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Gifted House

Jeanne Jacques finds herself trapped in a marriage contract signed years ago by her father in exchange for her brother's freedom. Will she accept the task of staying with a man she barely knows? Will she ever experience love and understand what it truly means?

Chapter 1 Prologue

“Innocent, Not good, Unchained, black and white, bat saves” he kept muttering, roaming the streets of Pauvre de Lais. He hated the darkness and the rain. They often remind him of himself.

“Hatred, Love, Death, Life. All are one and the same.”

People were staring. As usual, like they always do. He covered the black cloak over his head. He planned on paying a visit to La Statue de la Sainte Mère de Dieu so as to confess his sins.

“Sins, Lost souls, white not black.” That was his favorite line in Saint Livre de Prières his mother chanted to him every night when he was little.

Mother said the book was only for the pure in heart. Those with clean, unstained hearts. Not him. His heart was black and sometimes white.

He sighed heavily and wondered what was going to happen to him now. He had no home now. Nowhere to go to. Father won't let him in for he was stained with the blood of another. He said it was a sin to do so. Especially if it's an innocent.

He held out his right hand and grinned. He struck again and had no regrets,felt nothing at all.

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