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Reborn of the Demon Empress

Reborn of the Demon Empress

Tina Nwuba


Diana, the daughter of the Black dragon Demon died a tragic death in her Young age of life, she was poisoned to death by Karl. But fate played with her because she was reborn again…. Waking up to a body that wasn't hers, she discovered that she was the Luna of a strange world where the Werewolves, vampires, Demons, witches and other kinds of creatures co-exist together. Seeing that the whole world was against her because of her brutal self, and after discovering her arranged marriage with Alpha Jayden of the Dark Moon Pack, she made the run and escaped while finding every means to return back to her world. But everything turned upside down when she was caught and held captive by the Alpha that wouldn't let her go. "You're my Mate". The voice of the guy who captured her, announced****** A romance that formed between two opposite types of characters, A brutal Alpha Lord and a brutal Young Lady from the modern City time. Agree you're as interested as I am!?. Let's begin then, it's going to be a fun ride!!.

Chapter 1 Death.

It was raining heavily.

Loud noises of thunder followed by the strike of lightning.

There were several dead bodies on the cold floor. Bloods were scattered around on the floor like water. Diana withdrew her Gun seeing that she had executed her intentions as planned.

"Burn their bodies". Her voice was threatening like lighting itself. Some part of her body was covered in blood, her hair swayed backwards caused by the sudden air outburst.

"Yes Boss!". They replied at the same time to Diana that already made her way out. Behind her was Karl, her one and only trusted bodyguard.

Not minding the pouring rain, Diana made her way out. Immediately she came outside of the building, the cool air of the rain welcomed her, red liquid started gushing down from her body because of the rain water.

Diana's face at this moment was like that of a vengeful spirit, her both eyes were fierce. Her face showed no emotion of any such. Her walk was so elegant, every step she took was fearless like a Boss she was.

After getting over to where the car was parked, Diana entered the back seat of the car after throwing the key to Karl that caught it.

In no time, the car started after the two were already settled in. Karl then drove out speedily from that environment.


After a 10 minutes ride...

The large gate before the car opened up after hearing the very first beeping that the car made.

Soon that very car drove inside speedily, the water on the floor splashed roughly because of that.

Bossy Diana came down from the car after the car completely stopped. She headed straight to the large Mansion in front of her without turning her back.

Karl soon followed after Diana.

Getting inside the Mansion, she went up to her room, after which she then headed straight to her bathroom.

Diana stood under the shower as the water poured on her head, downwards to her legs. Red liquid also poured down from her body.

Soon she was done with bathing so she came out from the bathroom. She put on her clothes before making her way to her pool.

Diana sat and relaxed her body on the chair close to the water. Her mind was all cleared because of the blood of others that she shed.


Karl was staring at Diana from afar. He sighed deeply in relief and anxiety after seeing his very opportunity. He was holding a glass cup with a bottle of wine.

After recollecting himself, he walked right over to where Diana was relaxing herself.

Luckily there was a glass table near Diana, he helped open the wine. After opening the bottle of red wine, he poured a little down on the cup before handing it over to Diana who collected it from him.

"You may leave. I'd like to be left alone". She ordered him. Her voice was firm and rigid when she said that. And in no time, Karl pledged his respect to her before excusing himself from her presence.

"What a nice way to enjoy this rainy view". She muttered before directing the glass cup to her mouth. In one swift move, she gulped down the red wine into her system.

"So distasteful". She said in annoyance before placing the cup on the table beside her. Diana rested back her head on the chair as she enjoyed the view before her.

But that wasn't for long, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. That made her groan out in pain. Diana clenched her hand into a fist because of this.

In no time she fell on the floor and started vomiting and coughing out blood.

"What is happening to me!". She coughed out forcefully because of the way she yelled out.

Diana felt her life force fading away. Suddenly all she could see was darkness. She couldn't move any more despite all her efforts put into it.

With the last of her strength, she tried her best to get up from the floor but she only ended up falling inside the pool. "K... Karl!". She tried calling as she was beginning to drown already.

"Is this how my life will end?. I didn't actually believe so". Diana completely let the darkness take over her. Her body already became stiff, and her heart stopped beating completely.


Karl that was behind watching all these moments, he came out from his hiding place. He walked to the pool where he could clearly see the figure of someone.

"I'm sorry Boss. But this is the only way, you have to die for us to live". He muttered.

Karl waited for a little while before helping Diana out of the water. Her body was already cold and stiff like ice. Even though in death, her beauty can't be hidden.

Karl carried Diana in his arms before heading outside from the Mansion. He was to announce to others about the tragic death of their brutal, fierce lady Boss.


"Huh?. I didn't die?". Diana got confused when her both eyes that were shut suddenly opened up.

She got even more confused when she tried getting up but only ended up hitting her head hard against some wooden cover.

"How did I get in here?". She wondered because all she remembered was that she fell inside the pool after she felt a sharp pain in her stomach.

"Whatever!". Diana then forcefully opened up the wooden cover that was preventing her from completely moving her body.

Her eyes widened in great shock and disbelief when she saw the way that everyone stared at her as if they saw a ghost. Diana didn't want to think much about this, so she quickly got up and moved away from the golden casket-like box. She was even still wondering how she ended up here.

Diana suddenly came to halt when she finally noticed something. The way these people dress, it's extremely weird to her. She scanned her environment thoroughly. Diana deeply sighed when she saw that no one was ready to talk. They were all focused on staring at her.

"Since you guys aren't ready to talk, then I perhaps will. Take away those hidden cameras!. I'm not a movie star you know. Do you people know who I am!". She burst out on them. How could they bring her here to shoot a movie without her own notice!?.

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