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The Curse Of The Red Moon

The Curse Of The Red Moon



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Chapter 1 The Journey

Traveling to the Cold Palace was a journey many hoped to never take, in their long lives as Werewolves. The Cold Palace was a death sentence, And for good reason, many who entered, never made it out alive. Hundred Years ago, the cold palace would be considered the Best place to be in, There was a compassionate Queen and Luna of the biggest pack of Belrig, A king and Alpha who listened to his people and a common respect between The Crown and its body. That was the Belrig my ancestors enjoyed, but the Belrig of now, was one that many wished would never exist.

There was insecurity in the kingdom, An unstable hierarchy between slaves and masters and more noticeably, A king whose true nature scared the world. The Hidden Beast Alpha, Lucan. All feared him, All who wished to live a long long life. The cold palace was forbidden if you wanted to stay alive, But She Was willing to die, if it meant She got to Kill The Alpha herself. ..

Erica's body shook again, She gripped the soft couch for support, It was the Hundredth time she was shaking in this godforsaken Carriage that Couldn't stop moving. She waited for the shaking to stop, before she released her hands from the grip and stabled herself on the seat, She stretched out her leg and let out a yawn, It had been a long journey from where she had begun and she knew only a longer Journey awaited her from here on.

"Erica You can Do this". Erica muttered to herself, She closed her eyes and Let out another long sigh. It was dark all around her and she loved the darkness as it helped her concentrate. She Calmed herself further and shut her eyes tightly.

The darkness disappeared suddenly, She saw dim lights that lit up the hallway ahead of her, There were people by her side, They seemed to be whispering at first but when she listened clearly she heard their voices clearly and understood what they were saying.

"You should be happy Erika, It's finally time", Margret One of her friends said as they walked further down the long hallway, Erika looked around, There were guards on every side and they looked at her keenly, She frowned, although she felt happy on the inside.

"Yes, I am It's finally time". She replied Just as enthusiastic as the friend on her left. She felt heated on her right so she turned to give her other friend a glance, She seemed down and refused to look ahead though their hands were linked.

"Nia?, What's wrong, You don't seem too enthusiastic as Margret, or me?". Erica asked concerned.

"Should I be ?, Are you Enthusiastic about Dying?,". Nia asked Scoffing, But Erica Felt no need to answer, it was very visible in her eyes that she was willing to kill The Alpha, so she gave her friend a short nod as a reply.

"Erica you could die!" Nia Shouted in a whisper, But Erica only paused to turn around making sure, they were looking at each other with their eyes.

"Nia, I lost the will to leave Five years ago when..... I have nothing left to loose".

Erica Opened her eyes, She felt exasperated, She Gasped for air, And looked around the place, She was still in the carriage. Erica reached for the window of the carriage, She opened the small Closing and inspected the Outside.

The weather was beautiful on the outside. The huge green trees reflected from the sun a beautiful luxurious green colour that attracted the eyes, She smiled as she watched any tree she place an eye on, disappear into the distance. The Carriage was fast, so She saw things for a brief second before they disappeared into Thin air. This was her third day of her journey from Crisan to The Cold Capital of Belrig and she still saw the warm trees, It was cold in Crisan as well, But As they passed through the states, Erica began to enjoy the warmth she felt from all the different states.

Still looking around, She wondered where they were now, She decided to ask the carriage head, Mr Trice.

Erica pushed herself out from her seat, and opened the second window. "Mr Trice!!", She called out as loudly as she could carry her voice.

"What may I Offer You Erica?". Mr Trice asked, His usually deep voice sounded more light as it travelled through the wind to her.

"Which State are we?", She asked, She had already made some calculations before, It generally took Two weeks to travel between all the state, but for someone with a fast carriage it was 12 days, a person Traveling from her state Of Crisan was roughly four days.

"We entered the capital not too long ago". Mr Trice said casually.

The smile on Erica's face faded into thin air, Her hand hung in the air for a while before she had brief realisation and brought it to her Laps, Her hands were shaky as she pushed herself back into the seat. The cold breeze that blew through the window Caused a shiver to run down her spine. Erica was scared and finally alert of everything, The realisation was deep and it caused a thrill in her.

"We are Here, We are finally here". Erica muttered to herself.

"Erica You have been summoned by the King", Kane said Ushering her out of her tiny room. Erica got up A little unsure of herself, but She quickly changed that by forcing out a confident smile and fixing her posture. Kane walked Behind her, he was far away for it to look intentional, but still close enough for her to know that she was being followed.

They walked down the hallway together, it was a silent walk for them both. Erica had no idea where she was headed to, So she felt strange leading the both of them when it could have been the other way around.

They were getting close to the end of the hallway when she heard the first and only command from Kane. "To the left, The first door and Good luck". Erica took the left turn, just like she was instructed, She kept walking Until she noticed a door, It was brown and seemed Normal until she got close to it. She stood in front of the door, "Do I go in?", She asked turning to the side But stood startled when she found the hallway empty, Kane was long gone and she was now all alone.

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