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Omegas are the weakest, and Alpha is the strongest, that's the werewolf pack hierarchy. By the time the omegas reach 18 years old, they shift into a werewolf form except for Alpha. But I didn't shift my form on my 18th birthday even though I'm an omega. The Alpha says my strength is not just the strength of a werewolf. He smelled my weakness but he felt my strength. On my 21st birthday, I shifted form but everything was not easy for me. Like Alpha, I also needed moonlight calls and when the moonlight hit me, I became a powerful omega.

Chapter 1 Omega

"Three bloods must be united in one person!"

Retreating to the edge whilst pushing my body through the wall, shaking like a leaf, my eyes zeroed in on the approaching man with red eyes and sharp fangs. I shook my head while crying, begging him not to hurt me, but I think, prophecy is prophecy and this is my destiny; being bitten by the most powerful vampire while the child of an unscented wolf constantly kicking inside my womb.


That echoing voice jolted me awake. I blinked for a moment trying to activate my state of consciousness whilst feeling the presence of my dream as if it were really happening. Am I really that addicted to the book I'm reading that even in my sleep it visits me?

"Do you want to die?"

Automatically, the word 'huh?' came out of my mouth, processing the words of my friend Bella, in my head as she added, "Why are you sleeping there like... this is your house?" I haven't looked at her yet but my mind is already picturing the rolling of her eyes with her hands gesturing in circular rapid motion on her ears referring to the whole place, reminding me that I'm not at home. "Our boss whose name means love but heartless, calls you many times, girl."

A strong pounding of my heart drew in my chest, causing my face to rise, and look at her asking like a fool, "A-Are you sure?" Realizing my stupidity, I wiped my lips and changed the question, "I-I mean, why?"

I'm curious what our boss needs from me. Did I do something wrong? But time over, I just gulped down when I realized that I fell asleep in the middle of my work. How long have I been like this?

I know I'm sleep deprived because I'm tired. After here at Hildart I still have tasks that I must start and finish when I get home. But why am I complaining? Even if I tell my side, it's still useless because Sir Eros doesn't care. Who am I, anyway?

Taking a deep breath, I faced my printer. It's still on and I'm not done with what Miss Bimbie is telling me to do but I only finished about half a bundle of papers. I'm screwed.

Shaking her head, Bella told me, "I don't know. Maybe the one that Miss Bimbie gave you earlier to print is what he needs?"

I breathe out trying to get rid the fear out of me. But biting my bottom lip, my vision zeroed in on the circle that looked like a drop of liquid on the topmost bundle of paper on my desk. My eyes widened realizing that it was my saliva.

Swallowing so hard, I looked at her and asks, "Has 10 minutes passed since he called?"

She answered, "It's only about 3 minutes." She shrugged. "You know that once it took five minutes because I had a hard time waking you up..." She glares at me. "It's better to keep your distance. Don't go near him or you will die."

I breathed a sigh of relief for that '3 minutes,' but that doesn't mean I'm safe. I still have two more consequences to prepare for. First, I did not finish printing all the paper works that Miss Bimbie ordered me to do. Secondly, my saliva soaked the paper on top!

Barely fixing my messy hair into a bun, I also get to my feet. I know, Sir Eros doesn't want an ugly employee but nevermind... If he wrings my neck, then I will let him. After all, I have a tragic life and that's tiring.

I'm just living with my aunt who is my mother's cousin and mated to one of the strong warriors. She has a son and two daughters but they didn't treat me well. Because of my aunt, I experienced a daily slap. I haven't been here for a week working with sir Eros and she has already asked me to buy stock for their daily needs. And usually, I got slapped yesterday because I didn't give her anything. All I could do is to cry. I have nothing against them because my cousins ​​came from the strong bloodline in the father side. And my aunt is also a daughter of a warrior, while my mother and I are Omegas.

Besides being an omega, I still haven't recieved my wolf when I turned 18. Others says, maybe my wolf was stunned. But duh, Sophia, if you're afraid of your boss, you don't need to dramatize your sad life. Pity you is not in his vocabulary!

"I only called once, Ms. Fiennes!"

His voice seemed to break my leg and I lost its strength to carry my weight. I managed not to fell on my knees and Bella, my friend who seems to have two mouths when talking was also panicking. The papers were falling when I hug them, but fortunately this talkative friend of mine had a soft heart and picked up the papers that fell on the floor for me.

She said, "You need to go faster if you don't want to die, but if he kills you, just accept it, you'll still go to heaven because you're an angel, okay? Always remember that I love you."

I couldn't help but give her a glare and said, "Thanks, you're a big help."

She just grinned and raised two fingers as a sign of peace. "That's how I love you, Sophia! Now go! The 5 minutes are almost up! Good luck!"

I heard myself laughing wryly even though I was being attacked by the heebie-jeebies. I also feel like my face changing its hue because of fear.

If our boss was only human I could talk to him fearless. But Eros Hildarttre is an Alpha of Dark Moon pack and being feared of all people. It means, he has no inclination to give mercy at all.

Our pack is used to socializing with humans. Sir Eros is also a CEO of Hildart group, which holds different industries in different countries. But humans are unaware of what he really is. In our pack, I am an omega. I just don't know what the Alpha saw in me, that he actually offered me this job, personally. Maybe because I have many human friends?

The truth is, I came from Hildart University. That school is one of the highest schools in the city. I was given the favor of Alpha to enter that school for which I still don't know the reason. I can't even say that there's something special about me that only he saw because I'm a wolfless and I really have nothing to do with the pack, except that I used to work for him as his personal slave in exchange for my safety.

Now, currently standing in front of his office's closed door, I was visited by a bundle of nerves again. Breathing out through my lips, I decided to raise my fist to create a faint knock. But his voice inside halted me, "Get in." Along with opening the door.

Staring into his eyes as if he was mentally punishing me, my throat gradually dried up. It was as if I had become so tiny under his gaze that I had no choice but to bend down and focus my eyes on the floor. "H-Hi, sir."

I feel like it was a big mistake that I made a greeting of 'hi' that as he turned his back, quietly walking towards his desk, it seemed to indicate the word, 'your hi is disrespecting me.' It was only then I realized that I had to go inside, when the heavy door gradually closing by itself. I just blocked it with my hand and walked in.

The intimidating presence of my boss fills the room, as if telling me to be careful with my actions and words. I felt like I was inside a dark cave with a dangerous beast that could kill me anytime.

Then suddenly his voice dominated that almost made me jump, "Is everything all set?" I bit my lips so hard, looking down at the bundle of paper works in my arms.

In truth, he was not the one who ordered me to print the papers but it's Miss Bimbie. If he had ordered Miss Bimbie to make me do these, he would surely have cut off my head by now. I mentally scolded myself for not doing my job well, and here I am now, finding the courage to say this plea, "C-Can I ask for more time, S-Sir? I haven't really finished what you're asking me..." I held my breath first before finishing my sentence, "...to do."

Waiting for him to speak, I closed my eyes. I was afraid of the silence that prevailed throughout the office. I feel like anytime, he appears in front of me to break my neck or take my head off. Imagine that in just an instant my body ended up, creating a loud thud on the floor whilst my head just bounced off the wall and rolled towards the door as a sign that I was dead. But for several seconds he remained silence and did nothing. I slowly opened my eyes. I don't know how to look at him directly, but when our eyes met, my heartbeat thundering inside my chest.

"This is curious." He broke the silence and that was not related to what we should talk about. "You're an omega, but your scent is strong."


Quirking my brows, looking at him, he asked me, "Who are you?"

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