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My midnight luna

My midnight luna



"I'll kill them all, and take all that belongs to me" swore a nineteen years old werewolf. After her step father was murdered and all his property forcefully taken from her, the once tamed beta began learning how to use her numb fangs and claws and began learning to aim a pistol. Sooner than everyone expected, she became a CEO during the day and cold blooded immortal at night.....

Chapter 1 Female boss

There i sat so fragile, in the midst of the Alphas and top council men, with swollen eyes deep red from all the sobbing, someone would have thought i was already an alpha because of my eye colour, i heard the cell door open and my father was dragged roughly, and made to stand in the midst of the court stark naked, his hands and feet bounded with huge chains, I didn't know when I stood up and yelled

"Father, father, please I beg you, don't hurt my father, it's not his fault, please I beg you" I pleaded with another round of sobs

"Sit down you" I was dragged down by my uncle

From where I sat I could see his blood stained face, and bruised skin, he had been tortured beyond my recognition, but he still managed to weakly smile at me

"I love you" he mouthed to me

The whole council men became quiet as he walked in, dressed in a fine suit, his feet were adorned in fine leather shoe, he sat down at the highest sit in the court hall,

"Shall we begin? he asked as his dark red eyes laid lazily on the crowd, As we all know why we are here, I'll just get straight to the point, we are werewolves and we know living amongst humans is a crucial task we must carry out to ensure our existence and we all do so not go on an extinct, as much as it's a difficult thing to do we have rules we must abide by, and whoever disobeys them is being a threat not only to themselves but to us all" he paused briefly

"Tonight, adjourned from last week, we are going to bear witness and decide the fate of one of our here, my very own son, Hercule Jones"

From where I stood, I could never believe my grandfather could punish his son this much, yet subject him to such ill treatment, The was the so called rite master, the top alpha and ruler of the clan, they were the ones who passed judgment and punish the offenders, my grandfather Azazel was one of them, " my son here, having full awareness of the law still attacked and killed a woman and her little boy, all because he needed a favour from her but she wasn't willing to comply, as you all know, wasting a human life unnecessarily is one thing but a child's is so unacceptable, as we have those boneheads going after us and those religious people must be demanding an autopsy for the deceased but am happy our hunters burnt the bodies before they could get traced",

He peered at the court, everyone kept silent as they all watched him, his gaze fell on me, then my father he growled lightly before he continued "such a behavior is unacceptable amongst us here werewolves, talk less of the humans, we are glad that he was caught, and now he would face the full consequences of his actions, anyone here got anything to say?, or to plead his course?"

"Please spare my father!, Please I beg you, he didn't mean it", I repeated again struggling with myself to get up, grandfather knew it was me, he didn't even spare a second glance at me"

"Anyone...okay no one, Mr. Hercule Jones, by the power invested on me as the Alpha rite master and the clan head, I hereby sentence you to, thirty whip of the lashes and death by the silver rack...., Gilchrist..."



Three black sedan rolled up and parked at the entrance of Axel hotel, the one in front opened a man rushed out and opened the door for whoever was in the one at the middle he bowed as a pair of shiny heels dropped down and breezed in, and a slim girl with bored expression followed her behind



Gwen reached her office which was the top floor of the skyscraper, she then took of her sunshades and stood in front of the floor to ceiling windows and glanced down at the city, taking a deep breath, she turned sharply as she heard the door to her office open, her assistant walked in and placed her laptop on the desk, then booted it on, she eased in the swivel chair then faced the shaky girl

"Shall we begin?"

"Y...yes.. ma'am" she stammered


A tall man with a beautiful face walked into their hotel, he had flowers and a gift bag on each hand, "is your boss around?" Joeffery asked the receptionist

"Who the CEO?, He ignored her question, Yeah,

she is, you have an appointment?"

"No I don't, is not necessary" he blurted

"So sorry sir, but you need an appointment before you can see her, I don't want to loose my job, she said with pleading eyes, at that moment Jane came in with some documents for her boss, sir that's her assistant she can help you with whatever you need"

"Excuse me, your boss around?" He asked Jane

"Y...yes sir, is there a problem?" She asked looking modest

"Lead me to her" he ordered

"sir you need..."

"I have an appointment with her, just fucking go!" He yelled at the frightened girl

"Alright then, she squealed, follow me" She led him to the private elevator, then they got to the top floor



Outside the hotel, few kilometers away parked a black vehicle, with two guys inside obviously spying at someone, they both had binoculars hung on their neck,

"Well, is done, we have confirmed he's the one, can we go now" one said hastily

"Not yet, we gotta take lots of pictures to give boss" he said with a gruff in his voice as he began to twirl and click the camera



"What are you doing here" Gwen glared at the person in her office, the door was supposed to be fucking locked, oh Veronica, she made a mental note to chew out the girl when she returns

"Chill, am not here to bite, I came to take you out for lunch as it's almost twelve

"Am busy" she said and returned her eyes back to the laptop in front of her

"I won't take much of your time though" Joeffery said easing down on the sofa in front of her and placing the gift bag he brought with him on her desk

"Is it about business then?" She asked

"Must it be about business before I could see you or speak to you huh?"

She didn't reply him

"I came back yesterday, I brought this for you, he pushed the bag a little more closer to her, your uncle said you would...."

"Just say what you want to and leave, else why are you here?"

"I told you I came to take you out for lunch" she didn't reply him, silence engulfed them both for about ten minutes Joeffery just stared at her, he didn't know why Gwen didn't like him again, both families had been friends since they're parents were alive, and both were very close to each other, but after her father's death Gwen had to be something else, any who one stood close to her could feel the dark aura emanating from her,

but he liked her so much already

"How about dinner then?" He volunteered

"Maybe some other time "

"Sure I'll be expecting to hear from you soonest" he heaved a sigh of relief, as little smile creased the corner of his eyes, having her say some other time was better than having her totally refusing him.

Joeffery was feeling hot and intense inside the outfit he was wearing, the silence was becoming awkward for him "err..I...think I'll get going then"

"Hold on, she turned the laptop to face him, you know them?" She showed him a vehicle kilometers outside the hotel, with two men inside,

"Err no, I don't know any of them" he replied plainly

"Hmm, I'll have Veronica escort you out"

"Is alright, I can find my way out, no need for that" he stood up and left her

Gwen pressed the intercom "Veronica, get in here now"....

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