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chukwudubem kelvin


"How can I fall in love with my boss? isn't it detrimental to my wellbeing?" Emily asked. Emily Ethan, a local underpaid stripper who moves to the city of California to start life afresh. Continues with life style of strip teasing in a famous private nightclub. Where she was accidentally offered a one night stand with a billionaire Playboy named Noah clerkson which she later find out was going to be her boss and she, his P.A. Will the two of them learn to fall in love with each other disregarding their differences and past? This is an erotic novelette filled with suspense, horror, drama and comedy. Stay turned ❤️.


•••••It was mid summer and living in the countryside,it was extremely hot. El Paso,Texas was the birth place of Emily Ethan.

Born to a family that majorly reared cattle and sold diary products,it wasn’t enough to meet up with the society demands and that made Emily take to stripping as a means of survival.At day time,she stacked the dollars,at night time,she was in clubs. As a stripper,she’d earn quite a lot of money and being a famous one,her number of clients and pay increased.

Emily being very beautiful with dyed pink hair,she was tall almost 6ft with a figure worth dying for. While other strippers were known for going under the knives to achieve the perfect Nicki Minaj look, Emily was born with natural curves and thickness that most strippers were jealous of. Emily cared less. All she was all about was,making money and securing that bag. She had a family to look after and siblings that looked up to her.It was midnight and she was getting dressed up in the locker room. Her three close pals,Antoinette,Janelle and Roselyn were both seated in stools,getting their makeup done.“I’ve gotta make more money tonight to pay up my rent. I’ve got two weeks or they kicking me out.” Antoinette said.“We gonna make more money,don’t worry. We already practiced the routines. It’s up to us and afterwards,we stacking that dollar bill.” Emily said.

“Yes girl!!” Janelle and Roselyn squealed happily.Antoinette being the lowest paid stripper was always finding it difficult to wow the men in the club. She gets little or no tips and some times,men don’t throw up cash at her while she’s performing. She stared at her reflection in the mirror while being lost in her thoughts. Thoughts of quitting or just continuing with this kinda lifestyle.She glanced at her friends,watching them giggle and chatter. Unlike them,she was skinny with A-cup sized boobs and a flat ass. The men preferred thicker girls which her friends weren’t lacking and she,she felt like an outcast. She sighed and then began filling her brows.

A man in formal clothes moves into the locker room with a mic in his hand.“Sweeties,ain’t ya ready yet?” He asked,beaming with smiles.“I’m done,it’s just Antoinette and Emily.” Janelle says as she gets up from her stool.The man walks to where Roselyn sat. They shared a brief kiss which disgusted Emily.“You girls are gonna be making a whole lot of money. We just spotted some big shots in the club tonight.”

He said.“I’m guessing it’s Akira’s lucky day. She’s always lucky with the billionaires.” Emily said.“With that fat ass of yours,you could get lucky.” He said.

“Jade. You are the pimp and you know that Akira does the job better than we do.” Emily said.Jade knew that she was lying. Everyone knows Emily was the audience favorite and men literally paid higher to watch her strip for them in private.Jade being the club manager was so fond of her and because she pulled more dough and customers,she was paid twice the amount the other strippers received.

“You should be out in the VIP room in the next 20mins,Emi. Some old geezers already paid to have you perform for them.” Jade said.Emily drops her makeup brush on the desk.

She wasn’t particularly happy about it. She hated private sessions with a few clients because most of them were abusive and that had resulted her into throwing fists at them.She sighed,she would say it’s not her fault as it is what she had signed up for from the very beginning. To her,most of these men lacked manners and they were too desperate as most of them saw her as a sex doll.She hated men,especially the ones who couldn’t treat women properly.

“I’m done,Jade. Lead me to them.” She said.Jade happily moves out of the locker room with her. She was wearing a white furry shaw over lingerie she had on. As she kept following jade,she was lost in her own thoughts. She was contemplating on either leaving El Paso or simply telling Jade to increase her pay.

The thing is,she owes Jade a lot of money and she needs to strip tease a whole year to be able to pay off the debt.It was as a result of her mother being diagnosed with cancer and she had to borrow a lot of money for her chemotherapeutic treatments. Jade being greedy,paid everything off under the condition that she would have to work for him for four years. This is her third year and what she wished for,was to move out of Texas and away from him.

Jade was notorious for molesting the ladies and treating them like trash but because Emily banked more cash for him than the rest,he treated her differently.Emily moves into the cozy place with Jade who was eager to introduce her to the new clients.He trotted to where the old men sat and then,he gives them a bow.

“Thanks for you patience. Can I introduce y’all to the beautiful and amazing... Juice De El Paso.” He said,gesturing to Emily.Emily made catwalks to the pole while taking off the shaw. The men leaned into the couch in excitement as they anticipated her performance.“Don’t forget to throw some money at the feet of the spectacular performer.” Jade says,winking at the men.Emily flowed with the music,seductive climbing the pole and connecting with the men. As she strips,they both threw chunks of money at her,clapping in excitement at each movements she made.She swirled on the pole and choreographed to the music. When she was done,the men clapped happily and gave her bundles of $100 dollar bill.

“She’s really as good and sexy as you said.” One of them says to Jade.“I would never lie to a client,dear sir.” “What about she spends the weekend with us,hm? We are ready to pay $100,000 to have her all through the weekend and we promise to give her a good time.” The second man said,smirking at him.Jade glanced at Emily who was now pulling on her lingerie.

“Well... can you gimme some minutes? Imma talk to her and get back to you.” They both nodded and Jade scuttled to where she stood.“Emily...” he whispers.Emily turns around to look at him.“Yeah?”“Those old geezers wanna have you all weekend. They are gonna be dropping $100,000 and you know,we can’t fuck shits up.”Emily glances at the men who were now drinking from their tumblers and chatting

“I don’t think I’m interested. They are rather too old.”“They are big shots.”“Still,I am not interested.” She said while walking to where her shaw laid.

“But you don’t have a choice. You work for me.” Jade snaps.Emily picks up her shaw and then turns around to look at him.“I don’t care.

I work for you,yes. But I also have to make my own decisions and no means no.” She said.Angered,she walks out of the section and towards the door that led to the backyard of the club. When she got out,she comfortably sits on a pavement. It was her favorite spot and this was where she does all the thinking.

“I wanna leave this horrible place. I can’t believe Jade would want me to sleep with those old men. What the hell?! Do I look like Akira?!!” She fumes.

She had hated stripping for Jade because she couldn’t get to be herself. This was the first time she had rejected an offer from Jade and she knows,Jade was gonna make things difficult for her here afterwards.‘What am I gonna do?’ She thought.“Sincerely speaking ma’am,this place doesn’t suite your talent.”

A masculine voice said from behind her.She quickly turns around to see an unfamiliar man standing at the entrance. Ordinarily,no one could come here except the staffs and the strippers.“What do you mean?” She asks.“Wouldn’t it be a fair question if I asked you what you wanna do with your life? I mean,look at you. Thick ass and hips,pretty face,an hourglass figure and good pole dancing skills. Girl,you can make more money in many big strip clubs. Jade is a fucker,he is only exploiting you.”

“So watchu want me to do?” She gets up from her sitting position to face the man.“I know of a club that is hiring strippers and the pay is very good. Plus,you take 40% of what you earn every night.”On hearing what he just said, Emily's face brightened.

“That’s... wow!”“Yes,wow. I know the manager,a very good friend of mine. If you don’t mind, I could talk to him on your behalf.”

“That’s great...” She walks to where he stood,”... but where is this place?”

“California.”She couldn’t contain her joy as she squealed in excitement. She had always loved the idea of working in a place farther away. California had been her dream place and she never made plans of visiting there because she had no one living there that could shelter her.

She always heard that things were really expensive over there and that one could go broke due to the taxes.“Free accommodation and security. Moreover,you get to do what you want and make your decisions.” He grinned. Emily was so overjoyed that she hugged him.“Oh thank you,thank you very much.” She says.“No problem.”She breaks from the hug.

“So when do you think is best for me to leave?”“Tomorrow Evening...” he takes out a business card from his pocket.“... call me. I will disclose to you my location and then,I will fly you down to California.”

She collects the card from him and began reading what was written on it.“I will definitely give you a call,Mr...?”

“Benson,But you can call me Ben.” He said before giving her a sweet smile.“Okay Mr Ben,I gotta go. I have got other things to do.” She says and then,she stuffs the card into the boobs’ cup of her lingerie.

“Tomorrow then?”she nodded with a smile on her face.“Of course,tomorrow.” She said.She leaves Ben behind as she walks into club thinking,she haven’t thought about yet,she was convinced in her heart that this was her moment.She have to leave El Paso and she needs to see the outside world.

She wasn’t going to tell Jade about it,after all,this was her chance to be free from his clutches.

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