The stranger has so much effect on me than I expected. Whosever Veena is, she must be a bitch for breaking a cool guy like him. I was wearing no underwear so he had access to my bare body. "What are you doing?"I stuttered but I was shutted by his lips fitting perfectly with mine That was how Karla had a crazy night with a stranger who she didn't wake up to meet. After that day Karla forgot everything until he walk into their class the next morning as a new student but something is wrong somewhere he barely recognize her. Everyday in school they acted like stranger but every night he cry to her bed and eventually sleep with her but she never woke up to meet him. Is it normal? Her world turns apart when she started catching feelings for this guys who only noticed her in the night but careless about her during the day. What?! is that really possible!!! What is really going on?. Why would the strange guys never remember her!

Chapter 1 One

The sound of the alarm woke me up from my beautiful sleep and I was really frustrated as it won't stop until I stop it. Literally I will just throw it to the wall and allow it scatter to pieces before going back to sleep but mom gave me a serious warning about not getting me a new one if I destroy the current one . I stretch my hand to the night stand and stop the annoying alarm before using the duvet to cover my face and I went back to the sleep but not too long I heard a loud bang from the door and I jumped off my bed holding the pillow really scared.

"Karla, I won't let you get me fired today, I give you five minutes or you will have to find your way to school and you understand what that mean"My believed mom shouted and I sigh in relief. "Yes Mommy"I said and collapsed on the floor and the sleep suddenly vanished. Mom is sure a thing. We are resuming a new semester today but I'm not just Interested in going. I missed my friend Hannah, but we spent all summer together and I will always get to she her because she only live few walks away from mine. I quickly rush into the bathroom and grab my brush. As I finished brushing my teeth, I shower in my fruity scented body wash and I quickly dress up for school which is wearing a flay skirt and a white shirt. I pick up my thick waist length hair into ponytail. I do park my hair because I don't want my friends making a big story about the length of my hair and mom refused to let me have trim. "Karla, I'm running late"Mum voice, brought to reality and I quickly grab my backpack and hurry out of the room. "I wish you change, anyway you will have your sandwich in the car"she said and before I could say anything, she took my younger brother Alex and the head to the door so I quickly took a bite of my sandwich and gulp down the milk before rushing out to join the in th car and she drive to my school first which is a bit far from my little brother own. "Morning Karla"Alex greeted and I scatter his hair. "I knew I shouldn't have greeted you"he frown as he arrange his hair back and smiled and I caught mom smiling at us. My mom is the best wish I've been granted from heaven. Even after Dad passed away, she stood strong for us and never let us down. She was willing to let go off us when my father family requested to help by taking me away but she rejected the offer.

"Be a good girl"My said and she halted the car in the front of WESLEY'S COLLEGE, I hate that school so much. It either I'm bullied or those stupid girls trying to get me into trouble or I was set up by my classmates. Sometimes I end up doing assignment for the girls or running errands for them. Hannah hated it but I pleaded with her to let things go. They are popularly know as Pink angel, I wonder what type of school allow some set of student dye their hair in pink and are let go. I was walking into the school when I suddenly stopped. "Shit I forgot my tie, today is going to be a hell"I walk into the school making sure no teacher sees me and the worstest, the pink angels. "Karla"I heard my name and I turned to see Hannah coming from the school gate. "Hey keep it low"I said as I drag her by her wrist and we walk in. "What wrong with you?"She asked but she didn't hold back instead she kept following me. "I'm not in tie and you know what that means"I said and she suddenly jerk her hands off and Stopped. "Like seriously Karla? this is a new semester and all this shit it happening? The pink angels again? Karla grow up" "You know I don't like getting into troubles my reputation is bad enough"I said and she sigh. "Fine, take mine"she said and loosen her tie and stretch it to me. "What are you_" "Just take it"She said forcing it into my hand and I smiled before knotting it. "Thanks"I said. "I don't know when you will grow up, probably you should get a boyfriend"She said and I scoff. "Like anyone who like someone like me?"I muttered. "Whatever let go get our schedules"she said and wrap her hand round my neck bending down and I laugh. "Let go off me"I kick her and she let go and laughed. "Get a boyfriend and stop been childish, you might even get to experience that hot steamy s*x you only read in novels"she said and I roll my eye. "Whatever" "I heard the school admit a transferred student who knows whether he_" "That won't happen in my dream and neither in my present life so can we stop talking about this"I said and she laugh. "Whatever"She said and we both drop our back into the locker. "I heard he is hot"she said and I shut the locker angrily making some loud bang and that attract student attention for a secs. "Can you stop talking about him? What if he doesn't even show up"I roll my eye and grab my biology before walking away leaving her alone. She is really something but thankfully the pink angels weren't around. I was kinda free and Happy, I wish they never existed.

I was working on my assignment in my room. That actually what I love doing, sitting in my room either scrolling the internet or reading or better still reading, Erotica Romance novel to be precise. "Karla come downstairs and have your dinner"Mom loud voice that can bring down the whole roof screamed and I groaned in frustrated. "I'm coming"I shouted and close my book and also hide the novel I retrieved from Hannah, my best friend. I make sure my Mom doesn't see it because I will be in a serious trouble once she found out that I'm reading such and the book cover are so ungodly. I stood up and put the chair back before heading out of my room closing the door behind me. "You should spend more time watching TV than locking yourself up in that room"Mom said and I just scoff and settled beside Alex but he frowned Immediately I scatter his hair again. "So how was school today?"Mom asked. "Good?" "Any new friend?" "Mom we both know your definition of a new boyfriend"I said as I use the knife to cut the meat into a small particles. "You are Seventeen, what do you explain"She said. "Mom?" "You don't need to be mutual probably just friends, I'm bored of Hannah and can't you see she have a boyfriend and they like each other that what matters"She said and I almost laughed because Hannah broke up with her boyfriend during the summer when he requested for s*x when she wasn't ready. I was about to reply when I heard a loud bang. "Do you hear that?"I asked Mom. "Hear what?" "The noise I think it coming from the roof" "Hey really? you are trying to avoid my question" "No mom I'm serious" "Eat your food"she ordered and I sigh before I resume back to my food but my mind wasn't at rest. What that sound coming from?

To be continued...

What's up with the noise? Where do you think it coming.

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Chapter 1 One
