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Vina Gold


Angie Johnson a clever, willful, sexy lady who was hell bent on making Ethan Rogers falls in love with her after her best friend fell victim to his charm. She felt infuriated and vowed to give Ethan a taste of his own medicine as she had hatred for men who use women for fun just like her biological father did to her mum and also her ex boyfriend who shameless had sex with another lady while still in a relationship with her. She decided to go to Ethan favorite club called Da Cartel club wearing a shimmering red dress revealing ample cleavage and was able to enticed him which made him decided to have her for the night. She had let him kiss and touch her but stopped him when she knew he was fully aroused and was about to take off her panty. She seductively brought out a black piece of cloth from her bra and used it to close his eyes then tiptoed out of his hotel room after leaving a note which says " A dick like you deserves blue balls". Ethan Rogers is a renowned player who never knew what poverty or heart break was had only one goal which was "to get his feel from every beautiful lady he meets and shatter their heart to pieces" but what he didn't know was that his nemesis was about to come in form of a beautiful sexy lady called Angie Johnson. When he finally met his karma who was no other than Angie Johnson, she didn't only humiliated him but also brought down his ego after leaving him not only with blue balls but had the guts to write a note which says " A dick like you deserves blue balls". He had swored to find her and make her regret ever messing with him to the point of calling his best friend who was a private investigator to find her and when he saw her again she acted her role of being his karma by slapping him after he had forcefully kissed her in the event when she denies knowing him leaving the onlookers shocked as they knew that she just wrote her death wish. Ethan decided to take revenge by making her boss make her work with him on a project and during this time he acted kind to her and even apologize for mistaking her with someone else while he makes plan to have sex with her on their four days trip to Paris. With so much hatred within them and the boiling desire for revenge deep within them, they succeeded in causing each other pain and failed to realize when they began to have feelings for each other but when they did realized it life didn't waste anytime in bringing back their past to hunt them once again.

Chapter 1 Spark of Revenge

It was 5am in the early hours of the morning, she woke up feeling dehydrated so she dragged herself from the bed and went into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She took a bottle of water from the fridge and a glass from the cabinet .She was about to pour water into the glass when she heard her name.

"Angie! Angie!" Bella screamed dashing into the house. The desperation from her voice made Angie drop the glass in shock which then shattered to the ground but that didn't bothered her as she quickly rushed out of the kitchen to the living room only to see Bella about to go up the stairs to look for her in her bedroom.

"Bella!" She called her and was shocked at the state she saw Bella the moment Bella turned to her,she was looking dejected with her hair looking unkept and her clothes looking rumbled not to talk about her makeup which looked horrible not like how she looked when she left the house yesterday. If it wasn't for the fact that Angie had known Bella for many years and they've been best friends since college days she would have thought that this was someone who just looked like Bella cause the Bella she have known for many years was crazy over her looks and would throw tantrums if she wasn't looking beautiful, sexy and sophisticated.

This state of hers alone told Angie that something had definitely happened to her and it was something really really serious.

"Bella!" Angie called her again extremely worried and was about going to her when Bella ran to her and hugged her tight. She was in shocked and was about to ask her what was wrong when she felt a drop of liquid on her shoulder that made her realize that Bella was crying though she was trying to hold herself from crying out which Angie knew wasn't healthy for her.

"Why don't you cry it all out and relieve yourself of all the sadness you are feeling right now " Angie said to her while patting her back softly.

It didn't take long before she let herself cried out in agony while Angie just stood there offering her shoulders for her to cry on while still patting her back.

It was about five minutes of Bella crying before she finally let her go from the breath taking hug she gave her which she naturally would have complain if not for the state Bella was in.Angie took her to the couch to sit down before going into the kitchen and took a cold bottle of water from the fridge then brought out a glass cup from the cabinet and poured water into it. She looked at the floor to see the shattered pieces of glass still on the floor. She carefully disposed of the glasses before taking the water to Bella .

She walked into the living room with the glass of water in her hands and went to sit on the couch with Bella then gave Bella the water to drink so that she would be calm and relaxed as water has a cooling effect . She was looking very devastated not like the cheerful, lovely and playful Bella she knew and it was painful for her seeing Bella in such state cause she had never once been in such a state before.

Angie just sat down there with her in silence and after a while Bella looked at her and gave her a fake tight smile trying to get her thinking she was fine. Her eyes were now puffy and swollen making her look extremely fragile.

"What's wrong?"She asked Bella softly which led to her sudden sobbing

"Aren't I good enough to be his girlfriend or is it that I aren't beautiful enough" Bella sobbed

"What nonsense is that,you are the most beautiful,lovely and wonderful person I have ever met" Angie said with a smile

" You don't have to lie to me" Bella said sighing

" I aren't lying beside who made you think less of yourself?" Angie asked Bella who began to play with her fingers as she felt ashamed to tell her friend about it

"Bella!"Angie called her making her stop playing with her fingers and looked up

"It's that man I told you I met in the club"Bella said looking so pitiful

"The mysterious man, you've been going on and on about?"

"Yes he is the same person,I thought I was going to be someone special to him but I guess it was all my wishful thinking as all he wanted was sex" Bella said in tears

"Please calm down and tell me what happened?"Angie helped wiped the tears from Bella's face

" He was such a charmer and made me fall deeply for him only for him to kick me out of his bedroom like a slut after we had sex" Bella said covering her face with her hands

" What?,how could he be so heartless?"Angie asked as she clenched her fist in anger

"I am truly the biggest fool to have even thought that I could change a manhore and make him fall in love with me" she cried deeper making Angie angry as she had hated men who used woman like a piece of trash. Her biological father deceived her mother and left her pregnant making her mom's parents threw her out of the house thankfully her mom met Brandon who had helped her through those difficult moment, they fell in love and got married then her mom began pregnant with twins Crystal and Adrian whom she loved so much.Angie had always been grateful to have a wonderful father like Brandon and felt blessed to have a wonderful family though they were not rich but their financial status wasn't bad.

Angie looked at her friend who kept on crying and couldn't let that manhore get away after doing this to her friend, she was definitely going to make him pay .

"Stop crying over him and I promise you I would make him pay for what he did to you" Angie said while wiping Bella's tears.

" But first i need to know his name so I can make a plan on how to make him fall crazily in love with me and when that happens I would shatter his heart to pieces"Angie said with determination in her eyes making Bella stop sobbing

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