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Affair With The Mafia

Affair With The Mafia



Cheryl Jacqueline Alejandro, her life is full of perfection. A charming, beautiful face, seductive body goals, rich parents who always give everything, also a handsome fiancé who loves her so much. Carlos never left her, never had an affair, and was attracted to other women. Carlos just stares at her, never turns to anyone. However, Carlos' loyalty just made her feel curious with foreign gazes that watched him like a hungry lion. Rafael Frederich Wagner, a man she knows as her sister-in-law's ex-boyfriend. In a smoldering fire game, Cheryl finds herself on the run with Rafael from pursuing a foreign mob who is trying to catch him. In her heart, there was a big question mark about who was the man who was running holding her hand. Who is the man who looks so thirsty when staring at her body? Who is the man who dares to burn her skin with a hot seductive kiss? And then, Cheryl is in a tremendous vacillation between continuing her life with her fiancé or choosing another line with the new man in her life. The man who made her fall in love differently, faster, smoldering, and made her crave a foreign desire that surged in her body. Forbidden, but kept calling her to come closer, as if calling her name in a seductive voice. Should I fight the world for you? —Rafael Frederick Wagner— *** Should I fight the world with you? — Cheryl Jacqueline Alejandro—

Chapter 1 First Meet

Cheryl watched a man skillfully move his hands to cut the steak, grill it, and add oil, garlic, and other spices. His broad back clad in a black t-shirt with a tattoo poking out on his upper neck looks very attractive when viewed from behind. Dark brown hair framed his perfectly sculpted face with a sharp nose and sturdy jaw typical of a grown man. Cheryl had to look away every now and then when that man accidentally raised his head to pay attention to his guest sitting alone.

"You don't have to worry. Soon Veronica will come down, and everything will be fine." That man came carrying two plates of steak with steam rising and a sweet aroma tickling Cheryl's nose.

Cheryl still couldn't believe what she had just been through.

Moments ago, she had just slapped Mateo, her older brother, for finding out that he was having an affair with his secretary. Mateo is already engaged to Veronica, and Cheryl is so close to Veronica that she feels uncomfortable seeing Mateo cheating on her best friend. Cheryl chooses to leave her brother behind and follows Veronica, who runs out of Mateo's office in tears after seeing her boyfriend having an affair with another woman.

Then, this is where it ends in a luxury apartment owned by a foreign man who is now busy preparing dinner in his luxurious kitchen.

"Who are you?"

Cheryl also still couldn't believe the stupid question she was asking.

Cheryl knew the man sitting across from her, who owned the apartment Veronica had used as a place to escape.

Rafael. His name is Rafael. And he is Veronica's ex-boyfriend. That's what Cheryl knows.

"Should we get acquainted? I don't mind shaking the hand of a beautiful woman." Rafael glanced at her with an amused smile. “However, to be honest, I already know you, Cheryl.”

Cheryl raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

"Of course. Who doesn't know Cheryl Jaquelin Alejandro? You're Mateo's sister, right? The bastard who often makes Veronica cry."

Cheryl grimaced when she heard Rafael's last sentence. Her brother deserves the nickname as a jerk. Not once or twice, but Mateo had betrayed Veronica too many times.

"That's right, Mateo is such an asshole." Cheryl nodded sadly.

"It's not your fault. He was born to be a jerk.” Raphael nodded his head.

"Too bad I had to be born as his sister." Cheryl sighed. She feels annoyed at her brother, who never stopped making mistakes in his love relationship.

"Veronica is more unlucky because she had to be born the future wife of a jerk," Rafael commented as he started cutting the steak on his plate.

Cheryl looked at the food in front of her. She's hungry. Very very hungry. Her stomach started churning as the smell of meat tickled her nose again. As she recalled, the last time she ate was this morning, and it was now almost 10 pm, which was too late for dinner.

"You don't intend to go back with Veronica?"

"Go back?" Rafael raised an eyebrow. "So you already know me, huh?" He laughed briefly.

Cheryl grimaced, realizing the stupid question she had just asked. Again, she did something stupid.

"What do you know about me?"

"Nothing!" Cheryl answered quickly.

Rafael's gaze moved slowly to observe Cheryl.

Cheryl swore that now her heart was starting to beat fast as she also observed Rafael's face, which was only a few steps away from her.

Rafael has sparkling eyes with light brown irises, contrasting his pale white skin. Thick lips with pink color become an attraction that continues to disturb Cheryl's concentration.


Rafael is an attractive, handsome man!

And Cheryl had to stop watching him if she didn't want to look like a gaping dumb ass just looking into Rafael's eyes.

"Aren't you Veronica's ex-boyfriend? Aren't you interested in getting back together with her? Honestly, I'm so sick of Mateo. I want to see him go crazy for losing Veronica." Cheryl started to control herself. She tried to ask questions while crossing her legs in a relaxed motion.

"Ex-boyfriend? Did Veronica say that I was her ex-boyfriend?” Rafael laughed lightly.

Cheryl raised an eyebrow. Without hearing Veronica's story, everyone knew that Rafael had a relationship with Veronica several years ago.


A voice came from the end of the stairs.

Cheryl and Rafael looked simultaneously and found Veronica walking toward them both.

Cheryl watched Veronica closely. She looked better, but Cheryl could still see the tear marks on the corner of her face.

"Hey. Are you hungry? I'm making steaks for dinner." Rafael stood up and reached out to take Veronica to sit beside him.

From Cheryl's observation, it seems that Veronica is still in a good relationship with her ex-lover.

"Yes, I’m hungry. And I came here to ask permission. Can Cheryl and I stay here tonight?” Veronica asked.

Cheryl raised an eyebrow again. Stay overnight? Should they stay together in an apartment owned by a foreign man?

"No problem. You can stay here. I'll find a hotel tonight." Rafael replied with a smile. “I will prepare dinner for you.” He continued.

After that, Rafael disappeared behind the kitchen.

"I don't know where to go. So you want to stay here with me?"

"Coming to your ex-boyfriend's apartment won't solve your current problem, Vero." Cheryl knew she sounded silly when giving advice, but her lips felt itchy if she didn't immediately say what had been bothering her for a long time.

"My relationship with Rafael is not like what you think. We are close, but not that close either." Veronica looked at her thoughtfully as if begging Cheryl to believe her explanation.

Cheryl took a deep breath. No matter how bad Mateo was, he was still her brother. And Cheryl can't deny that she's been happy all this time because Mateo is back with Veronica, her best friend. Because Cheryl knows that Mateo needs a firm, loving woman like Veronica to control his chaotic life. But Cheryl didn't just close her eyes and ears even though now she still felt her heart was on Mateo's side. Veronica deserves the best…

"If you want to end your relationship with my brother, I will support you."

Veronica shook her head. "Not that easy." The corners of her eyes watered again, making Cheryl regret that she had mentioned Mateo again.

"Don't think about him. I don't want to make you sad anymore." Cheryl hastily shook her head. "Okay, tell me where I can shower and clean myself. My body feels sticky because your tears flooded all over my clothes." She is trying to make a joke.

"Later, you better wait for Rafael to finish cutting the meat. We must eat because I know your stomach has been growling for a long time." As soon as Veronica cried so quickly, her face turned amused. Cheryl knew that she was just hiding her sadness, but Cheryl decided to follow her game.

"I'm so hungry," she moaned, leaning back.

"Your food is done, Cheryl! You can eat it whenever you want." said Rafael.

Cheryl frowned in confusion. Her voice was too loud for Rafael to hear it. Oh, how embarrassed she was now.

"Don't be shy. Rafael is not a serious guy. He likes to joke, and I'm sure we'll soon eat and laugh together." Veronica said.

Now Cheryl knows why Veronica came to Rafael's apartment. She wanted to laugh with that man and forget her troubles for a moment.

"Seems like that," Cheryl glanced briefly at that man and instantly, a short smile graced his handsome face when he found Cheryl watching him.

Go to hell! Cheryl swears that his face is much more handsome than the many gorgeous men around her. Even more attractive than Mateo! What made Veronica choose the jerk Mateo over this gorgeous guy?

"What do you think?" Veronica smiled mischievously.

Cheryl immediately averted her gaze, not wanting to be caught up in the terrible charm of her best friend's ex-boyfriend.


"Rafael." Veronica snapped her fingers. The rest of the tears were still clearly visible on her face, but now there was an amused smile that she seemed to be trying hard to show. "Would you be willing to trade that sweet Carlos for the dazzling Rafael?"

Cheryl swore that she was glaring perfectly at Veronica.

How could Cheryl exchange her lover for a foreign man she had just met? No, absolutely not.

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