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Fated to the She-Alpha: I have two mates.

Fated to the She-Alpha: I have two mates.



"For Better for worse, I, Athena Williams, The She-Alpha, will always Love and cherish the both of you. And there is nothing in this world and beyond that would make me think or do otherwise... " Athena proclaimed Heartily, her eyes dancing with uncontrolled affection for the speechless men standing in front of her. Abused and Wolf-less Athena Williams has always been despised by her pack, harassed, and bullied because she was weak. Athena never lost hope in herself because she knew one day, her wolf would awaken. And her Life takes a sharp turn when the CEO of U.A Enterprise, Caesar Lincoln - and the underground Dark Mafia Lord, Ramiel Ragnar Piques interest in Athena and none of them were planning to let her go anytime soon. Additionally, her powers finally awaken only for her to discover that she wasn't just an ordinary Werewolf, She was the legendary She-Alpha written in the prophecy! Caught in the middle of this rollercoaster ride, What awaits the She-Alpha at the end of this hectic ride? Who will she choose between her two mates that are capable of setting her heart aflame? And what happens when they discover about the evil forces lurking in the shadows? Romance ✅ R18 ✅ Mystery ✅ Dark ✅ Action ✅ Heartthrob ✅

Chapter 1 She can't handle this.

Athena couldn't handle this.

Why do they always fight like they wanted to kill each other? Did they really hate each other that much? Collins Growled at Kelvin as they both launched at each other, eyes glowing and claws slashing. Worse was, they were right above her, because She had been sitting at their middle when the fight started, and none of them had given her any chance to take cover before they decided to start killing themselves. Athena was in the middle of having lunch with the rest of the pack, yes we are all werewolves but Alpha Gerald wasn't here at the moment, so it was left for the betas like her, to separate them.

But Athena wouldn't count herself as one though.

Quickly, she dived under her seat as they both landed right beside the seat, throwing and hauling each other. Kelvin and Collins were twenty one, but for some reason they've always acted like they were still teenagers and hated each other, and there was no day they won't get into a fight. But today's fight was more serious, and they had already inflicted severe wounds on each other. Athena quickly crawled out from the table through the other side but unfortunately she was kicked aside by Beatrice who was trying to separate them.

"Get out loser!" She sneered.

Athena quickly rushed out of the place.

But unfortunately, she ran into someone right outside the door. And of all people it had to be Neil and his friends, the ones that bullied her the most here. Athena's heart jumped out of her chest as soon as they locked eyes, and she just knew she was in big trouble. Neil derived joy in bullying her every time they crossed paths, and his friends would also join in. It's like he's taken it as his job to belittle her every single time, and he has been doing this for years, and there was just so much Athena could take.

"Hey!" He grabbed her face roughly, squeezing her cheekbones.

"Let go of me!"

"Okay fine. Just pull my hands away with your strength, and I'll leave you alone,"

He's always said that, and she's always failed in doing so. But she would still tried, Athena grabbed his arm and pushed with all her strength. Her eyes were glowing slightly, and my finger looked a bit longer than before, but he wasn't even using werewolf strength at all. She kept pulling, but he didn't even bulge. He and his friends were laughing at her now, and Athena fought back the stupid tears that had gathered in her eyes.

She was nineteen, soon to be twenty so why the hell was she this weak? She was a werewolf, so why has she always have the strength of an average human? What is so wrong with her?

"Awww, she's gonna cry again. The cry baby is gonna burst out soon," Neil teased, laughing so hard holding his chest.

"Should we get her a diaper?" Oliver, one of his friends added and they laughed even harder.

"You were supposed to be killed as soon as you were born, but thank Goodness you're still alive. We can have so much fun, can't we?"

Up till now Athena was still trying to push his arm away from her face. He was hurting her, and he knew it. Worse of all, some of the other beta's kept passing by, giggling at her.

They didn't want her here, so why does she keeps coming back here?

'because you have no where else to go Athena," Her subconsciously reminded her delicate heart.

And then, he roughly pulled her back into the cafeteria where she had just ran out from. The fight was over, Collins and Kelvin weren't in there anymore. Neil climbed up a desk, still pulling Athena up with him. He was sort of like the most popular guy among the betas, and of course the strongest so everyone listened to him whenever alpha Gerald wasn't around.

"Look what we have here everyone. A human in werewolf skin."

Some banged their tables excitedly, while the girls giggled and whispered, pointing at the Wolfless female.

"What should we do with her today? Hmm, any suggestions?"

"Let's use her head and clean up the whole den!"

"Let's thrown her between Kelvin and Collins."

"No, let's thrown her inside the garbage can,"

"Let's ask The alpha to take her to the summit with him next time..."

There was an 'oo..* from everyone, and the guy who had suggested that was getting high fives from everyone close to him. The summit was a secret place known to only alphas, and it was where they had their meetings. Alpha Gerald isn't just any alpha, he's the alpha of all the werewolves in America right now. And then there is Alpha Samuwa, the alpha of all the werewolves in japan, and that's how the list goes.

"How about we make her do...all that?" Neil suggested, and there was a sudden uproar of cheers and laughters, and drum beats of course.

"Let's start by using her hair as a mop!"

And then Athena was tossed on the ground.

She already knew my hair was gonna be used as a mop, and after that she was thrown into the garbage can. Kelvin and Collins had been locked inside their rooms, and no one wanted another mayhem between them so they couldn't bring them out and throw her between their fights. And lastly, Alpha Gerald wasn't yet back from wherever he had went to.

It's not like he ever helped Athena's situation, he always ignored it whenever she was being bullied, like he wasn't there at all. The first time she mustered the courage to talk to him, he had suddenly flared at her and even hauled her across the room making her collide with the wall at the other end.

She was knocked out that day pretty Good. And since then, Athena never even thought about going close to him again.

Right now she was heading to work. . It was time for her shift as a cleaner there. Athena had already taken a quick bath and left the den, stepping out of the woods. The den was located under ground, and it was insanely huge! Well anyways, she had her bag around my chest as she walked out. Quickly, she boarded a cab. Athena worked as a cleaner at the biggest and most successful company here at New York. Athena took out her phone to check the time, it was already 12:00am.

She was gonna be late again.

She was dropped in front of the company, and took her sight up where the name had been boldly written up

X.A empire.

Stepping inside, the company was bursting with workers moving here and there. Every was on their feet today, making Athena wonder what was going on.

She found out the next second. The CEO had just walked out of the elevator.

Athena dived for the nearest door, and shut herself inside of it. The CEO of X.A empire was Caesar Lincoln, the most scariest, yet most handsome man Athena have ever set her eyes on. He wasn't exactly scary, but his demeanor, his aura, his status, his stature, his endless beauty might just make anyone pee in their pants. She's ever stood before him before, but the way she always heard people talking about it, she just know it's true. How can a mere human give that sort of impression?

The only person who talked to him was his assistant, Katy Wilfred, and that was only because she was his assistant. When Athena was sure he was gone, she took in a deep breath and opened the door.

She shouldn't have.

The person she was running from was standing right on the other side, just a step away from her. The moment Athena opened the door, he locked gazes with her and everywhere suddenly turned hot. Even the air she was breathing felt hot, and it was as if something was stuck in her throat, and her whole body was frozen solid. Is this really happening?

The man had jewel eyes that were insanely captivating, and his nose was straight and perfect. His lips were dark pitch, and his jaw was sharp. His chiselled face could make any woman drool.

Athena was pretty tall, but the man was taller, and he had broad shoulders.

Taking her eyes away from his took a lot of courage, and she found myself looking down at the pink shoes she wore. Does he wants her to move out of the way? She shouldn't be behaving like this at all. He was right in front of her, and she composed herself!

"Excuse me sir, but do you need anything?"

He didn't reply. What now?

"Is there uhhh anything I can do..."

Athena gasped when he suddenly leaned his head down till they were staring at each other eye to eye. Those green eyes looked as if they were accessing her, like they could see through her and even deeper. And...their faces were so close, if he leaned in anymore, he would be kissing her.

The heat had skyrocketed!

Wait, does he knows who she really was? Like...he knows she's not human? Did he notice anything strange about her? A lot of werewolves do mingle with humans a lot, but humans are unaware of their existence. They chose to keep it that way. Infact in this company there were over thirty werewolves working here under Alpha Gerald. She had always avoided them..

But she was more human than any of them, so if anything happens, she would be the last to be discovered if this is what it's about. But this man, he kept cocking his head left and right as he stared more keenly at her face. This is crazy, she doesn't even know him. He was making her sweaty all over, and she wanted nothing more than for him to go away.

She couldn't handle this!

She needed to move, just walk away. Run the other direction... anything!

The moment Athena took a step back, she felt as his strong arms reach out and grab her arm. Athena's eyes flew open as a new wave of heat crashed all over her. And now, he was bringing his head even closer...till it was buried in her neck. His lips grazed her skin, and a shiver ran down her delicate spine. Next thing she knew, he gently licked her neck and she would have sworn time stopped.

But he didn't.

He licked it again, while Athena was just rooted to the spot.

She had no idea why she was still able to stand, or why her thrumming heart hadn't exploded by now.

The CEO of XA Enterprise was licking her.

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