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Mekra, the lone wolf, was never alone. He had the Trinity: his dad and his two sisters. He never knew that he wasn't supposed to be the lone wolf because he was bound to the Trinity curse. In the end, he'd find his true Luna bound by the moon. Besides being a gorgeous man in his human form who bled pheromones to attract any female companion close by, he didn't know that his true Luna was there all along since the first phase of the Trinity curse. It was Adrienne who was an Empath, bound to fall in love with her true mate, Mekra, and finally discovered she had werewolf blood in her veins. This explained the strong magnet relationship between them. How would Mekra get through the Trinity curse? And how would Adrienne release herself from the incubus' ancient spell to be with Mekra forever?

Chapter 1 Prelude

Allow me to tell you a little bit of this story...

Mekra, the lone wolf, was never alone. He had the Trinity: his dad and his two sisters. He never knew that he wasn't supposed to be the lone wolf because he was bound to the Trinity curse that in the end, he'd find his true Luna bound by the moon.

Besides being a gorgeous man in his human form who bled pheromones to attract any female companion close by, he didn't know that his true Luna was there all along since the first phase of the Trinity curse.

It was Adrienne who was an Empath, bound to fall in love with her true mate, Mekra, and finally discovered she had werewolf blood in her veins. This explained the strong magnet relationship between them.

How would Mekra get through the Trinity curse? And how would Adrienne release herself from the ancient spell to be with Mekra forever?

Read along as the mysteries will unveil themselves...


The only thing that I like and remember since I was a kid was running. I usually kept on running until I couldn't feel my legs. Or when I fell to the ground exhausted, unconscious, then woke up the next morning with my naked human body.

Sometimes the coof air breeze of the Green Valley woke me up in the morning. I usually crawled in the darkest night with only the blue moon as its light. The moon always looked too close to my head. The bright light made me dizzy and kept on forcing me to stop running with my four strong furry legs. My strong werewolf legs.

So tonight, I kept on running. I wasn't running from reality, but I was running because that was what I did. That was what I did. I ran as a werewolf.

[No, you ARE running from reality.]

I know I'm a werewolf but how come I have a lizard brain like a serial killer has his alarm at the back of his head each time he makes a mistake or when the danger is approaching?

I guess I am. I was running from reality. I still remember what Neal, my dad said to me,

"You are a werewolf! How do you expect to be running by yourself? You're supposed to be in a pack! With the other young men from our village. Are you a werewolf, or not?" my dad shouted at me.

And as usual, I left and ran. My dad called me, Mekra the lone wolf. I was born a werewolf but I never feel like one. I always feel... trapped.

Sometimes I dreamt of my very best friend that I had never met before, saying:

Birds of a feather flock together.

And I kept on answering in my dream with," What if the bird is in a cage, how come they can fly together?"

And I'm not a bird anyway, I'm a wolf, and a cage doesn't suit me. Though the cage is my pack. Then my very best friend in my dream would say, "I know, coz your heart is free."

Then I usually woke up after that last line.

I kept on wondering who my very best friend might be. Sometimes I could see a gleam of silver neck-length silky hair. It looked like it was a she, but she had a strong line on her face that told she was weighed with wisdom and maturity. No, she didn't look old, even though she looked like she was as old as I am. She just... looked mature.

It had been said that each werewolf had his or her true mate. Once they fell in love, then the mate would be with the werewolf forever. I wonder if my mate would be from the Nasriantra clan here in the Green Valley, or another place.

I wish she was from another place, if she's from around here, would that be so boring? If that happens, I could never go out of this valley. I can never fly. Well, then. I'm not a bird, I'm a werewolf anyway. In the pack is where I belong.

There was a crisp sound from the bush behind my back. I rushed to face it and was warned. My ears and my tail were tense waiting for what had approached. I was ready with my claws and my sharp teeth. Then there was...

[What? Why are you so tense like that? It's just me!]

My little sister, Crystal appeared and spoke through her mind. We communicated through our minds when we were in werewolf shape.

If I had my human palm at that time, I'd squeeze her thick red hair head for scaring me like that.

[Why are you following me?]

I asked her in my mind.

[Dad called for you, there's something he wanted to talk about, only to you.]

She replied.

[What now?!]

That was the sound of my lizard brain, not the sentence I muttered in my mind for Crystal.

I sometimes don't get why it's wrong to be a lone wolf. Why should I always travel in a pack? What if the pack just doesn't suit me? What if their ways of life are something that I don't like? Should I be someone that I'm not?

I ran back to the head of the clan's house with Crystal beside me. The biggest house with many rooms for meetings is in this Green Valley. There stood a charming man with a built body, broad shoulders and strong muscles reflected his glory. Neal Nasriantra, my dad, the head of the clan and the alpha. He suddenly stood from his comfy big leather chair when I entered the main room.

He smiled gloriously when he saw me.

"Yes, dad?" I opened the talk.

"Mekra, my only son," he replied. And yes, there was only Cakra, my big sister, Crystal my little sister, and I, his only son. Our mother had long passed away when she gave birth to Crystal. Crystal was the only werewolf with magic. That explained why my mother had to pass away. Giving birth to a werewolf was already excruciatingly painful. Giving birth to a magical werewolf like Crystal was even more dangerous that took the whole magic handlers in the village to help our mother. Still... she couldn't be saved.

"I think it's time for you to go to the Main Land..." he continued calmly.


-to be continued-

Author's Note: '[' and ']' are used to tell that the character was talking to himself or communicating telepathically with the werewolves.

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