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" Don't touch me!" Mara screamed as she tried to escape from the room but met the door locked. A man in only his short walked toward her and grabbed her hand.. " I should not touch you? Did you not enter my room at the middle of the night because you want this?" He asked with an husky and amused voice as he grabbed her waist and planted a kiss on her cheeks! " No... No. I don't want it this way... I want you to love me first.." Mara cried as she felt her knees weaken with his touch. Mara Keln was just a 24 years old girl who had a very fast education and completed her education in no time. She joined a modeling company as it had always been her dream to be a world known model but things haven't been working her way because of the dangerous man she happened to meet in her childhood. Wills was her best friend and her most trusted person but he turned out to be a animal in human form and he molested, harassed, blackmailed and made Mara's life a living hell! It was on the day she was supposed to accept a marriage alliance with Wills family that she met the one she truly loved... the man of her dream and she decided to give it a chase!

Chapter 1 I CAN'T LOVE YOU

" Don't touch me!" Mara screamed as she tried to escape from the room but met the door locked.

A man in only his short walked toward her and grabbed her hand..

" I should not touch you? Did you not enter my room at the middle of the night because you want this?" He asked with an husky and amused voice as he grabbed her waist and planted a kiss on her cheeks!

" No... No. I don't want it this way... I want you to love me first.." Mara cried as she felt her knees weaken with his touch.

" I told you that can never be possible." Blake replied.

Mara Keln was just a 24 years old girl who had a very fast education and completed her education in no time.

She joined a modeling company as it had always been her dream to be a world known model but things haven't been working her way because of the dangerous man she happened to meet in her childhood.

Wills was her best friend and her most trusted person but he turned out to be a animal in human form and he molested, harassed, blackmailed and made Mara's life a living hell.

It was on the day she was supposed to accept a marriage alliance with Wills family that she met the one she truly loved... the man of her dream and she decided to give it a chase!


" I will just go and come back very soon, dad!" I shouted as I ran out of the house with his car key.

" Mara!"

My dad called but I wasn't ready to reply to that because it was a call for me not to go and I had to go.

I must go because it was a work call and today wasn't really the best of days too.

So, what better way to clear my head than to work?

I was supposed to stay at home today because it was a Saturday morning but how can I? When I had a lot of work to do and a lot of things to clear my mind of? Sleep? Even if I take medicines, I would never be able to sleep...

that was just how troubled my mind was...

I saw my mother coming after me and I increased my pace as I quickly opened the car door and jumped in with a little smile on my pretty face.

" Mara, can you not go? You know what today is!" My mother muttered with frustration in her firm voice and I turned my head away.

How can I not remember what today is? Today was the day an alliance would be fixed between my family and Wills family. But what good is that? I do not love him. I do not love Wills at all!

" You know Wills family are coming today and you have to be present because your engagement date will be fixed today..." My mother added as if she was going to convince me with that when all that did was break my tender heart into million pieces.

Wills was my childhood friend, we were so close that he was the one I liked the most in the entire world and he was really my everything. My life radiated around him and he was all I needed to be happy but everything changed one day. I was heart broken and devastated after what he did to me in high school that I spent a whole month at home without stepping out of my room and that was when we stopped being friends. Seeing him infuriates me and memories about what he did to me made my heart ache..

I'm sure I would be traumatized if I stay a day with him and that was why I changed my school then and I've been avoiding him ever since.

I was just starting to forget about him and forget the painful memories when his parents called my parents and asked for marriage alliance for us. My parents agreed because they didn't know what happened back then and there was nothing I could say about it. I had no say and it felt even more difficult than death to tell my parents what he did to me back then.

Maybe I should have told them about it that day, maybe... just maybe, this alliance would not have become a problem to only me now but it was even much more difficult back then that I couldn't bring myself to tell them!.

" I'm sorry, mum but I will make sure to be back before they arrive." I said and closed the door before driving out of the house. I looked back and saw my mother worriedly looking at the back of the car and I sighed. I felt bad and miserable.

I hated to see my mother this way but what am I suppose to do? It was difficult for me too and I hated the whole situation. I was never the type to joke with my Saturday it was the only day I had to myself and I spend it sleeping and resting. If it was any other Saturday, I wouldn't have picked my boss call because I would never want to go to work but this Saturday was the worst Saturday of my life and I needed something to help escape it.

It was like a prayer answered when my boss called me and asked me to meet him at work because there was something we had to do. I didn't even bother to argue as I just rushed into the bathroom and took a quick bath before dressing up as if I was being chased after and ran out of the house. I wished I could stop this alliance but I had no say even though it was my life,. Even though I was the one getting married off.

If crying could solve problems, I'm sure the tears I shed these past few days would have solved this alliance problem but I wake up every morning into the reminder of the alliance count down and the day is finally today but I can't seem to believe it and my sadness threatened to swallow me whole.

How on earth can I marry Wills? How am I supposed to survive if I marry him? What am I supposed to do to end this?

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