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The other dimension

The other dimension

Zul kar nain


Zanain mageski , a sixteen year old boy who leaves with his granddad, and Leo palmer his best friend. Got to find out about the mystery of this world, and how the world really works. After finding themselves on a place called realplane. Zain and leo, found they might just be the most powerful people alive. In a world filled with mages, werewolves, vampires, Phoenixes and many other magical creatures. they strive to survive as they learn to control new abilities, make new friends, and lots of foes.

Chapter 1 Celia Larson

Chapter: 1

“I need to get away, I need to get to the portal, and I need to save the young master.”

These were the only thoughts on my mind as I pillaged through the woods. The cursed traitors were almost upon me.

I could already feel the bridge that served as the gateway. My legs were half changed, to enable me run faster.

I ran into an oak tree as I made a right turn, I was running so fast, that couldn’t break my speed so I crashed head first into the tree. A loud crack resonated through the woods.

The tree fell with a loud thud and warm blood trickled from my head and into my eyes. I lost balance and fell to my knees the young master almost sliding from my grasp.

I struggled to my foot, and shook my head as i tried to regain my posture. There was no time to waste, and now because of my carelessness I could feel them already closing the gap between us.

And then it was there, I cursed. Luckily it was their underling who found us first.

However they were very fast. Afterall, I had run very fast, but it had no problem keeping up.

I wished that I could switch to full transformation, I would’ve been faster that way but if I did that, I wouldn’t be able to carry the young master.

It took a swipe for my face and I instinctively jumped out of the way, as my warrior instinct took over but I was too slow, its claws sunk into my midsection. The young master slid from my grasps and rolled on the floor crying.

the creature turned towards the master, its menacing eyes followed him as he rolled on the floor. that was another advantage, as these guys know only one thing; “order.”

it seems they were asked to kill the young lord, so it didn’t really care as long as i didn’t stand in its way. I quickly jumped, shifting to full transformation midair, and landed directly on its back. I could feel my wounds already begin to heal, my vision beginning to sharpen, and strength beginning to flood my body all my senses came to life as though I was sleeping before.

I flipped and landed directly on its back. It tried to shake me off but I held on. My strength giving me an edge.

I yelled as I sunk my claws directly into the center of its head and pulled out its brain. it dropped to the ground with a thud.

I could sense another one closing fast on us. I shifted back to human and quickly grabbed the young master cradling him in my hands.

I looked into his eyes. He was so young and innocent he didn’t deserve this kind of suffering.

He would grow up to become a great man just like his father I thought, as I continued our run to the bridge,

Weaving through the forests, thorns on the ground, tearing my legs. But I didn’t slow down… I couldn’t slow down; and then I heard him. He was closing in on us fast.

As we closed the distance, he finally caught up to us, and took a swipe at me as I jumped through the portal.

Zanain Mageski was sixteen year old. He was a tall lean boy with long dark hair. He had a “V” shaped face with sharp dark eyes, his skin was almost pale like, and his fingers were long and smooth.

He lived with his granddad, Kennedy Mageski. Who was a tall and sturdy man, his hair and beard were a little unkept, and his skin was so tanned he looked almost brown.

Mr. Kennedy had a thin long scar running from the side if his head to his jaw, in the left part of his face.

They're appearance was a direct opposite of each other. Zain (as everyone prefers calling him) would have been a cute boy if he wasn’t a no good brat. At least that’s what everyone seemed to think about him and his best friend.

His classmates, the neighbors, the teachers, even nice old Mrs. Lia disliked him, because he was fond of playing annoying pranks on them.

The teachers were tired of giving him detentions, and the principle Mr. Rennon Eddie just couldn’t expel him, as he was very good friends with his grandpa.

But deep down, Zain was really a good boy. He just didn’t want people thinking him weak, or pitying him just because he was an orphan.

And at school, he was just jealous of other kids for having parents.

It was a sunny Monday morning and It was the first day of a new session at school.

The alarm clock rang out loudly, Zain reached out sleepily for the alarm clock, and pressed the button but it didn’t stop ringing. He tried to take the clock, but it slipped of his fingers, and landed on the ground still ringing.

And then he remembered gramps had it customized the day before so he could be the only one who could switch it off.

“Great” Zain said , finally getting out of bed.

He took the clock opened his window and threw it out.

He knew gramps would have gone to work, and he also knew he would get grounded for throwing it out. But he didn’t care.

“I don’t know why gramps keep up with this alarm, it pisses me off”. Zain thought.

He came out of his room and found a note on his door.

it read “please don’t do anything mischievous at school today. I left some cash in the usual place for you. Love grandpa”.

He sighed; it has always been like this. Waking up to notes, his grandpa was an important business man and mostly didn’t have time for him,

but he tried his best to care for Zain in his own way. And besides, Zain would have been kicked out of school a long time ago, If not for the “generous contributions of his grandpa to the school,” according to the principal. Zain rolled his eyes.

walked to the bathroom, took his bath, went to the room to have a change of cloth. All this time, wondering how it would have been if he had parents.

He didn’t know much about them, he hasn’t even seen a picture of them. He didn’t know what they looked like, or how they smelled, or if he really looks like any of them, but gramps always says he looks exactly like his father.

Though he could swear he sees them in his dreams, but he doesn’t seem to remember anything after he wakes up from them, and for some reason gramps had erased anything that reminded him of them.

Gramps had told him they had died in a car accident when he was a year old. but he never said past that to Zain.

After years of pestering him without getting answers, he had finally given up.

Zain didn’t have another relative apart from gramps. According to gramps, he had his father when he was quite young, and his grandma died giving birth to his father. And gramps didn’t remarry after that.

Thinking about how good it would be, to come downstairs, to find your mother making breakfast,

He opened his wardrobe. He sighed, he was in a particularly bad mode today, and well it wasn’t a surprise, considering how he had been woken up that morning. Gramps sure knew how to make a person miserable.

After wearing clothes that were sure to stand out He strolled downstairs to the fridge and opened it. They were getting low on junk food.

He sighed “I'd have to visit the mall on my way back from school today" he thought.

He took a jug of milk out, and poured it on a bowl. Then he reached for the cupboard, to take the cereal as a knock came from the door.

"Great” Zain thought rolling his eyes."Darn Leo was unusually early today".

He could already feel today wasn’t going to be a good day for him.

He quickly put the cereal back on the shelf, drank the milk he had poured, directly from the bowl, ran upstairs to take his backpack and his jacket, and then quickly bolted back down, he ran to the sitting room, opened the box under the table, where he found some cash.

He emptied the money into his pocket, and quickly went out to meet Leo.

As he opened the doors, he saw Leo leaning on his bike.

Leo looked at him with raised brows; "it took you 3 minutes". He said sounding exasperated.

"at least, you could have just allowed me to wait inside for you instead of making me stand here in the sun".

"I'm sorry", Zain replied.

Leo rolled his eyes. "Anyways you have milk in your lips it looks like a mustache". He said trying to keep a straight face as his lips curled upward.

Zain laughed wiping the milk of with the sleeve of his jacket. "oow wipe that look off your face." Zain said laughing.

"Oh is that so? I Really I should have let you go to school with milk on your lips like a mustache" Leo replied, also bursting with laughter.

Leo palmer was two months older than Zain. He was a dark muscular kid, with buzz cut hairstyle and bulky muscles, looking rather military, he was almost as tall as Zain.

And was Zain's best and only friend. They've been friends for a very long time. Zain could still remember when they had connected.

It was at a birthday party. They were both seven, and they’d fought to dance with a girl named Marie. They had rolled themselves on the floor, bitten each other and pulled at their hairs.

When the fight was finally over, and they were both dirty and rough. She just said "yuck you guys suck" and ran off to dance with the cool guys.

They had both spent hours afterwards planning a revenge on her. They later resolved to dump a bucket full of ice water on her head.

They were both later chased from the party, but they were satisfied nonetheless.

Well ever since then, Leo has been his best friend, and his mother, Mrs. Palmer, became one of the few people who really cared about Zain.

“Well, are you ready for the new school session?” Leo asked Zain already knowing the answer he’d give.

"Nope” Zain replied “you?”

“Not at all” Leo responded they both laughed. And Zain rushed into the garage to take his own bike.

Zain and Leo loved riding bikes, it gave them a sense of freedom.

They loved speeding along, feeling the wind in their faces.

On their way to school, Zain and Leo rode their bikes, and fell into their usual habit of racing each other.

As they sped past, side streets and main road, Zain was going so fast, That he couldn’t stop himself when a girl was crossing the road and he ran her over with is bike.

As they collided, he rolled on the floor several times, before his head bumped against the road, as he came to a stop.

Zain knew he would’ve been out cold if not for the helmet he was putting on.

He struggled up immediately, without giving much thought to himself. His head swarmed a little but he blinked his eyes, and forced himself to continue walking.

Then, all he wanted was to help the girl. “I pray I haven’t killed someone” was the only thing repeating on his mind until he got to the girl.

She had long wavy blond hair, and blue eyes. She looked like a gymnast. Perhaps she was one. She was dressed in a dark crop top, blue jean, a jean jacket, and a black backpack.

She looked the same age as Zain, maybe a few months younger.

Leo was already upon her, stretching a hand, to help her up. She stood up; ignoring Leo’s outstretched hands, and brushing herself.

Miraculously, she was unharmed. She didn't even sustain a single bruise.

She glanced at Leo as if suspicious of him. Then she turned to Zain looking pissed. “Are you out of your mind, or are you partially blind?” she asked, anger clearly showing on her face.

After a few minutes of apologies, she finally calmed down, And agreed not tell anyone about it if they helped her the rest of the way to school, since she was going to walk anyways.

Luckily there were in a side street, so they were the only ones there.

After some quick inspection, Zain’s bike seemed to be ok. So he agreed to it.

It turned out she was new to the area, and also a new student of their school. But after telling them this, she refused to speak again.

Leo tried having some conversations with the girl, he said things like;

“hi I'm Leo and the one who’s riding you is Zain. Do you care to introduce yourself?”

But it seemed she wasn’t one for conversations, as she just looked at him with raised brows and got back to staring at the road.

“What's wrong with her?” Leo mumbled. Giving up and they rode in silence the rest of the way to school.

Upon getting to school, after Zain and Leo pulled into the parking lot, and parked their bikes,

The girl immediately got off and started to walk inside the school. But after few steps, she came back to where Zain and Leo were standing, staring at her like she was crazy.

She extended a hand to Zain “I’m Celia Larson”. “You?”

“umm I’m Zanain.” But pretty much everyone calls me Zain. He said scratching his head, and taking her hands.

As their hands touched, it sizzled with electricity.

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